

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · ファンタジー
127 Chs


Excuse me sir in a British accent are you Tagem of the New Blood family?" she asked.

A little surprised to hear the name Tagem out loud for only those on the game system know that name and I have actually never had anyone call me that in person. Coming from a woman whose race was African with fair skin that seemed to draw you in as her brown eyes beautiful eyes looked upon me. Standing at five feet eight inches in black high heels, wearing a black dress suit with a white blouse that exposed her cleavage, and her skirt stopped just a few inches below her bottom showing off her firm and formed legs. I looked at her for a few seconds and asked.

"Are you the contact from the NC family?" I ask.

She replied quickly "Yes, "she said with confidence that radiated from her words and persona as she spoke.

"My name is Catherine Stockton." she said

I am to inform you that once we pass security you will take the role as Tagem of the NewBlood family, and I will be your guide until we arrive at the castle Sir. You will also need to eat this Sir for it is a family tradition to offer new guest of the family a treat, something that only found on the family grounds. Handing me this little package wrapped in a decorative paper. I opened the little package seeing the treat. Placing it in my mouth tasting the sweetness of a mushroom or meat I couldn't tell with a thick liquid coating with in the chocolate but exquisite all the same. I finished whatever it was since it didn't seem like we were going to move until I did.

After I had finished the fruit, vegetable or meat I paused a few seconds looked her up and down letting her feel me looking her over, well then shall we proceed Catherine asked? We checked in walked over to security, than I asked her some questions.

You said that you were my guide what do you mean by that?" I asked.

I am yours, Master Tagem until we arrive at the castle for as she told me this I could hear something in her voice. I could not tell if she was surprised at the question, but I carried on as if nothing happened.

"When you say mine what do you mean? I asked.

Again, she had this something in her voice when she answered, as I looked straight at her. I am your servant Master Tagem, whatever you need me I will accomplish with no question. I took this in as I stared at her then nodded for her to proceed forward in line. I looked her over from head to toe admiring the view from behind as much as her beauty from the front. Her form moved smoothly and sexually thru the line, I could tell her admirers were all around with glances of their own, and this made me grin.