

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · ファンタジー
127 Chs

Chapter 55

"I appreciate that, hope I didn't faint like a schoolgirl who receives a smile from her crush, did I?" I said with a smile.

"This is hard, I know". Daria whispered out, placing her head on my chest.

"You were told a day too early, the rest of us are told that day of the Ceremony so little time to take it in. Some reason the mother thought differently with you.

"Why? Now that is the central question that we are all trying to figure out." Daria asks as her hand circles my nipple with her finger.

"I know why?" I exclaim, finding it slightly erotic the way she is moving her finger.

"She wanted to see my expression of the question firsthand. Then see how I will handle the decision, or she has something in store for me." This comment put Daria in disbelief.

"What do you mean Tagem?" Daria stopped, placing the palm of her hand on my chest lifting herself up to give me the pondering WTF look. Seeing this look had me thinking of another question. "You are a Vampire too?" Already knowing the answer already. What do you look like then? I swallowed me on saliva, I could tell she could see the nerves look in my face just asking the question.

Daria moved herself off the bed facing the other way, taking a few seconds she phased out would be the better word to describe what I was seeing now being the second time watching this happen. Her outfit changed to a red dress just covering all the essentials while showing her form as the same silk that is the material for all outfits, can be changed to whatever you require it be by what I can tell. Turning around saw Daria from that photo i had always loved. The straight blonde hair as it covered half her face standing about five feet eight inches in height with the help of her four inches high heels. Her wide blue eye looking at me with the front of the dress tied around her neck with her breast partially exposed. "This is me" she inhaled which the exhale coming out of her nose. I could see she was nerves. Sliding off the bed I moved to her, bringing her closer to me, placing my lips to hers. The tensions she held seemed to melt away as the kiss continued. We stopped, for the only thing I could say "You get what you see" no illusion here. Giving the look of the girl you met at some party or bar, and you start to hit it off and it is going to proceed to the next level, her eyes showed me this look. Placing her hand on my chest "wait" to ruin the mood within an instant. How do you know what mother intended when she asked the question?"

"I can sense that she is testing me for something that relates maybe to the Ceremony or something else. Since I do not know too much about what happens at this ceremony, it is something that I would do if I wanted to see a stressful situation being placed on someone who I want to give command to. Foe a supervisor much be cool headed while stressful incidents come ups."

Since I do not know how the change into the family will affect me as a person, my job, life back home and a bunch of other things I cannot think of right now.