
Next Future

In the largest archipelagic country in the world, located between two oceans and flanked by two continents, making Indonesia a country rich in natural resources and also rich in culture, with all the advantages that exist, Indonesia has established itself as a country with great diversity, in the world. The city of Jakarta as the center of the economy as well as politics throughout Indonesia, occupied by more than 10000000 inhabitants, makes the city of Jakarta one of the largest metropolitan cities in the world, and this time a 21-year-old young man named Adi, will be the main focus of the story. Where he will get a clue about the great disaster that hit various countries around the earth, the clue gives him strength and also gives him an opportunity, Enables Adi to take advantage of the opportunity well......., and then how to prepare for the big disaster that will soon occur....... On the other hand, the ability he got from his strange dream, required him to tell other people about the great disaster, unlike other stories how the protagonist had to keep secret or divulge the information anonymously, then Adi was required to tell everyone about it. And the more people believe in the information he provides......., the more benefits he will get......, then how is Adi's journey to prepare for the disaster and what steps will be taken, to make other people aware of the disaster, Will his efforts will be to prepare for the safety of himself and those around him...., and how far will he be able to survive..... amid various major disasters that have hit the earth one after another.

adi_gm · SF
183 Chs


Name: Adi

Age: 20 Years

Duty: 850/1000

Day: 31/181 before the disaster

Equipment: Living space of 180M²

Prizes: 450 Million


Adi has been assisted for 1 month by several friends and his girlfriend is busy promoting natural disasters that will happen to the earth, but as is well known that Adi did not get too many responses, even for 1 month he tried only less than 1000 people believed to what he said.

So then of course, in this case, Adi felt that, something was wrong with the way it was conveyed or whether the people he had conveyed the information did not take themselves too seriously, stopped, and then they just thought what Adi conveyed was a joke.

On the other hand, Adi then began to reflect on the delivery method that he had done, he always felt that something was missing so basically his efforts was not optimal, and this, of course, resulted in the number of people who believed in what was conveyed was not too large.

Just imagine in his college he has been doing quite intensely for the past few days, but not too many of them believe him, and just assume that Adi is doing a pointless job. Or even have a similar view as Fikri where Adi benefits by doing so.

It was just that he didn't tell anyone else, seeing as the population of his campus had tens of thousands of students and only a few hundred people believed it, or even less. Of course, Adi was annoyed and also did not believe it, however, what was conveyed was by the existing facts and could be traced scientifically.

So how can these students reject a reasonable idea that is supported by the existing database, and for that Adi is now thinking about what makes them distrust what he has worked so hard for. Not to mention that this can be said to be something very convincing, both in terms of argumentation and in terms of data collected carefully.

What Adi may not know is that what he has been doing for some time has aroused the curiosity of most of the students on his campus, not to mention the information that has been disseminated to all corners of the world has also aroused the curiosity of most of them. have read what he has to say.

It's just that there is always a point that can't be triggered by the notification of information conveyed, so then basically there is always the last obstacle when they want to believe what Adi said, and in the end, they go back to where they are and doubt it.

And now Adi's job is to confirm what their doubts are and of course help them break through the barriers both mind and mental, about their doubts about the great disaster that will come to earth.

If Adi wants to think again, then he feels like the prophet Noah, who told his people that there would be a flash flood, and he prepared by building a large ship that could accommodate many lives.

But in the end, only a handful of people wanted to enter into that, learning from that of course Adi felt that he was in a more advantageous position, where openness and knowledge had become the foundations of human civilization today.

So that as long as something can be explained by science then humans can accept it, in contrast to previous knowledge which can be said if you only talk but basically without being supported by evidence and also sufficient theoretical basis, obviously they will think you are crazy or even in extreme cases they will hurt you.

Because it is considered to cause noise and also noise which in the end, chaos is the end of it all. So, as a modern child, of course, you can't run out of these things, he is already sleeping in modern times with all the existing facilities, and with all the rapid development of science, not to mention the awareness of humans which has been said to be very high.

So then it can't be helped but explained that what Adi said was true but most of those who received the information didn't want to believe it, and again, it was Adi's job to convince those people who had doubts about what he said.

So then he started again trying to find out various information, more specifically about advertising because he felt that maybe he should try to make advertisements, and broadcast them massively on electronic media as well as in print media, stopping then basically those who could see what information was coming from. delivered is bigger.

And from there, of course, surprise and curiosity will soon spread, along with this, the advertisements that he gives are repeated, of course slowly, he is sure that sooner or later they will believe in what he is given because Adi thinks this is something people who create ads usually do anyway.

Brainwashing from the audience as well as customers, massively and continuously, and repeatedly until they get the trust of those who are intended for the brainwashing.

Not to mention there is a saying that, a lie that is constantly told will eventually become the truth. So when Adi reads the sentence he seems to realize something, and calls whether it is true or not but if it is conveyed continuously then humans will naturally start to believe it.

Because basically it is embedded in their subconscious, and after thinking about it, of course, Adi can't just ignore it, what's more, what is conveyed is true and of course, even though he benefits.

Adi also understands that on the other hand, he feels the need to do his best with what he is doing because he who knows the reason why he was chosen also understands, that everything starts from cause and effect, and he is at this point it can be said to be the result of cause and effect of everything his predecessors had done.

So then of course he couldn't just prepare for the opportunity that was given, and it was here that he then determined his heart to continue to do his best to make others aware of the danger that lurked them.

And this is done by starting to find out more about the advertising companies around him, to see which ones have influence and also which ones are suitable for him to give the task.