
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · ファンタジー
77 Chs

[3.31] EXTRA STORY - Steven's Training Part 4

Dobi opened the long iron chest of weapons that looked suspicious. When he opened it, he saw a sniper rifle with a strange design.

"What is this weapon?" said Dobi. Hearing Dobi's voice, other subordinates also looked at the weapon.

"That's a sniper rifle, Bro." said a subordinate who was also watching.

"I know that, I mean what's the name of this weapon? I just saw it for the first time," said Dobi.

"I don't know, maybe this is a new type of weapon being sent," said a subordinate.

Dobi did not reply to his words and was still looking at the new weapon. Then Steven said, "Mr. Dobi, try to lift the gun."

"Oh yeah, right. I'm curious too," said Dobi, then began to lift the weapon.

When Dobi started to lift the weapon, he felt the weight of the weapon.

"Uh, crazy! It's really heavy. Hey, help me lift this," said Dobi, asking for help from one of the subordinates who were watching.

The new type of sniper rifle was placed on a metal table there.

"Damn, what is this weapon? It's so heavy," said the subordinate who helped lift it.

"From the weight, this is probably an anti-material sniper rifle, but why is the charging station? It's positioned on the left side of the weapon anyway! Nak, you're a gun nut, you probably know this," said Dobi.

"I don't know, but the design looks like I've seen in pay to win games," Steven said.

"Pay to win games?" said Dobi, who was a little confused by Steven's meaning.

While the soldiers were excited about the unique new weapon, Leaf arrived.

"Wow, what's all the fuss about?" said a curious Leaf.

"Here, Captain, there's a strange new weapon model," said Dobi.

Leaf then looked at the weapon being talked about. Before long, she realized that the weapon was similar to the one in the document she was reading.

"Oh, this weapon. Introduce, this is a new model weapon that was just delivered. An anti-material defense sniper rifle. It's called the 'AegisLance'," Leaf said.

Everyone was temporarily silent when they heard the cool name. "So what's the advantage of this weapon, Captain?" said a subordinate, but the others were also curious.

Leaf, before explaining the specifications of the weapon, went to the ammunition truck to get the bullets for the weapon.

"Okay, now I'll explain," Leaf said as she placed two large boxes on the metal table with the new weapon model.

"The name of the weapon is AegisLance, which is taken from an ancient word. Aegis means protection and Lance means penetration. In short, it is a defensive-type shoulder weapon with strong penetration," Leaf says.

"Sounds cool," said Steven.

"This weapon weighs around 50KG, depending on the modification specifications. However, the standard modification weighs around 54KG. The standard accessories include a digital scope with a proximity of up to 50 times away and is equipped with heat detection and night vision," Leaf said.

Hearing that, everyone was quite surprised by the distance of the shot.

"Then, you're curious about these two cartridge cases, aren't you? Let me explain. The first one below, like any other gun, is a normal bullet but the caliber is 30mm," Leaf said.

"Crazy! This weapon is crazy," said one of Leaf's subordinates who was listening along.

"Next, I'll explain this side. This is not for bullets but for electricity," Leaf said, showing a black box and inserting it into the empty magazin-like hole on the back left side of the weapon.

Seeing that, the others were quite surprised.

"Electricity? Is this a rail gun?" said Dobi.

"True, but it's not. It's similar. But a taller and stronger version," Leaf said.

"So how far was the shot?" said Dobi.

"8 kilometers in electroless mode at 3 mach and 30 kilometers in test in electric mode at 5.8 mach. Remember, 30km is in laboratory tests, so it could be further or less," said Leaf.

"Crazy, this weapon is crazy," said a subordinate.

"Yeah, that's it. The specs of this weapon are pretty crazy for a shoulder weapon. But since our opponents are not humans using armored vehicles, but monsters. This weapon is quite reliable, if you encounter monsters with iron-like bodies. We come across things like that all the time, don't we?" said Leaf.

"Yes, this weapon will be very useful," said Dobi.

"So, Steven, want to try this?" said Leaf, looking at Steven.

"Uh, seriously, can I?" said Steven, who was shocked. Even the other subordinates were surprised to hear that.

"Yes, you can. It's just that it's very exclusive, so I can only give you one shot," Leaf said.

"No problem! I don't mind! You can just hold it, I'm already very grateful. I didn't want to try it before, because I knew it must be a special weapon with limited ammunition," Steven said.

"Hahaha... no problem, you know yourself too. I like you more and more. Then let's try out this new weapon, and you, Steven, will be the first tester," Leaf said.

"Sir, this will be a problem. Please rethink," Dobi said.

"Never mind, stop what you're saying. Just relax. If there's a problem, I'll take care of it," Leaf said.

Dobi heard that and couldn't think of anything.

"Ok, bring the gun to the shooting range," Leaf said.

Leaf's subordinate soldiers put the AegisLance on the firing range and prepared the weapon.

"Ok, Steven, since this is a sniper rifle, 3 kilometers should be enough for you," Leaf said.

Steven didn't answer right away. Steven looked as far as he could at the flat ground where he was shooting, and then answered, "3 kilometers or less," Steven said.

"Hm... 7 kilometers? That's the normal maximum?" said Leaf.

"No, but up to that little hillock over there," Steven said, pointing.

"Oh, how far is that?" said Leaf, picking up a nearby pair of digital binoculars.

"Oh, 18.7 kilometers. Are you sure?" said Leaf.

"I'm sure," Steven said with a serious look.

"Kid, I was starting to like you, but arrogance has its limits," said Dobi who was getting annoyed with his pretentious attitude.

"Take it easy, sir. I'm sure I can do it," Steven said.

"I hope so and don't call me Father. I'm still young and unmarried," Dobi said.

"Ok, some people go to the hill over there to put the dummy," Leaf said. Then 3 willing people headed to the visible end of the hill.

Steven got down and started setting the scope sight distance that one of Leaf's subordinates had taught him.

Leaf looked at the soldier who placed the dummy on the hill, and then the soldier responded over the radio that everything was ready.

"Ok, Steven, start firing by using electric mode," Leaf said.

Hearing that, Steven immediately took aim at the dummy target very calmly.

Dobi and the other subordinates were a little surprised and astonished to see Steven's calm and focused face.

"Man, this kid is crazy. Look, he's really focused. I don't think we'll hear him without that headset. Where did you find this kid?" said a subordinate.

"Just ask the Captain," said Dobi.

Steven was so focused that his hand did not shake at all. Just as Steven was about to pull the trigger, Leaf screamed.

"Stop!" shouted Leaf loudly.

"What's wrong, Captain?" said Dobi.

"Stop, Steven. Hold on," Leaf said.

"What's wrong, sir?" said Steven who was confused, shocked, and panicked for fear of doing something wrong.

"We changed the target. My hunch is that if the target is stationary, you can easily hit it. Let's replace it with a moving target. How about it, Steven?" said Leaf.

"I thought I made a mistake earlier. If it's just that, it's fine," Steven said.

"Good, I like your casual answer," Leaf said.

"Firnan, there's a drone in that car, right?" said Leaf to the soldier's radio at the target site.

"Yes, why, Captain?" said Firnan.

"Use the drone instead of the target," Leaf said.

"Seriously? Isn't that so far and so difficult?" said Firnan.

"No problem, just do it," Leaf said.

"Alright, Captain," Firnan said, turning off the communication link.

"Dobi? You're so quiet. You should be mad at me or something," Leaf said.

Sighing, Dobi said, "It's useless. If I forbid it, it will continue."

Steven said in his mind, "This person is very patient. He has a boss modeled after Mr. Leaf."

"Ok, Steven, the target has been released. Shoot the drone that is moving with the paper target. No need to center, just hit," Leaf said.

"What if I shoot one of the drones carrying the banner paper?" said Steven, making his own challenge.

"It doesn't matter if you're able to hit that small target," Leaf said.

"Ok, that's easy," said Steven, who then began to shoot.

Dobi and the others were a little irritated by his arrogant attitude. And some of the other soldiers made bets on whether the shot would hit or not.

Steven then began to refocus and was more focused than ever. Steven intended to shoot one of the drones instead of the paper circle target provided.

Too focused on himself, Steven didn't realize that he had activated his unique power of 85 to 100 percent accuracy under any conditions.

Then ***Dor... the weapon made a huge sound.

Leaf looked through her binoculars and could not believe the result. However, in order to make her soldiers believe her, Leaf called Firnan who was on site on the radio with the volume turned up to let him know the status of her target.

"How is the target?" said Leaf.

All the soldiers there who were watching couldn't wait to hear the results.

"The target hit one of the drones, Captain," said Firnan.

Steven, who had been on the ground, stood back up and said, "The target is hit, right?"

There was a moment of silence. Shortly after, one of the soldiers who had bet that Steven's shot had hit immediately shouted.

"Wuhuuu, yeah! Well done, kid, well done! You made me rich today!" the subordinate shouted. Then the others began to applaud.

"Son, you're amazing. That was beyond my expectations," Leaf said.

"Yes, I was so sure. After I hit it, I still couldn't believe it. Even my heart was racing," Steven says.

"Haha... you're a genius kid. Then, I'll make you an offer. If I told you to join the army and join this team or even the elite troops, you wouldn't want to, right?" said Leaf.

Steven was quite happy with the offer. However, he remembered the club promise his friends made. "No, I can't go in. I have further goals than that," Steven said with a smile.

"I expected that. Well then, how about you become our temporary member?" said Leaf.

"Uh, how? What does that mean?" said Steven, who didn't understand.

"You are a member of my company. Your job is only to give shooting training to my subordinates and I'll give you special training as well. And what's more, I'll pay you a salary too. Another advantage is that you'll get real experience in zone 3 or 4. No problem, right, Dobi?" said Leaf.

"Yeah, no problem. This boy is good too, I admit it. But there are special conditions for the danger zone," said Dobi.

"Well, that's what he said. So, Steven, how about it? I'll guarantee you great training," Leaf said.

Steven thought for a moment and then said, "Ok, fine. That's interesting. I'd love to, but I can't always be here. I need my own schedule," Steven said.

"No problem, it can be arranged," said Dobi.

"Alright, then this is approved," Leaf said and Steven shook hands. And the other soldiers gave a light applause to congratulate them on joining.

After it was all over and Steven wanted to go back to his hotel, he realized one thing.

"Oh yes, Mr. Dobi, you're Mr. Leaf's subordinate, right? But how come you seem to be the one organizing the troops?" said Steven.

"Oh, I'm the vice-captain," Dobi said casually.

In Steven's mind, "The captain and his deputy went on vacation leaving the company troops behind? I think I'm wrong for just agreeing," Steven said from his doubts.

From that day on, Steven had a new coach and also became the aiming coach of Captain Leaf's company.

Of course, his friends didn't know. Since Steven has a special schedule that is free at his will, the chances of him getting caught are very low.

At night, when Steven had disappeared for the day.

"Ok, Steven, it's been a great day," Leaf said.

"Yes, it was an exciting day. I didn't expect to try out so many guns, even the new model guns. I'm really grateful," said Steven.

"I'm happy if you're happy with it," Leaf said.

"Captain, come on, we have to go back soon," said his subordinate.

"Alright, bye, Steven. I'll see you later," Leaf said, getting back into the car.

Captain Leaf's car drove away from the place.

"Yes, it's an exciting day. I never thought I'd be invited to the military. It's beyond expectations," said Steven, speaking to himself.

However, by chance, Amelia and Laras who were there heard this.

"Military?" said Amelia.

Hearing the voice, Steven was startled and immediately turned to the source of the sound. "Uh, Amel, Laras?" said Steven who was very surprised.

"Military? Who was that?" asked Amelia with a curious face, as did Laras.

"Oh, them? It's a new acquaintance," Steven said a little nervously.

"You disappeared today, where have you been?" asked Laras.

Hearing that question from Laras, Steven's hands immediately sweat because he didn't want to lie to Laras, but he had to.

"I went around town with them, looking at the new electronics," Steven said casually, like a man without sin.

"Oh, I see. No wonder you didn't meet here, it turns out to find a friend with the same hobby. Well then, come on Laras, let's go back to the room. Hana will get angry waiting too long for her food," said Amelia.

Amelia and Laras left the place, with Steven following behind.

In Steven's mind, "Damn, that was close."

Even so, there are some events

This is the end of the extra chapter and closes volume 3. How was it? Is it enough to give you the best review? If not, wait for the next volume, because you've only finished 30% of the opening story!

Nosphirecreators' thoughts