
New Valyria

New Valyria is a Game of Thrones fanfiction that flips the script on Jon Snow’s story. Instead of staying stuck as the brooding, isolated bastard of Ned Stark, Jon decides he’s meant for something bigger—something legendary. He’s done with the idea that his life has to be cold and grim at the edge of the world. In this version, he aims higher, dreaming of becoming a leader whose name echoes through history. This time around, Jon’s not just a guy in the shadows. He’s a father, a warrior, an emperor, and a true dragon from the North. He’s making his own fate, playing the game of power like never before. The story follows his bold moves to build alliances with far-off empires and kingdoms beyond the Sunset Sea, turning himself into a serious player on the world stage. At the same time, he’s not afraid to take on new lands to the East, proving his strength and strategy in battle after battle. New Valyria is all about Jon’s rise from a guy who never quite fit in to a ruler who refuses to be forgotten. It’s packed with complex plots, intense battles, and the kind of adventures that show just how far he’s come. This isn’t the Jon you remember—it’s a version where he’s reaching for the stars and pulling everyone along for the ride. Curious to see how Jon carves out his own legend? You can get a front-row seat to all the action by supporting New Valyria on my Wbesite or Patreon. With early access to chapters and a chance to help shape the story’s path, it’s your way to dive even deeper into this epic saga. Check it out at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively and join the adventure!

Perseus_Blackfyre · 本&文学
39 Chs

Chapter 19: Arc 2, Dragons

Arc 2, Dragons


Daenerys Targaryen(three days after the dragons hatched.)


Dany woke to something trying to climb up her body. She slowly opened her eyes to see that it was still dark out. She looked down at the dragons climbing up onto her body. Dany sat up and giggled.

The dragons settled onto her lap, two of them looked to her, and the other just laid his head down onto her nightgown. Dany looked to the black dragon, she named Aegiron, after the Conqueror. Dany noticed that Aegiron, was the aggressive one out of her dragons, the dragon was also the fastest growing out of her dragons. She looked into the dragon's eyes and felt something twist in her mind.

Her eyes widened, and the dragon tilted his head sideways. He shook her head and looked to the creamy dragon, named Rhaellion. Out of all her dragons this one was the one that was the kindest and most active one.

This dragon was currently trying to get his brother to move. The red and gray dragon, was the laziest, and if she was being completely honest, the one that gives her a sense of doom. She named this dragon after her oldest brother, Rhaegal. She remembered something that her brother, Viserys, said to her once, 'There was a melancholy to our brother. Rhaegar. A sense of Doom.'

Dany heard the other two singing and looked to them to see that they wanted to sleep. She giggled at their antics, she slowly laid back down. She felt the dragons climbed up to her chest. They both laid a head on her and covered their heads with their wings.

It didn't take long for them to fall asleep, she so felt light breathing, going through her nightgown. Dany smiled and closed her eyes, she soon followed the dragons.


Dany walked the markets of Pentos, with about a dozen guards form the Brotherhood, all wearing steel armour with a frowning weirwood tree on the chest plate, and the little Naath girl, Missandei. The girl has been very helpful with the dragons and doing her hair.

Dany and the girl became fast friends, with how much Dany read her books, and them doing each others hair, and so on. Well they got along, Missandei told her a lot about, this Jon Snow. To what Dany saw, it looks like Missandei saw Jon Snow as a God, a big brother. She also saw that Jon Snow trusted Missandei a lot. But she was still suspicious about him bringing the dragons back, Missandei said he had a broad body, raven black hair, and angry purple eyes. None of those are traits of Targaryens, minus the eyes.

Dany was taken from her thoughts by the sounds of people talking, and a lot of ruckus. Dany looked up to see that they were at the docks. Well she was in thought she didn't realize that she led them to the docks.

Dany looked around, and saw five ships at the docks, flying the banner of the Brotherhood of the Old Gods. She looked to Missandei, "Are those ships apart of the Brotherhood?"

Missandei nodded, "Yes, they are the Command Ships." Missandei took head and directed them to the ship.

Missandei stopped in front of a galley made out of a black wood, the galley had a ram in the shape of a wolf's head, it also has a figurehead as a dragon. The galley looked to be 225ft, with about sixty oars on the side they were on, and if Dany's books were true then it had another sixty on the other side.

Missandei explained, "This is the 'Dragonwolf', the head of the fleet. The captains of this ship is our Commander of Fleet, Jack Worraps, and Head Commander, Jon Snow. It was made three years ago, and has remained the head of our fleet. It has fought in seven sea battles." Dany nodded. Missandei then led her to the next ship.

The next galley, was made out of a little black wood then the previous galley, the ship also had a ram in the shape of a bull, and a figurehead of a stag. The galley looked to be 215ft, with about 55 oars. But the most unique part of this ship was that it had a dropping figure head.

Missandei looked to the ship, "This is the 'Bull's Anger'. The captain of this ship is our Commander of Smiths, Gendry Waters. It was made about two years ago. It has fought in five sea battles." Missandei told her. They then moved onto the next ship.

This galley was made out of a red wood, with a golden snarling lion figurehead with what looks to be a ballista in his mouth, and a normal ram. The galley was 220ft, with 55 oars.

Missandei stopped, "This is the 'Lions Rage'. Captain is our Third in Command, Gerion Lannister. Built a year ago, and has fought in two sea battles. Not my favourite."

They moved onto the next galley. This one was made out of a gray wood, this one had a wolf's figurehead, and a ram which had a twirl like it was blowing wind. The galley looked to be 200ft, with 30 oars. This galley looked older than the others, and looked to be worked on.

Missandei smiled, "This is the 'Wind's Winter'. This galley was made around six years ago, and is the oldest of the fleet. The figurehead, and ram were added on about the same time the 'Dragonwolf' was made. Before the 'Dragonwolf' was made this was the head of the fleet. The captain of this ship is our Second in Command, Mance Rayder. It has fought in about ten sea battles, and is still our oldest galley."

Dany then looked to the last ship, and was surprised to find that this one was a longship. The longship was made out of okay, and had a figurehead of a horse. The longship was150ft, and with a huge sail.

Missandei turned to her, "This is the 'Wooden Horse'. The ship was made for the Dothraki, and their horses. I really don't know what to say about this ship. So let's just leave it at that." Missandei smiled at her.

Daenerys nodded, then she had a thought, "How many ships does the Brotherhood have."

Missandei smiled, "Well from what I remember we had around 95 galleys, 129 longships, and we are testing a few ideas…"

A loud roar took everyone's attention away from what they were doing. Dany looked in the direction and her eyes widened. Coming from the southeast, were three dragons. The one in front was a black, and gold one. The dragon looked to be the biggest of the three dragons. The closer it got Dany was able to see that someone was sitting on it… wait there were more… three… four… five, there were five people on the dragon, and in two of their arms was something covered in cloth.

She looked at the other dragons. The one on the black one's left, was an emerald green dragon, and further behind was an ocean blue, and silver dragon.

Dany thought, 'Then the rumours are true. The dragons have returned.'

Dany looked to Missandei, who looked worried. Missandei looked to her, "Jon would never use Sȳndordārys, to return. He would always travel by sea, and gave us a warning." Missandei looked back up to the dragons, who just flew over their heads, heading in the direction of the Brotherhood's camp, "Something bad must have happened."

Missandei started a light jog, going to the camp, she looked back to her, "Aren't you coming?" Dany, nodded and followed. They were followed by the dozen guards.


Mance Rayder


Mance stood and walked to the entrance of the meeting tent, when he heard the, oh so familiar roars. He left the tent with the scroll he just got from a little bird form Dorne. This needed to be given to Jon.

He exited the tent to see that the dragons were flying towards the camp. He watched as the dragons landed. What he saw put a smile on his face, with Jon was Val, Joanna, Arianne, the kids, and Gendry. Mance walked towards them with a smile on his face, "Welcome back, Head Commander, Val, Princess Arianne, Lady Joanna, and my little grumkins." He smiled as the kids jumped into their parents arms, but he also noticed that from the hip downs were not moving. He watched as Arianne, and Joanna walked towards him and handed them over to him.

Jon walked up to him and nodded, "I don't plan to be here for long, Mance." Mance nodded, "But it's got to see you again, Mance. Also call the captains and commanders. We're having a meeting about the future.

Mance nodded, and placed the kids in the arms of their parents arms, but instead of Arianne, he placed Aliandra into the arms of Val. they all walked over to Black-Snake and started bothering him, and some of the Unsullied. He heard laughing from behind him, and looked to see that Ariannne, and Jon were laughing.. He looked over to Jon, "Jon before the meeting, I need to show you and Princess Arianne something." motioned them to follow him, and took out the scroll and showed them the stamp of the sigil of House Matell.

Both of them nodded, and walked into the meeting tent. When they entered the tent they found a seat, and Jon walked over to grab three wine goblets, and a jug of Hippocras, "So what is so important that you needed to show Ari and I."

Mance held out the scroll to Ari, and he watched as she read the scroll, until she looked up without a hair out of place, "So my father has passed. What about it?"

Mance looked up to Arianne with a look of shock on his face. Jon walked to stand beside Arianne, "Prince Doran and Ari don't have a very good relationship. They argued and haven't stopped." Jon took a sip of the wine, "But it is sad to hear that. Unlike my Dornish Princess, I had a good relationship with Prince Doran."

Mance slowly nodded, "Well that was what I wanted to show you." He went to stand, but was stopped when he started to take his tunic off. Mance looked towards Arianne confused, but when he saw her face and saw sadness, he looked back towards Jon, and his eyes widened at the angry red scars all over his body. All locked like they could kill.

"I got these scars while in Volantis.." Jon continued. And when he was finished, he put his shirt back on, and Mance went to get all the captains and commanders, but before he left he heard Jon says, "Also if you can get my aunt


Mance entered the tent, to see that it was completely packed. Inside were all the captains and the remaining commanders, Black Snake, Gendry, Jack, Alliser, Rakharo, Tormund, Joeanna, Val and Jon.

Mance walked to stand beside Jon who was standing at the head of the table. Mance heard the singing of dragons. He looked to the opposite side of the table to see that the dragons, Aegiron, Rhaellion, Rhaegal, and Rhaenys' white dragon, Raraxes.

Jon speaking took him out of his thoughts, "We are having a change of plans. The plan on conquering Essos has moved up." Mance saw Jon look around the tent, and saw some confused looks, but most of them nodded. Jon looked to him, "Mance go send ravens to every city in Essos, to kneel to the dragons." Mance nodded, and went to speak, but it seems that Jon already knew what he was going to say, "If they plan on being little shit, and deny, then leave them be." Jon looked at the map on the table, "But I already have an idea of who will deny it. The first is Slaver's Bay, and there shit masters. The second will most likely be Qarth, and their warlocks. I already have plans in mind for them, but I will get to that later." Mance nodded and smiled, "Also send a raven to Gerion to tell him to start moving towards King's Landing, tell him that Gendry, Val, Jason,mAliandra, and I will join him soon." Mance nodded again, Jon then looked to Gendry, and Val both of them nodded.

Mance then saw the little Targaryen girl stand, and went to speak, but Jon got to it first, "Daenerys Targaryen." Jon looked to her, "What do you know about your Brother, Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark?" So the girl told them what she knew of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. When she was done Jon looked at him and nodded.

Mance turned around and went to the chest which held the information of Jon's birthright. Mance grabbed the key that he kept on his neck and unlocked all ten locks, two on each side and six in the front. He opened the chest and grabbed the scrolls, he then closed it and walked to Jon and handed him the scrolls.

Jon took the scrolls and looked to the Targaryen girl, "Well you were lied to. All of the Seven Kingdoms, and all of Essos were lied to by the most honourable man alive." His Commander gave the girl the scrolls, and continued, "Rhaegar didn't kidnap Lyanna. Lyanna left of her own free will. They loved each other." Mance saw Jon smile, "So they got married in secret, with only Princesses Elia, and Rhaenys, Prince Aegon, Sers Arthur, Gerold, and Oswell." The smile grew, "And from that love came a boy."

Mance saw the girls eyes widened when she finished the last scroll. The girl looked to Jon, and spoke, "Your my nephew?" Jon nodded.

"Aye, and you're my Aunt." Jon looked to her with a complete serious look, "That information, can not be spoken about out of this camp. The only time it can be spoken is when I fight for the Iron Throne." Daenerys nodded.

Jon looked back to the captains, and commanders, "The plan I had for taking Slaver's Bay and Qarth, are like this." He looked to Rhaenys, "Rhaenys I want you to take Alliser and Black Snake, with 5000 of our men and go to the city and besiege it, and well this is happening I want Jack to take part of the fleet and block their food supply from the sea, and give you food and water."

Rhaenys and Jack nodded, "Got it."

Jon then looked to Daenerys, "I want you to take my khalasar, and go to Slaver's Bay. I want you to tell them that you want to buy the Unsullied. You will pretend that you don't know High Valyrian, I will also send Missandei with you, she will be the translator. When they ask for the payment, tell them you will give them a dragon. When the day comes when you buy them, give the dragon to the master, he should give you the whip." He then grinned, "Always remember, 'No Dragons are slaves.' The rest I live in your hands. Free the slaves, and move to Yunkai and take it, then move to Meereen."

Daenerys nodded, "Yes, Nephew."

Jon looked to everyone else, "What I want the rest of you to do is, do as you always do." Jon smiled, "Be my family, continue being my family until I die." Everyone nodded, Jon smiled again, "Thank you. You my all leave, minus my aunt, Rhaenys, Val, Joeanna, and Arianne."

Slowly everyone left, but Mance stayed behind, remembering what he had to do.


Unknown Sailor


Something has happened… something that has never happened before… something bad. The Smoking Sea has lost all of its smoke. There was no smoke left, none in the air, none on the water, none covering the ruins of the once great city, Valyria.

The sailor was scared, first the dragons returned, then the golden company was disbanded, now The Smoking Sea is no longer the Smoking Sea. What next, the Great Other's return, or is it Sothoryos, being conquered.

No one will know until it finally happens.

Curious to see how Jon carves out his own legend? You can get a front-row seat to all the action by supporting New Valyria on my Wbesite or Patreon. With early access to chapters and a chance to help shape the story’s path, it’s your way to dive even deeper into this epic saga. Check it out at perseusblackfyre-shop.fourthwall.com and patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre respectively and join the adventure!

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