
Does God truly exist?

`` = quotation marks

On the way to his new residence Enrico brought out the stone arrow that he was given, he didn't know why he was given it but he reckoned it was for a good reason, after all, out of all of the people to encounter that man why was he the one to do so.

But then that made him wonder, If he was taken instead of his brother, would the man have given his brother the arrow, would his brother have even been working at the Seminary? That, he would never truly know, but since it was his idea in the first place then the logical solution to his question would be no.

As he continued to stare at the arrowhead he thought about it. What could it do, it clearly wasn't normal. He had a couple of ideas on how to get his answer but he would have to wait until there was no one around to bother him.

After an hour drive, Enrico could see the hotel that he would be staying at for the foreseeable future, it wasn't too luxurious nor too downtrodden but considering that this was a different time period, in a different universe to his, there was no real way of knowing how luxurious it was until he got in.

Once the taxi pulled up to the hotel he thanked the taxi man, retrieved his stuff, paid him and headed to the front door. He was surprised at how easy it was to steal the man's gun. Why someone would leave a weapon in their trunk was an utterly stupid thing to do. Oh well, at least he tried to hide it.

As he got closer he heard some noise coming from his left, looking that way he saw a young girl with two men in front of her, from the appearance on her face she was scared. Enrico was surprised, how could they so carelessly harass that girl right in front of this establishment? Unless, of course, they knew that the guards wouldn't do anything about it.

"Why don't you use that gun that you stole? You can help her." A voice that sounded like his own but a bit deeper and more sarcastic said inside his head. He's had this voice for a few months now, he doubted that it was some kind of devil even if the way it talked sounded like one. After all, it spoke about things that only Enrico would know about and he doubted that it was a split personality since there was no reason for there to be one. From what he knew at least.

"Now why on earth would I do something like that, that's just stupid. If I'm off by even a tiny bit I'll either hit the woman, kill them or miss entirely."

"Mmm~ perhaps yet, on your person you have the ability to do something, help someone, look around, do you see anyone else going to help? They're even looking away. Doesn't this remind you of something?" The voice said.

Enrico credited the entity, it knew how to aggravate him. Swiftly taking out the gun that he stole, Enrico quickly shot two bullets at the men, he had aimed for their backs with the small amount of time that he gave himself before putting the gun away.

Before anything else could happen the two men dropped, blood started to surround their head area, upon looking closer Enrico could see a bullet-shaped hole in the backs of their heads.

"How truly interesting, yes~." The voice said, snapping Enrico out of his shock. Suddenly Enrico felt a hand on his left shoulder. He looked back thinking that he would see someone, perhaps a security guard or police officer, yet no one was there.

"The fact that the bullets hit them in the head and not anywhere else is truly interesting, yes~. The fact that nothing interfered with their path is truly interesting, you even managed to hit two headshots, unless you're a trained sniper you shouldn't have been able to do that let alone at this distance with how fast you drew that gun, perhaps this was an instance of `gravity`, yes~, don't you think so Enrico?" This time instead of hearing the voice from inside his head he heard it from his right...and it was really close.

"God, the holy father, the entity in the bible that created everything, while I don't think that he would have punished you immediately the fact that, if he exists, allowed something like this to happen, means that he doesn't care about things like this...or he loves us, all of us equally, perhaps he even hates us all equally. But that, I cannot I say. But I can say this..."

Looking into the corner of his eye he saw a brown, no, reddish-black hand on his shoulder, a hand with lines on it, three words and a small triangle in between those lines. He didn't know what he was looking at but the order of the words and symbol spelt out the word GΔCT. At first, he was confused by this word but then realised what it spelt out, G (guanine), Δ (adenine), C (cytosine) and T (thymine), all of these are the compounds that make up human DNA. Why they were on this things hand was beyond him but it leaned in closer to finish what it was saying.

"You were fated to steal that gun, just like you were fated to kill those men, perhaps you were just fated to see the gun, you taking it wasted your time which in turn allowed you to be present in witnessing an event that you would have otherwise missed and even if you did couldn't truly respond in any quick way. I'm sure that you understand what I'm saying, don't you? `Gravity` has brought you your current location, it has brought you here to save that girl, even if in turn you would take two lives. Even the fact that the gun's safety lock was off, while not uncommon it is lucky that his was."

"W-who are you?" Enrico asked he didn't know what to do, no one was even noticing the existence of the thing.

While he couldn't see it he definitely knew that it was now smiling due to the tone of its voice. "Well isn't it obvious, I'm you, at least, a part of you. Proverbs 3:5-6. `Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.` Trust in me like we trust the lord and our path will be clear to us, our faith, even if you refuse to believe its there, it will always be with us, just like I'll always be with you."

Then just as quickly it appeared it left, even though he could no longer see it he could still feel it. Enrico couldn't get a good look at its face but he felt that he would get a good look at it in the future.

When the hotel's security guard came out he saw the two dead men he immediately went back inside to call the police and told the other guard to keep an eye on everyone present.

Once the police arrived they interrogated everyone. When they eventually got to Enrico's all he said was that he didn't know who shot them.

When they asked about the gun that was in his suitcase Enrico paused before saying that he had it for protection and that the safety lock was on.

Seeing the look one of the officers gave him, Enrico quickly followed up.

He asked them if they believed that not only did he get it out of his suitcase but then was able to focus for long enough to be able to shoot both of them in the head and then, be quick enough to then put it back in his suitcase before anyone saw him while also putting on the safety.

Quickly following up, the other officer stated that he couldn't have been the one to do it, since, like he said someone would have seen him. After letting him go on his way the other officer apologised for his fellow officer's attitude.

Signing into the hotel Enrico went to his designated room. From the look of the place, it wasn't too expensive, just the way he liked it. He hated wasting money even if he had more than enough on hand, more importantly, he needed to get to the Seminary so being on one of the higher floors would just waste his time and make him get up earlier than needed.

Putting his stuff away he once again took out the arrowhead, twirling it in his hand he looked at it. He'd been hurt by the thing in the past and during those times he always thought that he'd die of how much pain he was in. Yet he would recover from it after a few seconds.

Using the arrow he gave himself a small cut using its tip and just like before he felt unimaginable pain but this time it was even more than before which resulted in him throwing the onto the bed. If only he could reconstruct the arrow maybe he could get rid of the pain that he felt whenever he cut himself.

As Enrico was holding back the want to scream he noticed that the arrow had started to move on its own, it bent in unnatural ways as if it was alive and shot straight towards his left hand. Quickly catching it with his right he notice that the arrow only seemed to go for the cut on his finger. Eventually, it calmed down, stiffening and straightening back up again, looking towards his finger he noticed that the cut that he made was suddenly gone.

A small smile crept onto his face, whatever the reason for the arrow's movement was something to do with him, he wondered how it would react to others if he did the same to them.

He couldn't wait to find out.