
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · ファンタジー
77 Chs

[3.2] Dating With Laras Part 2

Previously, Steven invited Laras to go somewhere just the two of them. These words made Laras and also those who spied on them using bugs, namely Amelia, Gilbert, and Radit, very surprised to hear that.

"Laras, will you?" said a very blunt Steven.

"Uh-...." Laras was very confused about what to answer.

"Aaa.... what I said earlier, very embarrassing," said Steven.

"This is it!" said Gilbert excitedly.

"Ish...don't shout, Laras will hear," Radit said.

"Where are you going?" said Laras.

Hearing her words, Steven was silent and confused about what to answer. Because he just realized that the city had not fully recovered, many parks and entertainment venues were still closed. Even the mall owned by the Amarta family was not yet open.

Steven only had the option of taking her to a restaurant, but he was also at a loss, as he didn't know the best places to eat out as he always ate at home, rarely going out as he himself was capable of making good food.

"Hm...Steven is so quiet?" said Amelia.

"Maybe he doesn't know where he's going?" said Radit.

"Eh?!" Amelia and Gilbert were shocked to hear that it was probably true.

Unsure of where to go, Steven asked through the bug attached to his shirt.

"Hey...help me. Where should I go?" Steven said in a very low voice - as quietly as possible so Laras wouldn't hear him.

"How about this, he asked. Which way is better?" said Radit.

"Just go to the city flower park," Amelia said.

"The city flower garden is still closed, Mel, and all entertainment venues are still closed," said Radit.

"Then take him to eat at Rosella Restaurant and it's also close by," said Gilbert.

"Right, just go there. Steven, just go to Rosella Restaurant," Amelia said speaking through her listening device.

"Hey you two, this tool is only for listening and tracking. If you want to talk through this, of course you can't," said Radit.

"Huh?! What the hell. Trash intel tool," Amelia said a little annoyed.

"Well...hm...this is actually an intel tool, that's why there is no one-way speaker. If this device can also be used as a microphone, it's not called an eavesdropping device anymore," said Radit, who was surprised at Amelia.

"So, how do I tell him?" said Gilbert, thinking too.

"Use flag Morse code," said Radit.

"Huh?" Gilbert was confused.

"Morse flag? Does he even know it?" said Amelia.

"Take it easy, he's a game maniac too. He was once addicted to survival games so he memorized some survival codes," said Radit.

"So you know the code by heart?" said Gilbert.

"No," Radit answered immediately without pause.

Amelia and Gilbert just gave Radit a flat face.

"If you don't know the code, why are you suggesting it," said an annoyed Amelia.

"Relax, ladies, the times are modern, just search the internet and copy it," said Radit.

"Oh right, then Gilbert, quickly find the code and give it to Radit," Amelia ordered.

"Ready. Here's the code," Gilbert said as he showed his smartphone to Radit.

On the other hand, Steven was very restless.

"How come you don't answer?" said Steven, who was confused by the device attached to him.

After a few seconds, he realized that the eavesdropping device was one-way only.

"Ah, I'm so stupid. How can they answer," Steven said to himself.

Steven then glanced over to where Radit and the others were hiding. Suddenly he appeared standing up.

"Eh, Radit!?" said Steven in surprise. Then he saw Radit making strange movements and Steven didn't wake up until a few moments later.

"What's he doing moving his arms?" .... Oh! That's flag Morse code. You're smart, Radit! Try telling him... R E S T O R A N R O S S E L A. Oh, Rosella Restaurant, I got it," Steven said in his excited heart.

"Anu....Steven? How come you've been so quiet? Did I say something wrong?" Laras said a little uncomfortably.

"Ah...no-no, there's nothing wrong with you," Steven said.

"Where are you taking me then?" said Laras, a little embarrassed.

"To Rosella Restaurant," Steven said in a forced, nervous voice.

"Oh, that restaurant, it's really good there, the tea too. Then let's go there, I'm waiting for Amel, she's not coming," said Laras.

"Yeah, ay-...." said Steven who had stopped. He realized that he himself didn't know where Rosella's restaurant was because he had only heard about it from his online social game chatter.

Laras, who had stood up to see Steven still sitting, was confused. "What's wrong, Steven?" said Laras.

"Hm...sorry, but I don't know where the restaurant is," Steven said a little embarrassed.

On the other side of Radit's place. "Ekh!" Amelia and Gilbert were shocked.

"How come he didn't know, when the restaurant is famous for its delicious tea," Amelia said.

"If he didn't know, why did he tell Laras?" said a confused Gilbert.

"I forgot to tell you that Steven is a homebody," said Radit.

On Steven and Laras' side.

"Eh? You invited me there but didn't know?" Laras said a little surprised.

"....yah... I asked you to go there, because according to people on the internet it's a popular place, but I haven't been there because you know I rarely go out to crowded places," Steven made an excuse.

Laras hearing that made her smile at Steven's innocence.

"I knew you were a homebody, but I didn't realize you hardly ever leave the house at all," Laras said with a chuckle.

Steven was embarrassed to hear that from Laras herself.

"Then we'll just use the online map to get there," Steven said, opening his smartphone so as not to be too embarrassed.

"No need, I know the place. It's quite close to here, let's just walk there, let's go," Laras said while holding Steven's hand and pulling him slightly.

A small tug by Laras made Steven blush.

On the side of the peeping man.

"Woah, look, Laras is holding Steven's hand!" said Gilbert.

"Laras, you've finally grown up too," Amelia said a little touched.

Radit carefully observed the two of them holding hands. "Laras took it off again," Radit said.

On the lovey-dovey side.

Laras just realized that she was holding Steven's hand, and she immediately let go out of embarrassment.

"Sorry Steven, I held your hand," said an embarrassed Laras.

"Ti-it's okay, your hands are smooth," said Steven who suddenly spoke frontally. Hearing that, Laras became even more embarrassed and her ears turned red, while Steven in his heart, "Aaaa..... why did I say that anyway!" Steven said in his heart.

"Then let's go," said Laras.

"Yes, let's go," Steven said.

On the side of the peeping man.

"These two couples piss me off," Amelia said.

"Hahaha, then let's follow them," said Radit.

And they all headed to the popular Rosella restaurant. Will their date be a success? Uh, is this a date?

Will their date go well? Don't forget to comment.

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