
Newborn Reflections: A Final Fantasy xIv Story

Follow L'uneth Tia, descendant of a Crimson Duelist, on his way to forming a Linkshell with his new chosen Family while learning more about his world while he follows his Idol's footsteps. Little did he know that while accepting a regular Levequest at the Adventurer's Guild his entire worldview and knowledge about his world would be turned upside down.... This Fanfiction is dedicated to my chosen Family and Comrades, the people who stand by my side every day. Be it in real Life or online while adventuring: This is for you guys.... This is a Fan-fiction and all Rights belong to Square Enix and their respected Creators and Creative Units!

Tato_Silva · ゲーム
13 Chs

Rescue of Lulumydo: Into darkness, into battle

„Okay Gang lemme go over the whole Plan one more time ay?"

X'Ehn Nunh was at the entrance to Satasha and using a stick to explain the formation they were gonna go into the dungeon. The reason he tried to make the attack patterns and rotations how he could keep most enemies at bay and make it easier for Gwendolynne and I to properly attack and cast spells…or that's what this explanation should be for if there wasn't one teeny tiny little thing:


"What's yous doing at front Xenxen? Whys you using a shield? Whys you using sunglasses in a dark cave? Yous weirs Xenxen ehehehe~" Hoshis ongoing childish curiosity. Time was of the essence, and the Gladiator in the Party moved up front while holding a Torch in his Shield-hand. The Torch was still off, but he wanted to have it ready if we entered into a wider room where they needed an extra light source as a countermeasure to be flanked. The sandy earth on everyone's boots was already soft and crunching with every step we made while delving deeper into the pits of this moldy and wet cave, which was always home to pirates, Monsters and many smugglers. My sword was already drawn, and I had the first syllables of a thunder spell incantation on my lips ready to throw two spells at some, Gwendolynne had her spear ready to throw or stab depending on the situation and Hoshi was…she was humming and jumping around happily like we weren't trying to help one of us out of this wet and cold grave. "I swear by Rhalgr's Comet….her bouncing and jumping around while we dive into this Pit is disturbing...Pitchfork, would you please make lizzy take this seriously?" Gwendolynne smiled, nodded and threw one of her cold death stares we saw while being on the ship to Aleport and the speed how Hoshi switched from hyperactive to serious was fascinating //I Seriously should learn from Gwendolynne how to make a stare like this//

We entered into the first wider cave inside this complex of narrow paths and open spaces and as we thought: "all torches are out and water level rose…." Was the only thing I muttered….guess that's it with the thunder spells…"Cave Aurelias! 4 at 11!" I ran to the flank while X'Ehn Nunh hit his Saber on his Shield to create noise and provoke the Cave aurelias: "OI! Over 'ere you stinkin jellyfish jigglewiggle thing!"

The aurelias immediately ran towards our Vanguard, while Gwendolynne an I could shower them with attacks. I stacked them together with a double incantation of aero to trap the Aurelias in a small swirl of wind, as any thunderspells were out of the Option since we were standing in a huge puddle.

"Nice Going Firecracker! Now Pitchfork!" X'Ehn Nunh was parrying the Aurelias tentacles while keeping them busy and focused on him while Hoshi ran around swinging her Staff singing loudly:" Yous get a heal! Yous get aheeeaaaaaal yous yous get another heeealyhealheal~" and showering our Vanguard in a shimmering light while keeping his Injuries in Check. Gwendolynne was above us with her Feet at the caves' ceiling, preparing her spear for a flurry of strikes. The timing was right for me to burn away all the liquid in the Aurelias after they got pierced over and over again by Gwendolynnes obsidian spear. It took only one look for our Dragoon to understand what was going on, while I focused my ether into my crystal pummel, making the tip of my blade shine in a gleaming red :"Ohoho! Y'all are TOAST!" were X'Ehn Nunhs last words before he jumped back so that my Fira spell landed on the 4 Aurelias, who were still trapped inside the doublecasted aero. Wind makes fire blow stronger, which made the Fira explosion stronger and burned the 4 Aurelias to into charcoal. One satisfied look from Gwendolynne, who was scanning the perimeter for us and a victory dance from Hoshi later, we were checking our Rations and Equipment just as a safety measure after X'Ehn asked me to take a look again, and I started to chek up on our stock of potions and food. Also, I got the feeling that our Vanguard wanted to keep me occupied with the mission to not fall into worries or negative feelings' and as much as I appreciated his concern, it wasn't necessary:

I knew what I assigned for the moment I stepped into the drowning wench, I knew the risks when my master and I left Ala Mhigo while escaping the garlean soldiers and magitek weapons they use, I knew no one would take me serious the moment I offered to look for Lulumydo….but I didn't know I would be part of a party and have many others watch my back. It was reassuring and felt nice to not have to look back every two seconds. "Lunlun! Looks happy! We save small one with Happy face, yes?!" I couldn't help but smile at Hoshis comment, as if she knew I needed to be cheered up. The comment made me realize something I almost forgot in all my seriousness and worries: This was an Adventure. Of course, we wanted to save one of our own, but it was still an adventure! X'Ehn Nunh smiled the moment he saw me relax, and he patted Hoshis head: "Good one, lizzy."

Gwendolynne came back looking satisfied with her recon, showing us the safest way into the depths of Satasha without creating too much attention and running into way too many battles that we could handle with this small group of ours, but I had a somehow uneasy feeling as if we were overlooking something…. I was sensing aether…. Someone's aether? And it wasn't a monsters' aether.

*sniff…sniff* A faint sound came from one of the old rooms inside this open space inside the dungeon. I looked to Gwendolynne: "May I ask what is inside this room there?" I pointed at one of the closed rooms in front of us. Gwendolynne looked and immediately answered. She said it was most likely an old storage where the Reavers left some Rations and Barrels. I nodded and ran immediately to the door and tried to open it but: "…it won't budge even one inch!" somehow the door wouldn't open as if someone didn't want this door to be opened, and he barricaded the whole room….*sniff sniff* the sniffing sound became louder, and I put my ear and head on the door.

*sniff…Somni…are we going to die in here?....I still didn't do anything….* Now I was sure of it!

"Lulumydo! It's me L'Uneth! We came to pick you and Somni but you have to open the door for me!" Gwendolynne also heard the voice and sniffing and Hoshi looked happy jumping up and down after she realized we found our comrade inside this storage shed.

"L'Uneth? How did you find me? And Why did you come alone?????" I calmed Lulumydo down, telling him I wasn't alone, and I brought back company and how Baderon asked for a provisional Party to get him, but Lulumydo still wouldn't stop crying. The door was also shut still. Why wouldn't he open the door. I hit the Door multiple times with my Fist:" Lulumydo the coast is clear! We need to get out now ! We have a safe way back!" *sniff*

Some rumbling could be hear from inside the storage: "I didn't hide myself in here because there wasn't a way out but because of WHAT is hiding here L'Uneth….He's watching….."

We heard a rumbling and some hissing noises, while some steps came closer. The steps made the sound of something splatting the water and Gwendolynne immediately went into a stance with her spear readied to strike anytime."….baleens…." she said firmly, signaling us to get ready. X'Ehn once again got into position in front of us all, protecting the door: "You get Shortcake out their Firecracker! You got as much time as Hoshi can keep me patched up and as much Etherpotions as she can drink!" Even Hoshi who was mostly goofing around inside this Dungeon and making happy faces was serious now as if she could feel the tension. In fact, all of us could feel the tension, you could cut the air with a knife….

"Lulumydo. You told my on breakfast that if I have any questions, I should come to you, right?" I bumped harder at the door now using all of my body: " Who am I supposed to do this if you're locked inside this storage?! Come out so that we can help each other out!".

The baleeens entered the room, and we were already surrounded. The situation looked dire, and I had to get away from the door to draw my blade and make my incantations ready, but before I entered into battle with everybody else I had one more thing to say to him:

"I trust you Lulumydo, we all do….so come out and show me how you conquer your fear. Show me how we can get out of here together…" With those words, my incantation was ready, and I jumped into the battle with everybody else.

Lulumydo sat with his back leaned on the door, holding his head in frustration and fear….