
New Zennith

In a world with magic and monsters, two runaways find solace and kinship in each other’s company. Bjorn an expert at martial fighting, a Dwarven warrior. And Graum an unconventional mana user, a mischievous Devil-kin. With their trust in others fractured by tragic events from their respective pasts they accept temporary work from a mercenary guild and take a quest that will inevitably change them. Will this change lead them to their own version of salvation? Or will it solidify their damnation?

And_Ven · ファンタジー
22 Chs

Chapter 1: An average start to an un-average journey

"Hey wake up" a voice called out. "Graum wake up!"

Graum opened his eyes to see Bjorn; a dwarf that he had been traveling with for quite a while. Bjorn with his long brown hair that reached down to his shoulders and beard that reached his chest; was considered to be short for his size at 5ft 4'.

The term dwarf came about when giants still ruled and roamed the lands. Giants came across a race smaller than themselves but larger than humankind. these beings Dwarfed humans in size thus bringing about their namesake.

Bjorn was broad like a mountain, with a muscular physique! He had spend the majority of his life as a warrior, and the minority of his life training to BECOME a warrior!

"Brother, only the dead rest this soundly" Bjorn joked poking fun at graum for how long he slept. Graum relished the peace that sleep brought, this he could not deny.

"It's hard getting any sleep with all your snoring. I'm surprised you HAVENT woken the dead." Graum groaned passive-aggressively.

"That's not nice" Bjorn frowned, feigning a pouting expression .

The morning dew glistened as first light broke over the mountains separating the human kingdom from the dwarven kingdom to the east.

A subtle chill filled the air, and the hair on Graum's back stood up.

"Something wrong?" Asked Bjorn noticing Graum tremble as the wind blew.

"A morning shiver, that can't be a good sign" Graum replied, rising from the ground to stretch.

Standing at 5'9 with short brown,slightly-styled Hair that almost resembled a comb-over; Graum was average in height for a human,that is… if he was human! Graum was the product from the conception between human and demon, he was devil-kin; more commonly known as a Devil. Having a tail he kept tucked around his waist and his 'natural eyes' concealed with a Mana Art called: Guise, as to appear human. Graum's eyes are normally entirely pitch-black with the exception of the iris' those were scarlet.

"Plan on going to The Grey Coin looking like that?" Bjorn pointed at his eyes, referring to Graums.

"Ah thank you brother, I forgot-"

Graum concentrated his mana into his eyes


The black around the iris' faded to white, as the iris' themselves turned green.

"-Let's go see what the mercenary guild has for us today." Graum continued as he coiled his tail around his waist like a belt, pulling his shirt down over it.

"That's one of the many things I don't understand about you." Bjorn began with a confused expression. "Here you are, a devil, yet you do everything in your power to appear human" Bjorn remarked crossing his arms.

"Listen just because you don't have to do anything to appear human," Graum sarcastically replied, knowing how irritated Bjorn gets when people mistake him for a human instead of the dwarf he is. "I don't enjoy getting lectured by someone who spoons their great-sword scabbard in leu of a lady " Graum followed up pointing at the great-sword.

"Jealous, brother?" Bjorn chuckled hoisting the giant sword off the ground fastening it onto his back. A silence then filled the air between them... followed by thunderous laughter from the two.

Their friendship consisted of insults, laughs and fights, both with each other and against others. They were siblings, not of blood but battle. It's been 7 years since they had teamed up. Whether it was man or beast, the unlikely duo with their unconventional methods somehow always seemed to come out alive. Maybe not unharmed but alive nonetheless.

"Let's get packed up. We got work to find" Bjorn smirked putting out their campfire.

"I don't know what you're talking about..I'm already packed" Graum boasted shoving a small blanket inside of his leather knapsack. The knapsack contained all of Graums possessions, from his items to his Irrams.

"What about those" Bjorn chuckled pointing to Graum's quiver.

"Well played..." Graum defeatedly sighed.

"Wait what happened to your bow?" Bjorn asked fastening his own knapsack to his back.

"During our last job, it broke. Remember?"

"I do now" bjorn laughed as he recalled the memory. "So don't you want to get another one?"

"Nah, I have something better in mind-" Graum grinned as he focused his Mana into the form of a bow.

Graum's natural affinity to Dark mana gave him control over shadows, which was what the bow formed from "-Now I don't have to worry about it breaking. And if it does... I can make a new one" a prideful expression grew on Graums face. His skills with mana have steadily progressed, this was just one of the many fruits of his labor.

"You are something else brother..." Bjorn happily chuckled.

The two were camped out east near the city of Zanula. Zanula, a human frontier city which served as a major crossroad for commerce between the kingdoms of elves, dwarves. Zanula was the third largest city in the human kingdom. Bjorn and Graum would have to travel west to reach the city where the mercenary guild, The Grey Coin is located. As they left their campsite the two joked and reminisced about previous blunders.

The city walls came into view after an hour of travel, a wave of disgust washed over Graum, he harbored low opinions about humans and where they dwelt. This was partially due to him being devil-kin and how humans have treated him in past; Bjorn on the other hand didn't seem to mind people, in fact he got along with them quite well! Though his somewhat isolated upbringing stunted his social skills leaving him to appear awkward in some situations, it never deterred him from trying. However elves were another matter... he witnessed countless atrocities at the hands of elves; and found himself always on edge when an elf was near

The two reached the city gate and were greeted by guards, dressed in iron platemail, grieves and gauntlets.

"Halt!-" The guard stopped them with a hand gesture. "-This city has an entrance tax of 10 Irram per person" the guard explained.

"Whose turn is it brother?" Graum leaned over asking Bjorn.

"I'm not sure" Bjorn grinned pulling out a single irram.

"Of course, the coin flip!" Graum whispered as Bjorn flipped the Irram into the air. "Swords!" Graum called as the coin reached mid-flip. They both watched as the coin fell to the ground. The coin landed on the Shield side of the coin.

"Looks like you pay this time brother" Bjorn cackled bending down to pick up his coin.

"So it would seem.." Graum sighed sifting through his knapsack to retrieve the entry tax for the both of them. He handed the guard 20 Irram.

"Welcome to the city of Zanula!" The guard bellowed as he gestured to open the city gate. With the sound of clanking chains filling the air, the gate began to rise. Graum and Bjorn entered the bustling city.