
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · ファンタジー
77 Chs

[3.17] Recruitment Match Part 4

The final match practice started soon. It was a battle between Radit and Nira.

"Nira and Radit, hurry to the center of the arena," Luna said.

Dorenzo, who was beside Nira, encouraged her.

"Nira, don't lose!" said Dorenzo.

"Yes, I will definitely win," said Nira.

However, seeing Dorenzo and Nira's intimacy seemed to make Radit very upset.

Raka, who was on the side, sensed the uncomfortable atmosphere in Radit thanks to his heightened intuition.

"Hey, Radit, why do you look annoyed at them? Are you jealous?" said Raka with a hint of teasing humor.

However, Radit did not reply to the joke as before, but he replied seriously.

"No, it's just that I feel an overwhelming sense of hatred for that woman," Radit said.

Raka heard a reply that was quite serious and heavy, so he couldn't reply with jokes anymore, but just silently looked at Radit's face who looked very upset about something.

"Radit, why are you doing nothing? Hurry to the center of the arena too," Luna said.

Radit stood in his place and looked at Nira sarcastically. Nira felt that intimidating gaze very strongly.

The rest of the audience, including Luna, didn't really care because they thought it was normal in a match.

However, Raka felt that letting emotions run wild was not good and she sensed that it was Radit's mysterious condition at times.

"Radit, don't be so tense, take it easy," Raka cheered for Radit to calm down and not attack with his emotions.

Radit heard that and his suddenly very upset heart softened. "Hah... seriously, what's wrong with me, getting angry like this. Calm down and relax, the opponent is just an ordinary student," Radit said.

Luna saw Radit managed to control his emotions and smiled because Luna actually didn't like seeing people fight with emotions either. However, Luna was also confused about what made Radit look emotional like that, but she didn't really care.

"Ok, you two, get ready... START!" said Luna, starting the final match.

Within the first second, Nira immediately went into attack mode, while Radit was on defense.

However, none of Nira's attacks hit her, and there was even a huge difference in ability.

Radit is proficient in martial arts, while Nira is not.

Nira's wind attacks were easily dodged by Radit.

Without waiting long, Radit immediately counterattacked.

Radit attacked with a burst of fire at Nira, and she immediately avoided him.

At that moment, Radit could easily attack Nira who was off guard.

Radit approached quickly and immediately hit and pushed Nira's stomach with his palm.

It made Nira bounce a little and fall down. Radit swiftly pointed his hand, which was spitting fire, at Nira's face.

"You lose," Radit said as he pointed his hand that was spitting fire at Nira's face.

Luna saw that Nira had lost badly against Radit.

"Stop, the winner is Radit! With this the match is over," Luna said.

Everyone watching the practice match applauded.

Radit heard Luna's words, erased the fire element in his hand, then stood up and left where Nira was lying with a rather cynical look on his face.

Nira seeing Radit like that couldn't say anything and just fell silent.

All the students who had gathered to watch the match then dispersed on their own. Luna then told them the results of the mock battle.

"So only one person won against this trio, huh? Then another one drew and the other one almost won but still lost. Huh..." Luna said a little disappointed.

"Well, let's face it, it's your first match. So what do you think? Out of these 8 people, is there anyone you want to recruit?" said Luna.

Radit, Raka, and Fauzan thought hard because they were confused.

The voice of the three minds:

'Looks like Ratna is quite strong, maybe she'll be one of the important assets later,' Radit said in his mind.

'Hm... who is it? All of them are pretty great except Citra,' Raka said in his mind.

'Johan, he's a strong person, surely he'll get stronger later,' Fauzan said in his mind.

Luna saw the three of them busy with their own thoughts. "Hey, don't take too long, decide quickly," Luna said.

The three of them then whispered to each other.

"So who do you think deserves to enter?" said Raka.

"Johan and Ratna maybe," Fauzan said.

"I think the same as you, Zan," Radit said.

"Uh, aren't they all good? Just recruit them all," said Raka.

"Eh... but I don't want the girl to come in," said Radit.

"Which girl, Bang?" said Fauzan.

"That's the one I just fought," said Radit.

"What's wrong?" said Raka.

"I don't know why I hate it so much," said Radit.

The three of them were silent for a moment. Luna was still watching the three of them.

"Hey... so who is this? Luna's already looking at us, it's scary," said Fauzan.

"Let me decide," said Raka.

"Are you alone?" said Radit.

"Yes, just me, calm down," Raka said.

And their whispering was over.

"So who do you want to recruit?" said Luna.

"Um... so from this result, we will recruit Dorenzo, Ratna, Daniel, Joko, and Johan."

"Oho... is there a reason?" said Luna.

Fauzan and Radit looked at Raka who was not sure he could answer because according to both of them, Raka only chose the name based on winning and losing.

"Um... First, Ratna, because she won," said Raka.

"Huh, is that the only reason?" said Luna.

On the other hand, Radit and Fauzan were sweating even though they weren't the ones talking.

"A... yes... of course that's not all. The reason is because Ratna can think quickly and clearly against Fauzan, whose physical abilities exceed those of ordinary humans," said Raka.

"Humu... continue?" said Luna.

"Yes, keep it up Daniel, he's great and smart in the fight. I fought him myself and was quite satisfied, so for me he deserved to lose," Raka says.

"Then Johan, I saw that his match was very interesting and we decided that he will become stronger later," Raka says.

"Then Joko, that's because he managed to draw against me," Raka said rather proudly while looking at Joko.

"And Daniel?" said Luna.

"A... Hm... because she's a close friend?" said Raka.

Radit and Fauzan tapped their foreheads as they heard a completely honest answer to that last one.

"Hah... basic, the last two seem to be very honest, but yes, the reason is quite acceptable. But still whether they want to or not depends on them, no coercion," Luna said.

"A... yes, fine," said Raka.

"So, Daniel, Dorenzo, Joko, Johan, and Ratna, want to join them now?" said Luna.

Then they all unanimously answered NO, except Daniel.

Luna held back her laughter a little as it was a little funny to her.

"Eh...! What's wrong?" said Raka, a little surprised.

"Why are you rejecting it? As your training teacher, I can't recommend them enough. First, Dorenzo, why?" Luna said.

"Because I'm not worthy and I'm still training," Dorenzo says.

"And Ratna?" said Luna.

"I... I'm just confused," she said.

"Then Joko?" said Luna.

"I'm not really interested," Joko said.

"Johan?" said Luna.

"I'm only interested, but I'm still confused, so I'm thinking about it," said Johan.

"So that's it," Luna told Raka, Radit, and Fauzan.

"Huh... really, too bad. Never mind," said Raka.

"Daniel, come with us. Is it okay, Kak Luna?" said Radit.

"Yes, please," Luna said.

"Alright, let's go back to the club room first," Raka said.

And in the search for members, Raka, Radit, and Fauzan found 1 person.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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