
Nexus Convergence (Canceled)

The entire multiverse used to be automatically managed by a series of interdepended systems created by a being of immeasurable power. One day, the Fate system, the one which used to assure the safety of any world inside the multiverse, started giving up on some of the words and it's creator was nowhere to be found. Ethan, resident of a relatively peaceful planet called Earth, was pulled from his deathbed by a new system that came online. A system whose only purpose is to save those abandoned worlds. Join our hero as he travels from one world to another, all with the hope of eventually gaining enough power to return to the one person he loves the most, all the while being unaware of how this entire journey is set to change him.

RiderRo · ファンタジー
78 Chs

Return to Cloven City

On the morning of the next day, our lesson was broken by the sound of knocking on the door. I sat up from the bed and went to open the door. As soon as I did, Lysa immediately said:

"Good morning. Are you guys ready?"

I chuckled and nodded: "Yeah, we don't really have that much luggage. Come inside." I moved to the side to let everyone enter the room and closed the door right after.

As soon as everyone was inside, we all gathered in a circle in the center of the room and I started channeling my mana. Teleporting long distance was quite hard and I was unable to do it without Ai's assistance.

'Ai, give me the coordinates and monitor the teleportation spell's integrity.'

Ai gave me the info and I started extending my mana through the void towards those coordinates. As soon as she confirmed everything was all right, I extended my mana into a circle under our feet and also did the same in the forest right outside Cloven Academy. Once that was done, I started connecting the two locations through the void, effectively nulling the distance between them. This was the part where I had to use the most mana. As soon as the two circles overlapped into the void, I canceled the one inside the inn room and released the spell. Space then fixed itself and we instantly appeared inside the forest outside the Academy.

The spell drained more than half of my mana but I was still fine. As soon as we appeared in the forest, Lysa excitedly started looking around as she exclaimed: "That was so awesome, I didn't even feel anything. How did you do it?"

Seeing her excitement, I slowly explained how the spell worked. She didn't understand that much but was still happy nonetheless. In fact, except Anise, everyone looked like they were in a really great mood.

Anise kept staring in the direction of the academy, a troubled look in her eyes. I moved near her and grabbed her hand while saying: "Don't worry. I'll also be there with you when you confront your mother."

She nodded and was about to say something when Oliver interrupted us from the back: "We're going to go and visit Cloven City. It's been a while since the last time I came here and want to go have a look around. How about we meet tomorrow morning in the adventurer guild?"

It was obvious he wanted to give me and Anise some alone time and I was very grateful for that. I accepted his offer and saw him drag the others in the direction of the city. Once we were left alone, we were just about to start walking in the direction of the academy when I started feeling space all around tremble.

It looked like Anise didn't notice so I tightened my hold on her hand and said: "The space all around is shaking. Looks like she's coming here."

Anise squeezed my hand harder and looked a lot more nervous than before. Soon enough, space cracked in front of us and Anise's mother walked out of the space crack, the same cold expression as the last time I saw her. Seeing that it was me and Anise, her expression became a bit complicated for a moment before turning cold again as she said:

"Didn't you say you weren't going to come back? Go back."

"Mother…" Anise was obviously hurt by her mother's words, but her mother didn't look like she cared as she turned around and said: "You are no longer a daughter of mine. I just came to investigate the spatial fluctuations near the academy so I'm leaving now. You're free to do as you please."

Seeing her turn around and starting to cast a spatial spell, I also got annoyed and used my mana to lock the space all around. As her incantation ended, she was surprised nothing happened and turned towards me.

"You want another beating kid? Don't forget the last time you only lived because of Anise's pleading."

Her words pissed me off of even more, and I started channeling my mana as well. Seeing the situation going out of control, Anise grabbed my hand and shook her head while saying: "This is my problem, Ethan. Please let me deal with it."

Seeing the conviction in her eyes, I stopped channeling my mana and took a step back: "Don't forget that I'm here if you need me.". As my words ended, I moved further back and sat down while keeping an eye on Anise and her mother. I was not that worried since the Anise now was nothing like the Anise from before. Not even mentioning her level reaching 60, even her mastery in magic was miles apart. She was now capable of using almost every fire, water and air spell there was without the need of an incantation.

Anise kept staring at her mother as mana started swirling around her body and the temperature started raising in the whole area. Anise's mother had an incredulous look as she looked at her daughter and said: "Don't tell me you want to fight me?"

Anise didn't even reply as fire started spreading all around her and she charged straight at her mother. Her mother's expression changed when she saw Anise silent cast a fire spell and started moving back while continuously dodging her attacks.

Seeing her keep dodging her fire attacks, she started using other elements, throwing wind and water blades as well, but her mother just dodged and blocked them while moving around Anise in a circle. There was even a small smile visible in the corner of her lips but Anise was too caught up in attacking to notice.

Exasperated, Anise stopped and yelled with tears falling down her cheeks: "Why aren't you fighting back? Stop running and fight back!"

Her mother didn't reply and just kept staring at her daughter with the smile now gone. Anise got even more enrage and started using larger spells, uprooting and burning the trees all around us, but her mother still only dodged and blocked her spells.

[Ethan, her mana will run out soon.] said Ai as I was looking at the scene in front of me.

'I know. It's fine. Let her just get it out of her system.'

Anise eventually wasted all her mana but didn't managed to leave a single scratch on her mother. As her mana finally reached zero, she lost her balance and started falling down. I used a space spell and teleported in front of her, catching her body before she could fall to the ground.

"Why…" she murmured before passing out completely. I sighed and gently laid her body on the soft grass before turning towards her mother.

Her mother raised an eyebrow and said: "Are you going to give it a try now?"

I chuckled and teleported right in front of her with a finger touching her forehead as I said: "You might be able to run from your daughter with ease, but that's only because she didn't really want to take the risk of hurting you. If she did, you would have died at the start of the fight."

She nodded and said: "I know, but if she let her feelings prevent her from winning this fight it shows that she still has a lot to learn."

"Maybe, but she just wanted to earn your approval. No matter what she said, that all she ever wanted. I know you are proud of her progress, but what I can't understand is why won't you just admit it? You should do it before it's too late."

"What do you mean by too late?" her expression changed and she looked at Anise with a worried expression.

"Don't worry, nothing is wrong with her, but she said she'll be joining me when I leave this world. If you don't take the chance to settle your differences now, maybe you never will once we leave."

Her expression became even more complicated as she looked at me. Eventually she sighed and said: "Can you let me take her back to the academy and speak with her alone? I also need some time to think. "

I nodded and replied: "I'm going to go into the city and settle some other matters. I'll visit your academy again tomorrow."

She nodded and started walking towards Anise who was laying down on the grass in deep sleep. Picking her up, her mother turned towards me and said: "Thank you for taking care of her." Before casting the spell she used to teleport here and disappeared.

Left alone, I sighed and also teleported near the gate of the city. As I finished my teleportation, Ai said to me:

[Are you sure that is the right decision?]

'Yes. She might be a bit cold and strict, but I can see she loves Anise very much and will never hurt her. Anise also needs this just as much. Let's hope they will be able to settle their differences in the end.'

Ai didn't say anything else and I stepped inside the city, walking in the direction of the library. As I entered the place, Cyrus was already there looking at me with a smile. He motioned for me to follow after him and led me in one of the reading rooms in the back. As we both sat down he said to me with a smile: "I heard your journey up north was successful. Thank you."

I nodded and said to him: "I already know that you're this world's will oracle, I came to ask you if the will of the world ever tell you about what is threatening it."

Cyrus shook his head and took a small booklet out of his robes before passing it to me: "Read it. Inside is everything she ever told me."

I accepted the booklet and started reading through it. It looked more like a journal, containing all the words the world will ever said to him. Most of them were just normal predictions, but as soon as the war started, the lines became more interesting.

'My strength is waning, with hope nowhere in sight. As they are leeching onto my body, I looked into my destined fate and saw only darkness. Even some of my faithful have left me. Will you leave me too someday, oh oracle of mine?'

'The voices in the north will go silent and there's nothing we can do about it. Oh oracle of mine, are we really forsaken?'

'Hope has finally returned to me. Up north, into the coldest top of the highest mountain. Please seek it, oh oracle of mine, find it and guide it.'

'Why did it have to be there? A place so deep into the leeches lair that is completely out of my reach? Has Fate really given up on me? I will not let it end like this, even if I have to go against His word.'

'….city of Atar… throne room … one last service…'

'…He's here… fateless… guide… Atar..'

'…He's won... Past… hope… north…'


It was clear that the world's will was following my actions closely ever since I appeared in those mountains.

[The world's will probably interfered with that teleportation device and Anise's summoning.]

'What makes you think that?' I was quite surprised by Ai's words.

[The part where it says 'Even if have to go against His word.', probably refers to the world will's programing. She probably interfered with the device and Anise's summoning to teleport you close to her oracle. Also, her words became a lot more scattered after that, obviously dealing with a backlash for breaking her programing.]

After reading through the booklet and putting it down, Cyrus said: "The world is hurting, and you, as all fate chosen that came before, have the duty to save it. As you can see, it's strength is becoming weaker by the day. The last message I received was yesterday. I don't know what it means but I thought it might make sense to you."

He was right, I knew what it meant, at least part of it. The will wanted me to visit that girl sleeping underground. What I didn't understand was why. Without Senna, I had no means of waking her up.

Sitting up, I didn't bother correcting his misunderstanding that I was the fate's chosen and said: "All right. I'll go and check out the town of Dramen. I'll come and visit you right after.'

Cyrus nodded and I teleported directly to the room where the girl was sleeping, but nothing changed. She was still in deep sleep and the magic circle I modified was still active, preserving her body. After looking around for a while, I asked Ai:

'Do you think the world's will also wants me to kill her?'

[Probably not. The will can't possibly know about what is going on inside your soul. There must be something else going on with this girl, something we're unable to see.]

'Hmm, then what am I supposed to do here?'

With Ai giving no answer, I started looking around once more, basically turning the place upside down but still didn't manage to find anything.

[Try searching her body. Maybe she's carrying something else besides that rapier that might prove of use to you.]

Nodding, I reluctantly started searching her body but also didn't find anything. Getting exasperated, I was just about to leave and ask the oracle if he had any more clues when Ai said:

[Try taking out your staff.]

'What for?' I asked, confused about how would that help.

[When Anise translated the words on the hilt of the rapier, some of the words there said 'Eternal Bride'. Since the staff is called 'Staff of the Eternal' maybe there's a connection between the two.]

As her words made sense, I materialized the staff and placed it close to her body. At first, nothing seem to happen, but as I tried to take the staff back, I noticed that it wouldn't budge no matter how hard I pulled. I let go of the staff and waited patiently nearby. After about half an hour, I started feeling mana leaving my body and entering the staff.

'Ai, what is going on?'

[The staff is slowly draining your mana and spirit, but I don't know the reason. Don't worry, I can stop it before your spirit reaches critical condition.]

I nodded and we waited for another half an hour before the staff stopped draining my mana and spirit.

With an incredulous expression, I watched as the girls eyelids twitched slightly. The girl frowned slightly, before slowly opening her eyes.

Her green eyes moved around the room, like she was looking for something before getting fixed on me. As she looked at me, the frown of her face disappeared and was replaced by a pure smile akin to a flower in full bloom.

"You came." She said I a soft voice, full of longing and love. I felt my heartbeat increasing, like those words sent my entire being into panic.

After her words sounded, she closed her eyes again and her body disappeared into specks of light, the only thing left being the staff I placed on her body before.

With her body disappearing, the state I was in just a moment ago was also gone and I asked Ai:

'What the hell happened? What was that and where did she go?'

[I don't know, but your entire soul space started shaking the moment she opened her eyes and didn't stop until she disappeared. Also, look at the staff.]

Turning towards the staff, I noticed that there was a white ring around the shaft that wasn't there before. I picked it up but nothing felt any different and I checked it's information through the system.

[Staff of the Eternal - magic staff

Quality: unique;

A staff created of pure spirit energy, mean to be wielded only by the person who inherited the Eternal legacy.

Bound Magic: Guiding Star (1 use);

Protector (imperfect) -(1000 mana cost, 24hrs cooldown);

Effect 1: Increases the power of all elemental attacks by 100%

Effect 2: Reduces the mana cost of all time and space magic by 50%

Effect 3: Converts spirit in mana at a ratio of 1 spirit for 2 mana.

Effect 4: Can store up to 1000 mana inside the staff.

Effect 5: Soulbound weapon.

Effect 6: Blessing of the Eternal Brides.


'Ai, do you know what this new bound magic is?'

[I don't know. You will have to try it for yourself to find out.]

Thinking that this spell might share some light on what was actually going on, I sat down on the ground and went to sleep to recover my mana and spirit. Around six hours later, I woke up and went outside.

Holding the staff in my hand, I pointed my staff forward and called out: "Protector". As my words ended, I felt my mana draining really fast and watched it take the form of the same girl from before right in front of me.

She knelt on one knee, pierced her rapier on the ground and supported both her hands on it's hilt as she said with her head lowered: "My lord, Eternal. What is your command?"

The entire turn of events left me stunned, not really processing what was going on anymore. What was even weirder was that she didn't give the same feeling as before. Even her voice sounded a lot duller.

[It appears to be a summoning spell. The soul and body of that girl got absorbed inside the staff and you can now summon her at your side.]

'But wasn't she just a girl who was spared from the calamity? How did she suddenly became my summon?'

[You can try asking her?]

I nodded and said out loud towards the still kneeling girl: "Who are you?"

"Your loyal servant, my lord."

"I meant, what's your name?"

"I have no name."

This conversation was going nowhere and I said to Ai: 'She feels like a robot now, completely different from before.'

[Touch her hand for a moment.]

Nodding, I bent down and placed my hand atop hers. I felt a bit awkward but the girl didn't react in any way.

[Her body is an avatar made out of mana without any soul to inhabit it and is controlled by the staff.]

'Then, what happened to her soul?'

[Her soul is probably still shattered inside the staff, that is also why the spell appears to be imperfect. It looks like you still need to find a way to fix her soul before getting your answers.]

'How do I even do that without Senna?'

[Since she fused with the staff and you can house the staff inside your soul, it will be no issue with her following you back to the Nexus, so you're not in a hurry. Also, her strength will be a great help to you.]

'Is she that strong?'


Name: Unknown;

Health Points 610/1000;

Level: 100

Strength: 120;

Dexterity : 169;


Her status appeared in my vision as Ai said:

[Her health is equal to the mana you used at the moment you summoned her and is slowly draining away, but her strength and dexterity make up for it. The downside is that she can at most stay summoned for around ten minutes and is also unable to use any magic.]

I nodded and canceled the summon as I watched her disappear again.

'She is indeed strong. She might be able to even fight on equal grounds with that demon, but I wonder why the world will sent me here.'

With only one way of finding the answer to my questions, I teleported back to the library. I explained the situation with the girl to old man Cyrus, but he shook his head and said with a sigh: "I'm sorry, but I don't have the answers you're looking for. All I know is written in that booklet I showed you earlier and I'm receiving less and less of the will's words these days.."

"All right, I'll come back from time to time to find out if you have any news. Thank you."

After that, I said goodbye to Cyrus and started heading towards the adventurer guild. I planned to let the others know Anise's situation and also tell them we're going to the Capital as well.