
Chapter 1: The forest (1)

In the vast realm of gaming, each game possesses its allure, but it's the strategic ones that truly captivate me. In my youth, immersing myself in tales of kings and their grand kingdoms ignited a profound spark. I'd lose myself in reveries, envisioning my role as the sovereign, leading my people to triumph.

Then, the strategy games struck me like a bolt of lightning. Suddenly, I transcended being a mere player; I became a ruler, navigating the complexities of my own realm. The entire package—diplomacy, trade, overseeing the whole shebang—hooked me on strategy games as if they were the very essence of it all.

My fascination with strategy games grew to the extent that I chose History as the subject for my degree. While studying, I delved into the histories of many kingdoms and how they managed their games.

This led me to realize that, despite game developers incorporating numerous mechanics to provide players with a real-time ruler experience, something significant was lacking.

I began reaching out to my favorite game developers about incorporating certain features, specifically to enhance AI capabilities. I also discussed these issues with fellow gamers who, with laughter, suggested that the game I envisioned would take at least 50 years to develop. This simultaneously angered and saddened me.

Admittedly, they weren't entirely wrong. The vision I had for strategy games was ambitious, and developers claimed it was nearly impossible to build such a high-caliber game. Not to mention, it would require hundreds of millions of dollars and a massive workforce.

Disheartened, I ceased contacting game developers and distanced myself from the online strategy gamer community.

The strategy games I once enjoyed now felt mundane. There was a sense of emptiness, as if something vital was missing from my life.

Nothing managed to captivate my attention. Many games were released during my self-imposed exile in my room, resembling a reclusive historian.

During my darkest moments, I crafted scenarios in my mind and even learned to have lucid dreams, where I often assumed the role of an emperor. Initially, it brought me joy, a semblance of doing something meaningful. However, after a few days, the novelty wore off. It wasn't that the lucid dreams were unpleasant, but they lacked the grounding in reality that I sought.

At times, I entertained the thought of joining politics and running for president. Yet, I couldn't escape the reality of being a simple adult man in a nondescript city with an unremarkable background and no noteworthy achievements that would garner votes.

There were moments when I yearned for a fresh start, even contemplating the idea of dying and restarting my life in a fantasy medieval world with an extraordinary system to assist me in building an empire...

Haah, but then again It's not Like it will come true...


As the warmth suddenly embraced my face, my eyes lazily blinked open. The intense rays of the sun flooded my sight, revealing the dense, shadowy embrace of a deep, dark forest around me. I found myself sprawled out on the forest floor, leaves carpeting the ground beneath me.

My initial thought was a puzzled one: How in the world did I end up here? If I recall correctly, my last recollection before this mysterious woodland awakening was scrubbing my grimy clothes, and then... Oh, what on earth did I do next? Why is that part of my memory drawing a blank?

Slowly rising to my feet, I surveyed my surroundings, attempting to make sense of it all. The trees towering over me were nothing short of colossal. To call them simply "big" would be a gross understatement; they were massive, their branches seemingly touching the heavens. Sequoia trees, I thought, the only trees of such grandeur that I knew of, and typically found in the United States of America. Yet, here I stood, in Turkey, a considerable distance from their natural habitat. How did I find myself in this place?

The unsettling question tugged at my mind. Even if I entertained the notion that I'd been abducted and transported to America, where were my captors? It was all so perplexing, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't shake the eerie feeling that something was amiss.

To confirm that I wasn't lost in a lucid dream, I gave myself a brutal pinch, wincing at the pain that shot through me. This agony served as a harsh reminder that I was, indeed, not in a dream.

Deep in contemplation about my bewildering situation, a sudden noise broke the silence not far from my location. My initial instinct was to dash toward the source of the sound, but a more cautious thought raced through my mind – what if these were the very individuals who had taken me from my home? Opting for prudence, I made the decision to conceal myself behind a nearby tree, choosing to observe their approach from the shadows. It was evident from the increasing volume of the noise that they were drawing nearer.

Positioned stealthily behind the tree, which provided excellent cover, I focused my gaze in the direction of the approaching commotion. Before long, the source of the sound became visible.

Six men adorned in traditional knight's armor strode forward, each wielding a sword firmly in hand. Following closely behind them was a girl, appearing to be around the age of 16 or 17. She wore tattered garments and was in chains, her body marred by numerous bruises.

Witnessing this perplexing scene, I found myself enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions, oscillating between confusion, awe, and fear.

This was far from anything resembling normalcy. A multitude of potential scenarios flitted through my mind, only to be swiftly dismissed. These men and the captive girl weren't engaged in some bizarre forest cosplay. The blood seeping from the girl's wounds made it abundantly clear that this was no game.

The question that loomed largest in my mind was: Where in the world am I? From the outset until this very moment, the unfolding events defied any rational explanation.

As the grip of fear slowly tightened its hold on me, I felt a sense of hopelessness creeping in, paralyzing my decision-making.

I remained somewhat indecisive about my next steps. Behind the tree where I sought refuge, the soldiers drew closer, their footsteps echoing ominously. Then, one of the soldiers abruptly halted in their tracks, causing the others to stop as well. He inquired about the reason for his sudden stop.

"I sense a beautiful fragrance in this area. Can you smell it?"

"Now that you mention it, yes, I do. It's quite delightful. But where is it coming from?"

The word "fragrance" instantly drew my attention. I sniffed my white shirt and immediately realized the source of this enticing scent that had captivated the soldiers. It was my deodorant.

Sometimes, I have an inexplicable urge to berate myself, even though it's not my fault. It's as if a self-deprecating instinct takes over.

"Perhaps it's from a flower. I should investigate. I'm certain the commander would be delighted if we were to present such a remarkable flower with such a delightful scent."

"The aroma is coming from that direction, see?" The other soldier pointed in the direction of the tree, sending my heart into a frenzied sprint. The possibility of being discovered filled me with dread, for I knew that being found out could mean my demise. The thought of meeting my end by the blade sent shivers down my spine.

Even my grandfather's advice about learning self-defense, which I had dismissed in the past, now weighed heavily on my mind. I had argued that there was no need for me to learn it, as I wasn't a soldier, and there seemed to be no risks in my homeland. But at this very moment, I was consumed by regret.

The soldier, intrigued by the scent, began moving in the direction from which it wafted, directly towards my location.

Even if I were to cast my shirt aside, I doubted it would provide any real benefit. There was simply no way I could escape. Running from them was not an option; the soldier was now alarmingly close, mere moments away from discovering me.

"Oh, it's coming from behind this tree," he exclaimed.

Advancing cautiously, he reached the tree, only to find no flower in sight.

The soldier scoured the area in search of the source of the fragrance, but his efforts proved futile.

All the while, I observed this unfolding drama from a tree nearby, and behind me, an individual with a cloth-covered face and hands firmly over my mouth prevented me from making any sounds.

Allow me to provide you with a concise overview of how these events unfolded.

Mere minutes before the soldier reached the tree, a figure with astonishing stealth and speed materialized before me, catching me completely off guard. Before I could utter a sound, he placed his hands firmly over my lips, embraced me, and with a swift motion, leaped from our position into a medium-sized tree.

This brings us to the present moment...

The man, hidden among the branches, also fixed his intense gaze upon the soldiers below, his eyes radiating pure animosity. However, as his eyes met the girl's, their sorrowful expression became evident to me.

It was clear that this man had some connection to the girl.

He suddenly raised his hands in the air, leaving me perplexed about his actions. My bewilderment was swiftly dispelled as several more individuals, their faces concealed, armed with weapons, appeared in various trees, casting scornful glances toward the soldiers.

The man who held me by the mouth leaned in and whispered,"Stay here in this tree while I go. When I'm finished, I'll bring you down, and then you can explain why you're here."

Even if an opportunity to escape arose, I knew there was nowhere to flee.

The man withdrew his hands from my mouth and signaled to his comrades to move forward. In an instant, they descended to the ground with the agility of seasoned warriors.

What followed unfolded with remarkable ease; the masked individuals swiftly subdued the four soldiers within a matter of minutes and one of the soldiers met his end at the hands of the man who had rescued me.

I let out a long exhale, trying to come to terms with the surreal turn of events. "I can't believe I thought I was in America when I'm actually in a medieval fantasy world," I silently berated myself.