

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · ファンタジー
127 Chs

Chapter 84

Leading us through a door to the left leading to a lower level, the lights turned on as we walked down the stairs. The room was dark until we walked down and reached the bottom. A soft light arose from the edging of the room all the way around. Noticing that this was her master bedroom except it seemed off in a way no dresser or other furniture laid around. It took me a little time but realized that this was not her Master bedroom at all, it was her playroom.

Ropes draped over hooks on one side of a bed with restraints on the other side. What should have been the headboard turned out to be shelves that held toys and other devices of all shapes and colors. A sly smile appeared because I loved my girl more and more.

Daria reached the opposite end of the room and glared at the two of us.

"If you wish my King, bring her to me and I will make her play" as she PM'ed me.

I watched Daria as she started to reach for a firm rubber paddle. I grabbed Catherine's hair with one hand and walked her over to Daria.

"Stacks you are now going to join our family tonight," I said handing her over to Daria.

Once she heard her name, she knew at once she was mine. Walking Catherine over I pinched her nipples from under her dress turned her around for Daria to tie the rope around her arms. I teased her nipple until they blossomed out from arousal. Skillfully tying her from the biceps down to her wrists Stacks was for the pleasure of our delights, and she now knew it.

I had noticed a chair when we walked in, so I let Daria take control of Stacks as I grabbed the chair and placed it by the bed.

"Daria, please show me what you can do my love." Sitting down as I said it.

Daria glanced at me. "Shell, I make her cum, my Lord?" She asked seriously.

"No!" I said, "only to the brink Daria." I replied with an equally serious face.

Daria tilted her head with a nod "yes my Lord." She said as she took in a breath and released it, unknown if in anger or just displeased. I did not care either way because I want it to be by my touch that brings her to that release.

Daria grabbed Stacks, placing her in front of the bed. Pushing her down face first as the soft leather and body make that sound from the force of the fall. Daria raised a bar that she grabbed from a shelf where a headboard would be. Extended the bar to its full length with two devices on the ends that looked like a black putty-looking substance hanging down. Daria placed the bar just below Stack's knees when the black putty moved to secure around Stack's knees forcing her to stay wider open forcefully.