
New u time

Udeshya_Acharya · 都市
15 Chs

97 to 109

Chapter 97 - Waiting for the Right Time

Chapter 97: Waiting for the Right Time

Lin Yixuan held a feast and took out the spirit wine that he had been saving for a long time to welcome Lin Mo. He was filled with emotions and was still in shock. The owner of the auction house that was helping him was Lin Mo.

"Oh right, why did you think of hiding your identity and not contacting us directly?"

Lin Mo smiled meaningfully. "This is the only way to make the second elder and the others lower their guard and fall into my trap."

Lin Yixuan was stunned at first. Then, he seemed to think of something and looked at Lin Mo differently. "Good, good, good!" he said. It was enough to show how happy he was at the moment.

"It's all linked together, scheming step by step. Even the second elder, that scheming and sinister old fox, fell for your trap. It's really like the new wave pushing another wave forward."

Lin Yixuan was very emotional. Lin Mo had only taken one step, but he had already thought of the next hundred steps. He could even make everyone follow his plan.

If Lin Mo had not hidden his identity in the beginning and first aroused the second elder's hostility, Lin Mo would not find an opportunity to go against the second elder.

As a situation led to another, Lin Yixuan eventually helped Lin Mo to scam the second elder of the spiritual stones. It was as if killing two birds with one stone.

"Now that you've finally returned to the Lin clan, what plans do you have? Based on the second elder's character, he definitely won't let you off easily."

Lin Mo smiled coldly, his eyes were filled with unconcealed killing intent. "I won't let him off so easily either." The aura he gave off shocked even Lin Yixuan. After all, the Lin Mo from before was not such a person.

As if he knew what Lin Yixuan was thinking, Lin Mo explained casually, "First elder, after I left the Lin clan, the second elder sent several groups of people to deal with me. They wanted to take my life. We've reached the point where we won't rest until one of us dies."


Lin Yixuan shouted in disbelief, "There's such an incident?"

Lin Mo briefly mentioned a few incidents. In the middle, he omitted the things related to the system and the destruction of the Miao clan. Lin Yixuan's expression became more serious after he heard it.

After a long while, he said, "I didn't know that there was such a thing. If I knew, I wouldn't have let him do whatever he wants!"

Lin Mo said this calmly, but it was obvious that the journey he went through was extremely dangerous. It was definitely not as simple as he said.

Lin Yixuan and the second elder had fought for so many years, and he knew this person's strength and character. Lin Mo was able to make the second elder lose time and time again, and he even suffered such a huge loss. It was enough to show that his strength was not to be underestimated.

Lin Mo said indifferently, "It's nothing. I'm not injured anyway. The second elder, on the other hand, has been shooting himself in his foot many times. He should've learned that I'm taking over the auction house by now."

Thinking of the second elder's expression at this moment, Lin Yixuan felt extremely happy. It did not matter if it was Lin Mo who made the second elder suffer or the latter who made him suffer.

The second elder's battle this time could be said to be a crushing defeat. He was completely defeated and had no way to fight back against Lin Mo.

"I really want to see his expression now, but the second elder should be shutting his door tight. He must be throwing a tantrum inside."

Lin Wan also revealed a mischievous smile on the side. "Yeah, with a person like the second elder, I'm afraid he won't be able to sleep well for a while."

Compared to the second elder, Lin Yixuan's methods were too gentle and he was an upright scholar. He did not want to use underhanded methods. On the other hand, the second elder was not able to achieve his goal hence he chose to use all kinds of methods.

That was why he planned and plotted against Lin Junyan, causing Lin Yixuan to lose his right-hand man. Then, he pressed on and nibbled at Lin Yixuan's strength, trying to win over the hearts of the people in the clan.

That was why Lin Yixuan gradually fell to a disadvantage. Otherwise, if the two of them were to face each other, it was still unknown who would win.

"However, the second elder will not give up easily. He'll definitely think of ways to deal with you later. You have to be careful. If you need my help, just let me know."

Lin Yixuan was not worried that Lin Mo would come to seize power. He could tell that Lin Mo was not obsessed with power. Even if Lin Mo had the intention, and if the clan leader was Lin Mo, Lin Yixuan would agree to it.

After all, if the Lin clan fell into the hands of someone like the second elder, the clan would fall apart. It was also because of this that Lin Yixuan made up his mind to fight for the position of the clan leader with the second elder.

"Don't worry, the second elder won't be jumping around for long."

Seeing Lin Mo's confidence, Lin Yixuan was curious. "So, you already have a plan in mind?"

"It's not a plan. I'm just waiting for him to get tired. The second elder must be very anxious because I'm threatening his position. I think he'll act soon."

Lin Mo did not even need to take the initiative to strike first. He was sure that he would definitely surpass Lin Yixuan based on the hatred he had for the second elder. That was why he was the first person the second elder attacked.

"Alright then. All in all, you have to be careful. What are your plans regarding the auction house?"

Lin Mo's eyes turned and revealed a mysterious smile. "If it's the second elder, where do you think he'll go first to deal with me?"

Lin Yixuan immediately understood what Lin Mo meant. The two of them looked at each other.

"Alright, I'll continue to send people to keep an eye on the second elder. I'll inform you as soon as there's any movement."

Chapter 98 - He's Back!

Chapter 98: He's Back!

The news of Lin Mo's return quickly spread.

"Hey, did you guys hear that Lin Mo is back? He's the one who opened the mysterious auction house that suddenly appeared in the city."

"Lin Mo? It can't be him, right? Didn't they say that he was abandoned by the Lin clan and exiled to some remote place? What's going on?"

Everyone knew of Lin Mo's name back then. They also knew that he was the most outstanding genius of the Lin clan. Not only did his powerful talent and advancement speed far suppressed all his peers, but he had also become an existence that everyone looked up to.

Everyone paled in comparison to him. There were even people who said that his achievements in the future would not be inferior to those great emperors. It could be said that Lin Mo was the rising star and representative of the Lin clan.

However, his cultivation level started to stagnate. It was not until the people he had left behind caught up to him that he was reduced from a genius to trash. He was ridiculed by everyone and even bullied and ostracized.

The higher you were, the greater the fall. Now that they heard Lin Mo's name again, it was as if a lifetime had passed.

"That's right. He has suddenly returned. Moreover, no one knows what his cultivation level is now. Even the second elder has fallen into his hands. He won't be able to gain any benefits."

"Who knows, he might have encountered a great opportunity outside. That's why he was able to take out so many magic treasures."

The Lin clan's second elder was currently in the limelight. However, Lin Mo, who had just returned, had caused him to suffer a great loss. From this, one could guess Lin Mo's strengths.

After all, after he had been abandoned by the Lin clan, he did not have any foundation. Unlike the second elder and the others, who had worked hard in the Lin clan for many years, whether it was manpower or resources, they were not something that Lin Mo could compare to.

It was precisely these two people who had such a huge disparity in strength that the second elder had suffered a huge loss at the hands of Lin Mo.

Even so, there were still people who did not dare to believe it. It was probably because Lin Mo's image as a good-for-nothing had been too deeply ingrained. "Has Lin Mo really become so powerful now?"

"If you don't believe it, go and take a look for yourself. Previously, the auction house that he had opened was something that even the Lin clan had to avoid. Moreover, the items that he had brought out from the auction house were all around the fifth level."

When the others heard this news, they felt that the world had become unpredictable. "Then, wouldn't the Lin clan be in for a huge change?"

"Who says so? Previously, it was just the first elder and the second elder vying for the position of the family head. Now that Lin Mo has joined in, I don't know who would be more capable."

"Furthermore, I've heard that the Lin clan auction house was originally taken over by the second elder. However, the moment Lin Mo returned, the clan leader handed it over to him."

"How can the second elder be willing to accept such a loss?"

"So what if he's unwilling? The clan leader has already spoken. From this, it can be seen that Lin Mo still has some tricks up his sleeves. Otherwise, based on the status of the second elder in the Lin clan, how could he so easily snatch away the authority in his hands?"

Many people still held a dubious attitude. This was because although Lin Mo had returned, he did not really come out to take a walk. These were just rumors. As the rumors grew more and more intense, he was shrouded in a layer of mysteriousness.

Furthermore, Lin Mo's deeds and experiences were rather complicated. As a result, many people paid close attention to him and even wanted to find out more about him.

On the day of the auction, the Lin clan's auction house was packed with people. The doors were almost broken through. The hall was densely packed with people, and there were even quite a few people outside who were watching it. It was enough to show that everyone was paying attention to this auction.

When the second elder saw such a grand occasion and the people around him were discussing Lin Mo, his expression was as dark as ink.

The people around him carefully said, "Second elder, there's no need to be angry. As the saying goes, the higher you climb, the heavier you fall. This kid is so proud now. In the future, there will be times when he'll cry."

The second elder's expression became even colder."I'm afraid that we'll cry before Lin Mo does."

"The clan leader is also muddle-headed. He actually entrusted such an important matter like the auction house to this brat. I wonder what kind of bewitching potion Lin Mo gave him."

What else could it be? It was naturally the glorious deeds of Qingyang City as well as the invitation from the imperial capital. With all these added together, it would be able to make the clan leader view him in a different light.

When the second elder thought of this, his mood became even more depressed. After all, this was still the Lin clan. If he were to act rashly, he would be discovered and ostracized instead. Moreover, if he did not succeed, it would instead cause Lin Mo to run to the clan leader and complain. The losses would not be worth it.

"We'll take it one step at a time. I want to see if he can manage the Lin clan's auction well!"

Compared to the unhappy expressions of the second elder and the others, Lin Yixuan and Lin Wan were extremely happy. Not only did Lin Mo solve their current predicament, he even saved Lin Junyan's life. He could be said to be their benefactor.

Lin Wan glanced at the second elder from the corner of his eyes and could not help but chuckle. "Father, look at their expressions. They're almost the same as charcoal."

Lin Yixuan did not show his emotions, but the corners of his lips curled up. It was obvious that he was in a good mood. "The second elder and the others have been so happy for so long. It's rare to see them so defeated."

"That's right. It's all thanks to Brother Lin Mo. If it wasn't for him being so powerful, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to get out of this predicament."

Ever since Lin Mo returned, Lin Yixuan had heard Lin Wan talk about Lin Mo the most.

Chapter 99 - The Auction That Drives People Crazy

Chapter 99: The Auction That Drives People Crazy

Just as the father and son were discussing, the lights on the stage suddenly dimmed. Miao Qing walked out as well. Countless gazes fell on him, but Miao Qing's expression was calm as if he did not care.

Lin Wan was a little puzzled as he asked, "Our Lin clan has many professional auctioneers. Father also has a few outstanding ones. Why did Brother Lin Mo choose him?"

He could tell that Miao Qing was a newbie and had only been in the auction house for a short period. It would be difficult for him to take charge of the situation and stir up the emotions of the audience. Furthermore, mistakes were bound to happen.

Lin Yixuan shook his head, indicating that he did not understand. "Maybe he wants to cultivate his own power."

Although he did not know Miao Qing's exact cultivation level, from the aura that he occasionally emitted, it was definitely not easy to underestimate him. He should be an expert as well.

Even though Miao Qing was not experienced in this aspect, he was able to exploit his strengths and hide his weaknesses. Furthermore, Lin Mo had just returned to the Lin clan, and he did not want to use other people to prevent people with ulterior motives from sneaking in.

After nurturing Miao Qing, Lin Mo would be able to save himself a lot of trouble.

"Welcome, everyone, to the Lin clan's auction house. The first treasure to be auctioned is a mid fifth-level Divine Fire Barrier. The starting price is 5,000 spirit stones."

Lin Mo's price was neither too high nor too low, and he happened to be stuck in the middle. After all, he no longer needed to rely on lowly methods to attract attention.

Divine Fire Barrier was a defensive type of magical artifact. It was invulnerable to blades and spears, and it could isolate all flames, allowing it to move freely in the sea of flames. Of course, if the level of the flames was too high, it would not be able to withstand it. All in all, it could be considered a decent treasure.

"6,000 spirit stones!"

"7,000 spirit stones!"

Someone immediately called out the price, and it was quickly sold at the price of 9,000 spirit stones.

[ Ding! Host has successfully auctioned the fifth-level Divine Fire Barrier. ]

[ Successfully triggered the three thousand fold return. ]

[ Acquired the seventh-grade nine dragons divine fire barrier! ]

"The second auction item, the low sixth-level Wind Stabilizing Pearl. The starting price is 8,000 spirit stones!"

A gray bead appeared in Miao Qing's hand. It looked ordinary, but upon closer inspection, it seemed to have countless small whirlpools as if some mysterious force had fixed it inside. Even time seemed to have stopped.

Perhaps it was an illusion, but the venue, which had a cool breeze passing through the hall, was now completely devoid of wind. One had to know that the hall was wide, and the wind was incessant. There had never been such a phenomenon before. It must have been caused by the calming wind bead in Miao Qing's hand.

Although it was an extremely rare sixth-level item, the crowd was obviously not interested. After all, the calming wind bead sounded very powerful, but it was actually not very useful.

No one had the leisure time to buy a bead that could stabilize the wind. It had no attacking or defensive features. After a while, someone called out the price, and the final price was not high.

[ Ding! Host has successfully auctioned sixth-level Wind Stabilizing Bead. ]

[ Triggered 4,000 times return. ]

[ Obtained seventh-level Wind Stabilizing Bead! ]

Upon hearing this name, Lin Mo could not help but thought, 'Wind Stabilizing Bead is very powerful just from its name. To be able to control the wind, it should have a wider range of uses. It's worth studying it properly.'

It was probably because the items from before were rather ordinary and did not have much utility. Everyone could not help but feel a little disappointed.

Furthermore, the rumors about Lin Mo spread like wildfire. All of the items auctioned in the nameless auction house were top-quality items. In comparison, the first few items auctioned in the Lin clan auction house were all very ordinary and unattractive.

"Sigh, I thought there would be some good stuff. Looks like it's just so-so. They're all ordinary items that can be seen in ordinary auction houses."

"That's right, Lin Mo's previous auction house isn't like this. Some items were of the fifth to sixth-level."

"The Divine Fire Barrier and Wind Stabilizing Pearl that are being auctioned now aren't of much use. Could it be that they're trying to fool us? I think the rumors about Lin Mo from before are all lies!"

There were gradually some strange sounds in the auction house, and among them, there was no lack of the second elder and the others adding fuel to the fire.

Lin Wan could not help but look worried as he said, "Father…"

However, Lin Yixuan seemed to know what he was going to say as he shook his head. "Do you know the principle of keeping a low profile?"

Both Lin Mo and Lin Yixuan looked at each other calmly, and Lin Wan was relieved.

"The third item is a top sixth-level Fire Fan. The starting price is 9,000 spirit stones."

On the red tray, there was a glowing fan. The red light was faintly discernible, and the handle of the fan was surrounded by the patterns of flames. The flames were vivid as if they would come to life in the next second.

Even the tail of the fan was hung with a flame-shaped pendant. The dense fire elemental energy within seemed to raise the temperature significantly. Those who were close to it could even feel the scorching heat.

"This fan contains fire from the air, stone, wood, purgatory, and the human world. With the five flames combined, it's also known as the five-fire fan. People without cultivation base can use it. The higher their cultivation base is, the more powerful the flames will be. However, it will also cost a lot of spiritual power, so everyone should try their best."

Everyone did not listen to what Miao Qing said at the end, and placed all their focus on the front.

In other words, the Fire Fan could unleash greater power according to the user's own abilities. It was a growth-type artifact, and even people without cultivation could use its powerful flames to defend or attack.

It was probably because it required a lot of spiritual energy to unleash its full power, which was why it was ranked sixth-level. Otherwise, it might even be eighth-level.

"10,000 spirit stones!"

"15,000 spirit stones!"

"20,000 spirit stones!"

Even though the price had soared to such a high level, the crowd's enthusiasm did not decrease in the slightest.

Chapter 100 - The Holy Dao

Chapter 100: The Holy Dao-seeking Stone

The crowd shouted the price like crazy, and soon, the price rose to 20,000 spirit stones at an extremely terrifying speed. Moreover, it seemed that the bidding did not stop.

"What kind of concept is a growth-type weapon? It's an extremely rare existence. It can only be encountered by chance, but not sought after. Although it's a top sixth-level weapon, based on this characteristic, it's even better than an ordinary seventh or eighth-level magical artifact."

"I heard that there was a growth-type weapon in the neighboring city, and it's a seventh-level. However, its effect is completely inferior to this Fire Fan."

"For people without cultivation base to be able to use it, it's enough to show the uniqueness of this magical artifact. Moreover, the fire element is the most offensive. If this fan were to be in the hands of those with powerful abilities, its power would be unimaginable."

Everyone wished they could compete with the others for this treasure. After a while, the bidding slowed down. However, it had already reached 40,000 spirit stones.

The faces of the second elder and the others were extremely ugly. Just one Fire Fan was enough for Lin Mo to make a great contribution in front of the patriarch.

Lin Yixuan and Lin Wan were extremely happy. They did not expect Lin Mo to take out such a powerful treasure. Lin Yixuan could not help but sigh. "If it wasn't for the cultivation technique and fire element that I practiced, I'd really like to give it a try."

The final price of the Fire Fan was 48,000 spirit stones. Those who did not manage to get it could not help but sigh. They regretted not bringing more spirit stones with them.

[ Ding! Host has successfully auctioned the top sixth-level Fire Fan. ]

[ Successfully triggered three thousand returns. ]

[ Acquired eighth-level Divine Flame Bird Fan! ]

"The fourth item is a low fifth-level Dao-seeking Stone. The starting price is 15,000 spirit stones!"

As soon as Miao Qing finished speaking, the entire place fell into silence as if they could not believe their ears.

"Dao-seeking Stone? Did I hear wrong? Is it the kind of dao-seeking stone that I think it is?"

Miao Qing did not answer, but only said, "Everyone, please take a look."

Everyone quickly looked in the direction that Miao Qing was pointing. On the red velvet cloth, there was a pitch-black stone. It looked no different from a random stone picked up by the roadside.

However, upon closer inspection, they discovered that the patterns on the stone seemed to contain an indescribable dao rhythm. It was like words, but also like some mysterious patterns and symbols. It was as if the sun, moon, heaven, earth, mountains, and rivers had formed a small miniature model, branded on this stone.

It was as if one had stepped into the endless mysteries of the universe and come into contact with something deeper.

Soon, the red velvet cloth once again blocked everyone's vision. Miao Qing had also put away the stone. They could no longer explore deeper. Everyone felt empty as if they had lost something.

After a moment, someone came back to their senses and said in astonishment, "It's really a Dao-seeking Stone!"

It was rumored that there was such a stone that was born from the spiritual qi of heaven and earth. It absorbed the essence of the sun and moon and the breath of mountains and rivers. It could be said that it was born with dao rhythm.

If one could cultivate and meditate with such a stone, then cultivation speed would be doubled but only using half the effort. It could even avoid the trouble of inner demons, encouraging a clear spiritual stage and mind.

"How much spiritual energy of heaven and earth is mixed in the Dao-seeking Stone? However, each stone is extremely precious and rare. It will take at least a hundred years or a thousand years to transform from an ordinary spirit stone into a dao stone."

As for why it could be transformed, what mysteries it contained, and how much spiritual energy it required to accumulate, no one had been able to explain it clearly up until now.

"Everyone who cultivates through the Dao-seeking Stone will obtain different insights and experiences. Some people's cultivation can advance by leaps and bounds, while others can gain instant enlightenment. There are even rumors that someone has obtained clues regarding the dao from it! "

"There's actually such a miraculous thing!"

However, no one was able to explain the origin of the Dao-seeking Stone. They only knew that everything depended on luck. If there was a word "dao" in it, then its origin would definitely be extraordinary.

There was too little information about the Dao-seeking Stone because it was rare in the world. Some of it sounded more like a story, and there were so many different opinions that it was impossible for everyone to differentiate it.

However, all cultivators wanted in their lives were to seek immortality and dao. Therefore, dao-seeking stones were something that almost everyone dreamed of. Even if there was only a glimmer of hope, they had to grasp it firmly.

However, things like dao-seeking stones were too rare, so few people had seen them before. Now that they had seen them, even if they were only at the low fifth-level, they could be considered rare treasures.

"20,000 spirit stones!"

"25,000 spirit stones!"

"30,000 spirit stones!"

Everyone fell into a frenzy. The price increase was even crazier than before. The person who had previously bid for the Fire Fan was now filled with regret, and his intestines were about to turn green.

Although the Fire Fan was a growth-type magical treasure, and although its power was great it was not worth mentioning when compared to Dao-seeking Stone.

Everyone wanted to pursue the dao in their hearts.

"80,000 spirit stones!"

The hoarse male voice suddenly spoke, causing everyone to be shocked on the spot. This price was really too high.

They wanted to see who exactly was so rich and powerful.

However, when they looked toward the source of the voice, they saw that it was a mysterious person who was covered from head to toe. They could not see his true appearance at all. Presumably, that hoarse male voice just now was also because he had used a false voice.

"Who is this person? From his accent, he seems to be from another city. He doesn't seem to be from our city."

"He's so mysterious. What's wrong with being open and aboveboard about it?"

While everyone was discussing, the mysterious person acted as if he did not hear them. However, even though the others wanted to chase after him, they did not have that many spirit stones.

[ Ding! Host has successfully auctioned a fifth-level Dao-seeking Stone. ]

[ Triggered 10,000 times return. ]

[ Obtained top ninth-level Holy Dao-seeking Stone! ]

Chapter 101 - Autumn Frost Sword Technique

Chapter 101: Autumn Frost Sword Technique

Upon hearing the system's notification, Lin Mo sucked in a breath of cold air.

10,000 times return!

This was the second time it had been triggered since he obtained the system!

The previous Nine Revolutions Creation Pill that had received 10,000 times return had truly awakened his Devouring Divine Body. Then, what kind of effects would this Holy Dao-seeking Stone offer?

As the owner of the Lin clan's auction house, he naturally knew the value of a fifth-level Dao-seeking Stone. If not for the existence of the system, he would definitely have preferred to keep such a good item for himself.

The second elder below the stage looked at the final price of the Dao-seeking Stone and felt so regretful!

These were all treasures that he had painstakingly collected and prepared to lay the foundation for his fight for the Lin clan's power.

The Dao-seeking Stone had been taken out of his personal vault. He was unwilling to use it himself but it was now being auctioned off! His heart ached, so much so that he could not breathe! The second elder covered his chest in pain.

The other person beside him looked at the second elder's expression and said through gritted teeth with a dark expression, "He even took out such treasure on his first auction. This is a deliberate act for us to see. His intentions are despicable!"

On the stage, Miao Qing did not care about that and continued to auction off the next item.

"The fifth item is the sixth-level technique, Autumn Frost Sword Art. The starting price is 20,000 spirit stones!"

If the appearance of the fifth-level Dao-seeking Stone caused the entire place to be silent, then this time, what Miao Qing said was equivalent to a clap of thunder above everyone's heads!

"What?! Did I hear wrongly? Did he just say a sixth-level technique?"

"I also hope that I heard wrongly, but he clearly said a sixth-level technique, and it was the entire technique!"

"You have to know that every time this kind of high-level technique appears, it can cause a bloodbath in the eastern continent."

Some people below the stage were shocked, while others were suspicious.

"This must be fake. I don't believe that Lin Mo has such good luck! He just accepted the auction house yesterday, and someone already gave him a complete sixth-level technique?"

Seated on the stage, the second elder stared at Miao Qing in disbelief as he nervously grabbed onto the clothes of the person beside him.

When someone beside the second elder heard what he said, he immediately started whispering to the person beside him as waves of doubt spread…

However, Miao Qing, who was on the stage, had a calm expression on his face. A handmaiden beside him brought over a red tray. On it was an antique yellow pear wood box. The carvings on the surface were clearly visible, and the design was simple and elegant.

"Everyone, please take a look!"

As he spoke, Miao Qing opened the yellow pear wood lid.

Everyone followed Miao Qing's movements and looked over. A pale yellow book was lying in the middle of the box.

A thick, frosty aura assaulted their faces. At this moment, everyone in the auction house felt an inexplicable sense of despair and sorrow in their hearts.

Autumn was supposed to be a fruitful harvest, but this sudden, murderous atmosphere seemed to have cut off their last bit of life at this moment, causing everyone to suffocate.

"This is real. This is the aura of the sixth-level complete technique. I've seen it once in the royal collection!"

Qi Yueheng, the head of the Qi clan, pointed at the yellow pear wood box on the stage with bloodshot eyes.

He pushed Qi Yifei who was beside him and said, "Son! Go back and gather spirit stones for me! If our Qi clan can obtain this sixth-level cultivation technique and increase our strength dramatically, then this is probably the closest opportunity for our Qi clan to become a family like the Lin clan!

"Not to mention 20,000 spirit stones, even if it's 100,000 spirit stones or selling off all of our family assets, I still need to acquire it!"

Zhao Gongming, the head of the Zhao clan beside Qi Yueheng, also had an excited expression on his face.

Bai Wuheng, the head of the Bai clan said, "Hehe, that dog, the second elder of the Lin clan, has such a good item but he keeps it from me?"

"You have the face to complain to me on a daily basis? Forget it, I'll do it myself!" The Bai clan had been doing business in Lin City for generations, and they were the most well-off.

The Qi clan, Zhao clan, and Bai clan had been fighting openly and secretly under the Lin clan for many years in Lin City. It was rare for them to see a chance to turn things around, so how could they let it slip away so easily?

"This! If I can get this cultivation technique, will the clan leader and the others still dare to look down on me? Would I have to wander outside and not dare to return?"

Someone mumbled with tears in his eyes, looking at the stage with such fervent eyes.

According to rumors, the sixth-level technique Autumn Frost Sword Technique was actually a branch of the four seasons sword technique. There were other similar-level techniques such as Spring Thunder Sword Technique, Summer Sea Sword Technique, and Winter Fur Sword Technique.

The fourth-level sword technique was once the masterpiece of the dragon transformation realm expert, Four Seasons Man. However, ever since the mysterious disappearance of the man 1,000 years ago, there had been no news about him.

It was rare to see the Autumn Frost Sword Technique, and it might contain the whereabouts of the Four Seasons Man! There must also be clues to the other cultivation techniques hidden within!

What was involved was far more than just the Autumn Frost Sword Technique. After traveling around the world for so many years, this old man finally saw a chance to break through to the great dao!

It was said that Four Seasons Man had comprehended the changes of the four seasons' sun, moon, heaven, and earth. In the end, he created these four cultivation techniques!

Perhaps through cultivating these cultivation techniques, one could comprehend the insights of Four Seasons Man. This was equivalent to creating another dragon transformation realm expert!

Regardless of whether they had the ability to buy it or not, everyone in the auction venue began to shout fervently.

If the previous Fire Fan, a growth-type magic weapon could directly increase one's strength, then the appearance of the Dao-seeking Stone could allow one to have endless potential and comprehend mystical dao techniques.

Then this Autumn Frost Sword Technique was a treasure that could simultaneously take into account both strength and potential, present and future!

A cultivation technique of sixth-level and above contained the understanding of the person who wrote this cultivation technique. It was equivalent to pointing out a bright path for the new generation.

The laws of heaven and earth were indeed mysterious, but if someone had already walked the path ahead, would it not be slightly easier for the rest to follow suit?

Even if one did not want to follow the old path and wanted to use this to create a new dao technique, then there would be a lot of reference points!

"30,000 spirit stones!"

"50,000 spirit stones!"

"55,000 spirit stones!"

Facing such a treasure that could rapidly increase one's strength, point out a great path, and even pass it on to future generations, no one could refuse it!

"80,000 spirit stones!"

The black-robed man who had previously bought the Dao-seeking Stone made another move.

"Hmph, this is Forest City! We're the true masters!"

"100,000 spirit stones!"

After getting the exact information from his son, Qi Yifei, Qi Yueheng glanced at the black-clothed man and shouted.

Chapter 102 - Mysterious Buyer

Chapter 102: Mysterious Buyer

"130,000 spirit stones!"

After hearing Qi Yueheng's price, the mysterious black-clothed man continued to raise the price without hesitation.

"Oh, I wonder where this person came from? Is he trying to oppose Qi Yueheng or the Qi clan?"

Bai Wuheng had been quietly watching the show from the side. In reality, he planned to wait until the other people's bids were about the same before he bid the final price. However, he had never expected that the black-clothed man's strength would actually be so strong.

The audience at the side had already sunk into complete madness. The auction price of more than 100,000 spirit stones was constantly transmitted into their ears. It made them feel as if they were in a dream, filled with an unreal dream-like feeling!

"140,000 spirit stones!"

As if he was venting his anger, Zhao Gongming also made a bid.

To be honest, this price was already a little difficult for him to accept.

Even if the final deal was really done, it would still be a bone-breaking auction for the Zhao clan. However, he had hesitated a little before which resulted in the high price!

"150,000 spirit stones!"

Bai Wuheng finally came off the stage, and one could only hear him easily announce a price that was difficult for the others to accept and bear!

Helplessly sitting back, Zhao Gongming simply gave up on this auction!

Looking at Bai Wuheng's side profile, his eyes were filled with resentment. No one knew what he was thinking about.

Bai Wuheng turned his head to look in the direction of the mysterious person who had bought the Dao-seeking Stone. He saw that his head was lowered, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

'Just treat it as if you have already given up. It's a wise choice! If you continue to compete with me, you will not have the slightest chance of winning!' Bai Wuheng thought proudly.

"200,000 spirit stones!"

In the auction venue, a number that caused everyone to feel suffocated suddenly burst out from a corner. That was the position of the itinerant cultivators who had come from other places!

The voice of this person that seemed to have descended from heaven caused the entire temporary auction venue to become quiet. Even a drop of a needle could be heard.

Everyone's eyes widened as they looked in the direction of the voice, searching for the owner of the voice.

Finally, they found it!

Sitting in the corner was an adventurer dressed in rags. The total value of his entire body might not even exceed one spirit stone!

In the eyes of the others in Lin City, this person might not even be as well-dressed as them. Where did he get the confidence to dare to raise such a price?

"Brother, don't randomly raise the price. If you can't afford it, the auction house can punish you…"

Someone beside him wanted to persuade him, but the next moment, a mocking voice sounded.

"I've lived in Lin City for more than forty years since I was young, but I've never seen anyone so arrogant as to dare to cause trouble in a temporary auction house!"

"Someone! Where are the auction house's guards? Send this ungrateful fellow out!"

"Could it be that the Lin auction house has declined as well? They don't even have the ability to judge the spending power of their customers?"

Bai Wuheng adjusted the clothes on his chest, pointed at the person who spoke in disdain, and shouted at Miao Qing who was on the auction stage.

"What if someone randomly bids and disrupts the order of the auction?"

Lin Mo had actually been watching from below the stage the entire time. After seeing the situation on the stage, he was not sure if this person had that many spirit stones on him, so he hurriedly asked, "Don't worry, host! After the system's examination, he indeed didn't have enough spirit stones on him. However, he had brought along other items with him, and the value of those items definitely exceeded the price he had bid!"

After receiving an affirmative answer, Lin Mo gave Miao Qing a look of affirmation.

"Our Lin clan's auction house is willing to trust this friend for once. Since he was able to shout out a price, he definitely had sufficient capital."

"Master Bai Wuheng! Please don't disturb the order of the auction house!" Miao Qing said righteously to Bai Wuheng.

"What?! You dare to speak to me like that?"

"Who do you think you are? You're just a lackey, yet you're rebelling against the heavens…" Bai Wuheng rolled up his sleeves and shouted angrily, but before he could finish his words, Miao Qing continued the bid.

"200,000 spirit stones once!"

Miao Qing ignored him and continued to maintain the auction as usual.

"200,000 spirit stones twice!"

At this moment, Bai Wuheng completely lost the mood to bid. He only saw him silently turning his head at this time.

He suddenly said a few words to a person beside him, then that person quickly ran out of the side door of the auction house. A sinister smile hung on Bai Wuheng's face as he stared at the shabby-looking adventurer.

"200,000 spirit stones thrice! The item is officially sold!"

[ Ding! Congratulations to host for successfully auctioning the Autumn Frost Sword Technique! ]

[ Successfully triggered five thousand times profit! ]

[ Obtained eighth-level sword technique, Four Seasons Sword Technique! ]

"This result doesn't seem to be unacceptable!"

Although Qi Yueheng did not obtain the Autumn Frost Sword Technique, Zhao Gongming and Bai Wuheng did not obtain it either!

Qi Yueheng was the first to bid, but he was also the most open-minded at this time. As long as he did not let the other two big families in Lin City obtain such a subversive cultivation technique, it would not threaten his clan's position. Besides that, he did not care who won the bid for the Autumn Frost Sword Technique!

The adventurer stood up and bowed to Miao Qing on the stage with an excited expression.

"The sixth item is now up for auction! Fifth-level herb, Bright Heart Herb!"

Seeing that the auction was over, Miao Qing continued to auction the next item.

"What?! It's Bright Heart Herb?"

"Hey, Second Brother, hurry up and send some spirit stones over. Yes, send them to the Lin auction house. I need them urgently!"

"Looks like I came to the right auction today!"

"My little grandson, you're saved, sob sob sob…"

After clearly hearing the name of the item that was about to be auctioned, everyone present was a little emotional at the moment.

Bright Heart Herb had the effect of allowing a cultivator to maintain a clear spiritual stage when they were about to enter a state of qi deviation, protecting their dao foundation from being damaged.

The inner demons of the cultivator's world were everywhere, and once faced with them, even if the cultivator was lucky enough not to die, he or she would be injured!

If one said that ordinary cultivation was like sailing against the current, then experiencing the inner demons was roughly equivalent to a human jumping over a waterfall and succeeding in one attempt!

There were very few methods that could effectively prevent the invasion of the inner demons. As for the corresponding effects of the heaven and earth treasures, they were only known by their names, not their forms!

The Bright Heart Herb was precisely such a treasure!

One did not even need to consume it. One could just place it beside one's body during cultivation. Just the aura that it emitted could greatly reduce the probability of the appearance of the inner demons.

For cultivators who had already succumbed to their inner demons, this herb could help to cure them by consuming it.

Chapter 103 - The Pinnacle Auction

Chapter 103: The Pinnacle Auction

At this moment, regardless of whether it was the big clans or the ordinary cultivators in Lin City, all of them were moved!

Regardless of whether their ultimate goal was for themselves, their families, or their descendants, they had to seize this chance to save their lives at such a critical moment!

This was because no one could guarantee that their own or their descendants' cultivation would be free from problems for the rest of their lives.

Even if it was just for peace of mind, they still had to grab this Bright Heart Herb! Depending on its level, the herb could even affect everyone within a certain range. The effect of it in the clan could be said to be the blessing of the ancestors!

"The starting price for the fifth-level herb, Bright Heart Herb is 10,000 spirit stones. Each bid must not be less than 1,000 spirit stones!" Miao Qing added.

"15,000 spirit stones!" Qi Yueheng's breathing was erratic as he shouted. He could not care less about who ended up with the Autumn Frost Sword Technique. However, it was related to his life, his safety, and his health. He had no choice but to take it seriously!

"30,000 spirit stones!"

You still want to fight with me? Hmph! You little brat!

Bai Wuheng expressionlessly glanced at Qi Yueheng.

"40,000 spirit stones!"

This time, the bidder was Zhao Gongming. His son, Zhao Yizhi, had always been unhappy with his cultivation due to his lack of talent. For his son's future, he even acted as if he was determined to get the herb.

The atmosphere at the scene had reached a climax. Even the itinerant cultivators from the three great clans, whom they had never looked at, suddenly stuck out their heads.

"45,000 spirit stones!"

They saw a person with a big and round waist, dressed in a red robe, with a golden python belt tied around his waist, and a melon-skin hat on his head. He looked very festive.

"So, it's an elder of the royal auction house. Why did he leave the huge royal auction house alone and come to the Lin auction house?" the moment Qi Yueheng saw that person clearly, he immediately asked.

"Didn't the little old man come here because of Lin Mo's reputation? Recently, he has been in the limelight. Fortunately, he came today! The Bright Heart Herb has really moved my heart!"

"The number one clan in the northern part of the eastern continent. This is truly worthy of its name. This foundation makes people envious. I can't help but admire it."

The fat grand elder of the royal auction house shook his head, pointed at Miao Qing on the stage, and said with a smile.

Although many people in the crowd also wanted to participate in the auction, with their strength, how could they possibly be better than the grand elder of the royal auction house?

As for the clan leaders of the three great clans, how could they not give face to the person-in-charge of the royal auction house?

The elder, who saw that he was eager to hunt, also had a firm attitude at this time. He raised the price and did not show any mercy. In the end, he fought against the crowd and successfully bid for the item. The Bright Heart Herb was sold to him at the price of 80,000 spirit stones.

[ Ding! Congratulations to host for successfully auctioning the fifth-level Bright Heart Herb! ]

[300 times the profit received! ]

[ Obtained top sixth-level Calming Heart Herb! ]

"Next, we'll proceed to the second last item, a fifth-levelCrystal Blood Mosquito Egg. The starting price is 13,000 spirit stones. Each bid must not be less than 1,000 spirit stones!"

This fifth-level demonic beast's egg was a strange creature that came from the depths of the Black Iron Forest. It had the ability to travel through time and space and transmit information to each other.

In other words, if one obtained this egg, one would be able to obtain a large group of eggs through cultivation. Moreover, the eggs were connected hence even in places covered by restrictive powers, the eggs could still transmit information.

When exploring outside, under certain circumstances, such a treasure would appear extremely important!

"17,000 spirit stones!"

"20,000 spirit stones!"

"28,000 spirit stones!"

Although its uses were very unique, the previous few items were too precious. Moreover, the cultivation process of demonic beasts was extremely difficult, and the cost was extremely high.

The final price of the Crystal Blood Mosquito Egg was only 40,000 spirit stones. Lin Mo felt that this was because Lin City did not have the inheritance of a familiar clan like the Du clan of Qingyang City. Otherwise, the price would definitely go up another level.

[ Ding! Congratulations, host, for successfully auctioning the fifth-level demonic beast Crystal Blood Mosquito Egg! ]

[ You have received 800 times the rebate! ]

[ You have obtained sixth-level demonic beast Crystal Blood Mosquito Egg! ]

"Next, the final item to be auctioned, a sixth-level Eight Directions Forbidden Array."

"The starting price is 20,000 spirit stones. Each bid must not be less than 5,000 spirit stones!"

In this first auction at the Lin clan auction house, Lin Mo could be said to have spent all of his wealth!

This Eight Directions Forbidden Array was a part of the large amount of assets that the Miao clan had. It was originally hidden in an ancient book. If not for the system's prompt, Lin Mo would not have been able to discover it.

At this moment, the second elder below the stage was so angry that he almost gritted his teeth!

"I don't believe it! A mere man like Lin Mo is just a newcomer. He has just arrived in Lin City. How can he have such a deep foundation?

"How can he have such a wide network? It's only the first day, and someone has entrusted the Eight Directions Forbidden Array to him for auction?"

"Third elder! After you go back, immediately investigate where did he get this item!"

Standing behind the second elder, the third elder hurriedly nodded when he heard that.

The Eight Directions Forbidden Array was a type of ancient array that was said to have the ability to isolate all spells and subdue beasts within an area. It was also the most commonly used array formation in the Forbidden Land of Life.

"Oh, there's a sixth-level defensive array formation, the Eight Directions Forbidden Array! Looks like even the heavens want to give me a chance!"

Bai Wuheng no longer looked as calm as before. Instead, his eyes were bloodshot as he excitedly looked at the auction tray on the stage.

Miao Qing removed the red silk cloth from the tray beside him and a wooden disc appeared.

The disc was blurry and one could only see dense lines with unknown meanings engraved on it. There were also strange rays of light flowing within it from time to time.

Everyone could also sense the intense energy contained within it. Even the qi in their bodies was obstructed from circulating!

This was an auction item specially prepared for large-scale factions. Countless people silently pondered in their hearts. Although they were unable to participate in the bid, they enjoyed watching the others battle for it.

"30,000 spirit stones!" Clan leader Qi Yueheng was the first to bid.

"40,000 spirit stones!"

"60,000 spirit stones!"

After a few rounds of bidding, the price of the bid quickly rose to 100,000 spirit stones!

The battle of the pinnacle began!

Chapter 104 - Rewards and Revenge

Chapter 104: Rewards and Revenge

The leaders of the small factions had no choice but to give up on the bid due to the ridiculous amount of spirit stones.

Even Qi Yueheng, Zhao Gongming, Bai Wuheng, and the elders of the royal auction house who were bidding at this moment felt their hearts skip a beat when faced with such a huge amount of spirit stones!

In the crowd, the man in black was currently looking at the leaders of the various factions who had placed their bids through his cloak…

The person who needed Lin Mo to check with the system to confirm whether he had the qualifications to bid was also seated at the same spot. As he looked at the frenzied crowd around him, one could not help but feel that the emotions of others were completely different!

120,000 spirit stones!

Previously, Zhao Gongming, who had always been unknown and had made a few moves but had failed in the end, once again increased his bid.

No one would have thought that the Zhao clan, which was usually known for being poor, would be able to take out such a large portion of their wealth at this moment.

"Oh, I never thought that Brother Zhao would be so willing to part with it today? Not even passing the day?"

Qi Yueheng looked at Zhao Gongming's flushed face in astonishment and asked.

This… Every clan had its own difficulties!

"Please show mercy, clan leader Qi and clan leader Bai, and let me have this Eight Directions Forbidden Array."

Qi Yueheng did not care. His family was best at offensive techniques and never advocated defense.

"Since clan leader Zhao likes it, then I'll give this array formation to you!" Qi Yueheng waved his hand and said indifferently.

"150,000 spirit stones!"

However, Bai Wuheng exhaled a breath of air and announced a price that was 30,000 higher than Zhao Gongming's.

"Clan leader Bai! You! Isn't it just a small matter? Why are you so bothered?"

"Hmph! It's just a small matter that clan leader Zhao shouldn't be bothered by it!" Bai Wuheng said to Zhao Gongming in a weird tone.

However, what Bai Wuheng was thinking in his heart was different.

The defensive power of this sixth-level cultivation formation was shocking, and it was most suitable for large clans. However, that was only if their own powers were still present!

He did not believe that a mere Zhao clan could compete with his Bai clan in terms of foundation and wealth.

However, he was also prepared to let his son, Bai Yanlang go back and prepare some more spirit stones. If there were others who continued to make things difficult for him, then he did not mind fighting them to the end.

Even Zhao Gongming sighed helplessly and sat back down dejectedly.

In the end, Bai Wuheng used a price of 150,000 spirit stones to obtain the formation.

[ Congratulations to the host for successfully auctioning the sixth-level cultivation formation, Eight Directions Forbidden Array! ]

[ You have received a 1000-fold rebate! ]

[ You have obtained the eighth-level cultivation formation, Ten Directions Forbidden Array! ]

"The auction of the Lin auction house has officially ended! Everyone is welcome to come again. The next auction will be held three days later!"

As Miao Qing had not received much training from a proper auctioneer, he left the stage after giving a brief introduction of everything.

At this moment, all the witnesses in the auction venue, who had more inside information quickly spread the news with what they knew.

In one auction, the appearances of fifth and sixth-level subdued beasts, herbs, and long-lost sword techniques had always been rare, especially in Lin City!

This auction continued Lin Mo's tradition of starting the auction at a low price. However, the final transaction volume had increased by 50%!

"Thank you! Thank you all so much!" in the appraisal room, an adventurer dressed in tattered clothes held Lin Mo's hands and said.

"You can rest assured that our Lin auction house never bullies the market. Anyone who tries to mess around here will not have a good ending!"

"This is the technique you obtained from the auction, Autumn Frost Sword Technique!" Lin Mo took out a box made of yellow pear wood.

"Please forgive me. I don't have many primeval stones on me!" The instant he saw the sword technique, the adventurer stood up and was about to kneel on the ground. Lin Mo immediately stretched out his hand and qi surged out. Immediately, his half-bowed knees stopped in mid-air.

"This…" The adventurer looked at Lin Mo in shock. This person's qi was so dense!

"It's alright, I know what you mean. It should be a pretty good item that is worthy of your attention. Take it out and have a look!"

Lin Mo smiled as he looked over without any surprise. Suddenly, the adventurer's eyes turned red.

Looking at the warm smile that was right in front of him, the adventurer suddenly fell silent. Without saying a word, he opened the bag on his back without the slightest bit of reluctance. Within two seconds, he took out three items and placed them on the ground!

"Sixth-level spiritual artifact, Azure Cloud Dagger!"

"Sixth-level ore, Azure Gold Treasure Mine!"

"Mysterious Land Treasure Map!"

"These are the three most valuable items I have on me. You've won my admiration. Now, I'll give them all to you!" the adventurer named Yan Rong said.

The items were appraised by the system. Not only were they enough to make up for Yan Rong's lack of 200,000 spirit stones, but there was also quite a bit of surplus!

"You gave me the most valuable treasure on you just for a sword technique?"

Lin Mo suddenly became a little curious about his background.

"This… I don't dare to hide it from you!" Yan Rong did not struggle for long. He gritted his teeth and told Lin Mo the truth.

It turned out that he was the first disciple of the Qing Huai Holy Land, one of the nine great holy lands of the eastern continent.

That was the case three years ago until a group of people suddenly attacked the sect. Even his master, Sect Master Qing Shi of the Holy Land could not do anything against them. Those people all had unknown origins and were very powerful. They said that they were looking for something.

A battle broke out and not long after that, he was labeled as a traitor of the sect and placed on the sect's must-kill list! After that, the sect announced to the public that his master had colluded with the demonic sect and wanted to cultivate the blood devil technique! Yan Rong did not believe it!

However, to investigate the truth of that incident and to prove his master's innocence, Yan Rong had long risked his life and began to wander the world.

"The reason why I bid for this Autumn Frost Sword Technique is to test one of my ideas. If I succeed, my strength will greatly increase, and I can secretly return to the sect to find out the truth!"

"So, that's how it is…"

According to what Lin Mo knew, there were four great empires on the eastern continent. The one he was in was called the Yanhuang Divine Empire, and the other three were called the Great Yan Divine Empire, the Great Ancient Divine Empire, and the Lujin Divine Empire.

As for the nine sacred lands, he had never heard of them.

I Inherit An Auction House At The Start, Trillion Times Rebate! Chapter 105 Online

Chapter 105 - Truth and Transformation

Chapter 105: Truth and Transformation

"Yan Rong, how strong are you now?"

"Ninth-level dragon transformation realm!" Yan Rong immediately replied.

"Do you know who the sect master of the Qing Huai Holy Land is now?"

"I do. Back then, Master's favorite little junior brother, deputy sect master Qing Xiao, was also the person who cared about me the most. Unfortunately, he was imprisoned by the wicked people all these years! One day, I'll definitely save all of them!" Yan Rong said fiercely as if he hated his own incompetence.

"Sigh…" Lin Mo looked at Yan Rong and sighed helplessly. He was also a person who had a hard life! However, he had a somewhat different view. It was just that saying it out loud was a little too hurtful!

"Why don't you cultivate in the Lin auction house first? After you've recovered your strength, you can go and take revenge. How about it?" Lin Mo could see that Yan Rong was already penniless. If he were to leave now, he would probably have to sleep on the streets!

"Oh no, I can't!" Yan Rong hurriedly shook his head when he heard that.

"I can't repay your kindness. Now that I have a glimmer of hope for revenge, how can I trouble you?" as he said that, he was about to walk out.

"Why are you in such a rush? Why don't you recuperate here first before setting off? Of course, I don't do business at a loss. If you stay in my auction house, I need you to be my guard to ensure the safety of this auction house. How about it?"

"If that's the case, then it would be impolite for me to refuse!" Yan Rong's tone was a little choked up, and he stood at the door, not daring to turn his head.

"Miao Qing, bring Yan Rong to find a room to stay in. From now on, he'll be a guard of our auction house!"

"Yes, Master!"

At night, in Lin Mo's room.

"Master, are you really letting a person you've never met become a guard at the auction house? If he…" Miao Qing's tone was agitated.

"Miao Qing, you can't just look at the surface. Do you know how much the three items he took out today are worth? Three treasures for a total of 300,000 spirit stones!"

"What?! 300,000 spirit stones? Master, then we've picked up a huge bargain!" Miao Qing said excitedly.

"Yan Rong really doesn't know the value of these items, but I believe in the judgment of the people in the sacred land. Otherwise, he wouldn't have bid 200,000 spirit stones for the Autumn Frost Sword Art!"

"Master, are you saying that he knows that these three items are treasures, but he doesn't know much they are worth?"

"He definitely knows the value isn't 200,000 spirit stones!"

"Master, then I'm a little confused. Then, he did this because…"

"Because of what you said on the stage! And also because of what I did when I went to see him. Otherwise, we'd probably only be able to get two treasures this time!"

"Ah?" Miao Qing exclaimed, his pupils dilating.

"That's right. How can I be suspicious of such a righteous person?"

"Oh right, guard the warehouse for the next few nights to prevent anyone from causing trouble! At the same time, continue to purchase auction items from Lin City. Spread the news that our auction house's commission will be reduced to 10%!"

"In the next few days, I'll be cultivating. If there's nothing else, don't disturb me!" Lin Mo issued a few orders to him.

"Yes, Master!"

In the Bai clan residence.

"Trash! All a bunch of trash!

"I've raised you all for nothing after all these years!

"You don't even know that the Lin clan is hiding such a treasure. I also don't know what you've done in hiding!"

Bai Wuheng smashed the last vase in the room with all his might as he scolded the figure kneeling on the ground.

"Didn't you say that you've become the confidant of the Lin clan's higher-ups? How could they not show any signs of auctioning such a precious item?"

The secret agent kneeling on the ground was suffering. Everything had been fine previously, and he had already obtained the list of items to be auctioned. In the end, Lin Mo suddenly descended from the sky and messed everything up.

"It's a good thing that I went today. Otherwise, I might not even know that the Zhao clan has an additional sealing formation! I almost missed the opportunity to weaken the strength of both clans!"

"I'm sorry, clan leader. I'll pack up my belongings now!"

Packing up was the slang of the Bai clan's secret agents. It meant that he was prepared to commit suicide!

"Forget it! I'll give you another chance. Go to Lin Mo's subordinate. I want all of his information! Everything! Even the color of his underwear!"

"Yes! Thank you for your trust, Master. I won't let you down!"

The secret agent kowtowed hard, producing a dull thud.


Not long after, another voice came from Bai Wuheng's room.

"Clan leader, what are your orders?"

"Call Master Kun Cheng over. I have the key to negotiate with him!"

"No need! I'm already here!" A loud voice suddenly sounded from outside the door.

"Oh, Master Kun Cheng, why are you here?" Bai Wuheng hurriedly stood up to welcome him. With his identity as a formation master, even if Kun Cheng's cultivation was low, no one would dare to look down on him.

There were even more experts who wanted to volunteer to be his bodyguards!

Therefore, Bai Wuheng was extremely polite to Kun Cheng. The subordinates in the room also tactfully left on their own accord.

"Master Bai is killing everyone in the Lin auction house today. You're incomparably awe-inspiring! Hahaha!" Master Kun Cheng walked in on his own and ignored the debris on the ground as he sat down on a chair.

"Sigh, isn't that just to guard against villains? In this day and age, there are always people who overestimate themselves and want to try everything!"

"Master Kun Cheng, please take a look. This is today's spoils of war. It's a sixth-level cultivation array – Eight Directions Forbidden Array!" Even though Master Kun Cheng did not express his stance, Bai Wuheng still took the initiative to offer up the auction proceeds.

"Hahaha, I still have to thank Master Bai for his generous trust. I'll study this formation and start upgrading all of the Bai residence's defensive formations!"

"I've been looking everywhere for the Eight Directions Forbidden Array but unfortunately, I've never been able to study it. Today, I've finally achieved my wish!" after flipping through the round wooden formation plate in his hands twice, Kun Cheng said confidently.

"The design of this array board coincides with some of my ideas. This can increase the speed of analyzing the array formation by at least five times!"

"Don't worry, clan leader Bai. This time, I'm confident that from the day the array formation is completed, even if a fifth-level dragon transformation realm expert comes, I'll make him suffer!"

"Oh, then the matter of upgrading the array formation will all depend on you. It's still the same. Hand over the list of required materials to the people below. They will have everything ready!"

"Good! I like to make friends with heroes like clan leader Bai! In less than ten days, the formation will definitely be upgraded!"

Chapter 106 - Conspiracy

Chapter 106: Conspiracy

It was night.

The second elder's courtyard.

The bright moon hung high in the sky. The water of the lake reflected the stars in the sky like a clear mirror.

In the pavilion, the second elder, who was wearing a plain white robe was holding a glass in his hand. He looked at the liquor in the glass with a dazed look.

He heard footsteps behind him.

"Father, you're looking for me?"

"It's my son, Huaiyuan! Take a seat!" The second elder hurriedly turned around and saw a cold-looking young man standing behind him.

"Father, why are you so sad? Who in Lin City dares to mess with Dad?" Lin Huaiyuan asked as he walked into the pavilion.

"Alas, it's a long story!" The second elder shook his head as he told Huaiyuan about what happened in the past few days.

Unexpectedly, Lin Huaiyuan burst out into laughter after hearing that.

"You're just a kid. It's nothing to be concerned about! You must've your own way to deal with this kind of people. So now you're asking me to test me!"

After hearing that, the second elder put down his wine glass. His eyes became clear instantly. He just looked at him with a smile.

"Well… it's easy to deal with this matter. I have three strategies. If you could execute them, you could defeat the enemy!" Lin Huaiyuan said after sitting on the ground for a short while.


"Lin Mo's high-profile entrance is indeed a great scheme. It's easy for him to gain this reputation. Therefore, my first plan is to take advantage of the situation!

"High-quality and low-price are his main attractions. Then, let's ensure everyone knows about it. To make the clan leader feel at ease, he must auction at a high price!"

Having said that, Lin Huaiyuan sneaked a glance at the second elder and found that he did not have any intention to stop him. Feeling inspired, he became very excited.

"The second plan is to attack the warehouse in the dark! In front of the clan leader, we should show our attitude and support Lin Mo's actions. Don't we have the spare key to the auction house? We should find someone to take away the items in the warehouse! Let him have nothing to auction for! As long as Lin Mo, wants to have a place in the Lin clan, he can only solve the auction items by himself!"

As Lin Huaiyuan spoke, he seemed to have convinced himself of his plan as he became more and more passionate!

"The third strategy, take drastic measures! If we find that the auction house doesn't have any good items, we'll go to the market to collect them. Then, we only need to use the name of the Lin clan to ambush him in advance so that he won't be able to collect the treasures!

"As he's a disabled person who has been expelled, even if he got an opportunity, so what if he has some treasures? I don't believe that he has so many treasures at low prices. He can hold on for a while but will he be able to hold on for a lifetime?"

"Father, among these three strategies, if he wants to borrow the strength of others or resist them by himself, he'll die!

"Of course, at the same time, we can also find someone to interfere in the auction venue and embarrass him. With multiple measures, I don't believe that Lin Mo can still be as arrogant!"

Lin Huaiyuan looked at the second elder who was sitting beside the pavilion with a red face.

"Not bad! It seems that my son has been reborn after cultivating with Grandmaster Bai all these years! That's good! I'll leave this matter to you. If you need my help, just let me know!

"My son has made some achievements in his studies and returned to his hometown with honor. Since the clan leader is an old fool, I won't stand in ceremony with him! When we take the entire Lin clan into our hands, I'll make them suffer a fate worse than death!" the second elder stood up and said with a ferocious look with disheveled hair.

"Thank you, Father! Since we're going to fight, I'll give a good fight. Also, I'll tell the Lin clan that I, Lin Huaiyuan, am back!

"No need to trouble you, Father. This time, I've even called a few senior and junior brothers. We all have excellent methods. Lin Mo is just an abandoned disciple of the Lin clan. Let's see how many more days he can survive!"

After saying that, Lin Huaiyuan looked at the second elder confidently. The second elder smiled while Lin Huaiyuan also smiled.

The two of them looked at each other, then laughed so hard that they fell back and forth. Their laughter traveled out of the courtyard for a long time.

Not long after Lin Huaiyuan left, a figure suddenly appeared in the courtyard where Lin Yuanbai was.

"Lin Yuanbai! You lied to me on purpose before, right? If I didn't go to the Lin auction house today, I'm afraid that eunuch Zhao would turn the sky upside down!"

This person came with a questioning tone. Lin Yuanbai raised his head and saw that it was Bai Wuheng.

"Brother Bai, you've misunderstood me. I've just received the news that Lin Mo has accepted the auction house! Who would have thought that the clan leader had given such order?!"

Moreover, it was only the second day and Lin Mo had already started the auction. He had no idea where he got such treasures! The second elder also had a helpless look on his face at this moment.

"That has nothing to do with me!"

"Since you and I have already formed a contract, the problem lies on your side and this is your fault. You even wasted more than 100,000 spirit stones from me!"

However, even after hearing the second elder's explanation, Bai Wuheng still did not intend to let this matter go. Instead, he continued to question him.

"What do you plan to do next? You can't just watch Lin Mo occupy the Lin auction house and take away our shares!"

"Hahaha, clan leader Bai, please rest assured. I've found a method to get rid of him! My son, Huaiyuan, has already returned!"

Lin Yuanbai looked at Bai Wuheng with a bright light in his eyes. His eyes were full of smiles.

"Oh? Then I wonder how strong he is now?" Bai Wuheng was immediately attracted by this and hurriedly asked.

"Ninth-level dragon transformation realm!" Lin Yuanbai proudly said word by word.

"Oh? Hahahaha! In that case, this matter will be decided by the second elder of the Lin clan. Oh, no, it's supposed to be clan leader Lin!"

After hearing Lin Yuanbai's words, Bai Wuheng was stunned for a moment. Then, his tone softened rapidly and he changed his words.

After knowing that Lin Yuanbai had his own way to deal with Lin Mo, he instantly let out a sigh of relief. When he left, he even gave Lin Yuanbai a friendly look.

Due to the information he got, Lin Mo had just stepped into the dragon transformation realm!

Plus Lin Yuanbai's son, Lin Huaiyuan, had come back from that place!

Presumably, after that person's adjustment, Lin Huaiyuan's current strength and methods must be better, right?

Recalling that misty figure and that ice-cold gaze, even though it had been many years, Bai Wuheng still could not help but shiver when he recalled it.


Chapter 107 - The Battle Immortal Sect

Chapter 107: The Battle Immortal Sect

There was no curfew in Lin City at night.

There were still many pedestrians strolling on the long street, enjoying the prosperity of the second largest city in the north of the East Continent.

There were many people on the brightly-lit avenue. In fact, there were also many people in the dark alleys.

After Lin Huaiyuan finished his conversation with his father, Lin Yuanbai, he directly left the Lin clan and entered the alley. After several twists and turns, he arrived at an inn in a remote place.

Lin Huaiyuan did not go through the front door. Instead, he jumped onto the roof. With his feet hooked on the beam under the eaves, he stretched out his right hand and knocked five times in front of a window.

The next moment, that window opened leisurely. Lin Huaiyuan jumped in without hesitation.

"Eldest Brother! Second Brother! Third Brother! Senior Brother Lu Gan! Senior Brother Yu Shenkong!" Lin Huaiyuan greeted over 10 people in the room one by one.

"Junior Brother Lin, why did you come so late? Master said that there was a prosperous event waiting for us here. Fortunately, I sneaked into Master's study. You wouldn't know what I found!" second senior brother Su Zhican said with a mysterious look.

Lin Huaiyuan glanced back and forth at the other people present. First senior brother Zhao Liren and third senior brother Jonas were also looking at him quietly as if they were waiting for his answer.

"I don't understand the reason! Please enlighten me! However, no matter what the real reason is, I'm on the same side as the other senior brothers!"

Lin Huaiyuan understood that this was not the key. The key was that these senior brothers were testing him. After figuring it out, he admitted it frankly.

"Hahaha, good! I knew that you're not stubborn! Those who stick to cultivation should cultivate diligently," second senior brother Su Zhican said with a resentful tone as if he meant something. Meanwhile, the others in the room did not say anything.

"I found a secret letter from the sacred land of Shenji in Master's study!"

"What?! The sacred land of Shenji?"

"Isn't that the sacred land that can pry into the secrets of heaven and earth and predict the future of the era?"

"What did they say in the letter, Eldest Senior Brother?" Lin Huaiyuan asked hurriedly. After all, this was related to the future of his clan.

"There are no words in that letter! There's only a picture. What's weird is that it seems to be seen from the lake. The sun, the moon, and the stars are below, but the mountains and lakes are above?" second senior brother, Su Zhican, also scratched his head and said in a calm and doubtful tone, because he did not understand the meaning of this picture.

Lin Huaiyuan thought for a long time but still could not figure it out. Therefore, he turned around and said to over 10 people in the room, "Senior Brothers, since Master said that wealth is waiting for us in the human world, why not start from Lin City?"

"That's exactly what we thought. After all, Junior Brother Lin is the richest among us. Otherwise, we wouldn't follow him to Lin City!"

"But we've been cultivating for many years and don't care about the affairs of the world. Where exactly is this wealth? I still have no clue!" eldest senior brother Zhao Liren shook his head and asked with frustration.

"Eldest Senior Brother, please don't do that. Thank you for your trust! Junior Brother, you have a chance to become rich. I wonder if you'd want to?"

"Oh? What is it? Tell me!"

Eldest senior brother Zhao Liren hurriedly looked over.

Therefore, Lin Huaiyuan briefly recounted what Lin Mo had done recently.

Then, he looked at his senior brothers and said, "Senior Brothers, if we can remove Lin Mo from the position of the owner of the Lin auction house and help my father take over the Lin clan, then I can give five years' worth of taxes in Lin City to all the Senior Brothers present here!"


"What do you think?"

Although Lin Huaiyuan seemed to be asking for his senior brother's opinion, he had already made up his mind.

First senior brother Zhao Liren, second senior brother Su Zhican, and third senior brother Jonas exchanged a glance.

When they were cultivating in the sect, they were not even on the same mountain. However, they felt powerful enough to establish their own sect after leaving the mountain. Therefore, they called each other senior brothers.

"Since Junior Brother Huaiyuan has such an awareness, how could I refuse? We'll do as you say!"

"Exactly! How dare an ant who has just entered the dragon transformation realm disrespect us? He's really tired of living!"

"How dare someone bully Junior Brother's family members? I'll teach him a lesson for you. I'll twist that brat's head back and kick it for you!"

"Senior Brothers! Junior Brother said that he bravely wanted to kill Lin Mo to vent his anger. I wonder what Senior Brother's opinion is?"

The people in the room started to whisper to each other. In a short while, Lu Gan and Yu Shenkong stood out and cupped their fists with both hands as they said to senior martial brother Zhao Liren.

"Good! Since the two Junior Brothers have such thoughts, then I'm extremely gratified! Both of you are at the ninth-level of dragon transformation realm with a solid foundation. Dealing with a brat who has just entered the soul formation realm is a piece of cake. Then I'll wait for your good news here!"

Eldest martial brother Zhao Liren glanced at Lu Gan and Yu Shenkong before nodding his head vigorously.

Their target was merely a brat who had entered the dragon transformation realm. It was not worth his attention, much less for him to take action personally! It was more fitting to let his junior brother handle this matter.

Therefore, the two of them left the room and headed for the Lin auction house.

Even though Lin Huaiyuan wanted to give them the key to the back door of the Lin auction house, he was rejected by them.

Under the silver moon, a clear and cold light poured down.

Two figures jumped into the room one after another through the window, but none of the defensive and detection methods in the room were triggered!

The two of them also appeared in the warehouse of the Lin auction house without making a single sound.

One of them wiped his eyes with his left hand and immediately emitted a faint red glow.

After scanning the surroundings, one of them shook his head in disappointment at the other. Thus, the two of them swaggered out of the warehouse's main entrance.

It was as if they did not pay attention to the situation here. In their eyes, all of this did not matter. It was as if everything was as it should be.

After looking through a few warehouses, they did not find anything. The two of them looked at each other and decided to split up. They were already impatient!

After a while, one of them stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. Not long after, the other person appeared beside him.

After that, one of them stretched out his hand and drew a line. A light green light flashed. The warehouse door that stored precious auction items suddenly opened. The lock made of fine steel did not have any effect at all.

Chapter 108 - The Thief and the Fight

Chapter 108: The Thief and the Fight

After that, the two of them decisively stepped into the warehouse. After looking around, their eyes were filled with excitement. They grabbed the brocade box on the shelf next to them and put it into the bag behind them.

"Senior Brother, I never thought that there would be so many good things in this place! Fortunately, we were quick-witted and decided to loot this place first!"

"Don't talk so much. Hurry up. Don't forget that we still have to kill people!"

"You two are really powerful! Even this steel door can't defend against you!"

A voice suddenly came from behind the two who were working hard, followed by the sound of a deep breath.

"You're courting death!"

One of the black shadows turned his head and looked at the person at the door. He gritted his teeth and said in a cold tone.

He pulled from his back. A long sword instantly appeared in his hand. At the same time, he quickly rushed over.

After taking a look at the target's position, he saw that person's right hand slide over from top to bottom. A green arc of light flashed in the air!

Seeing that the enemy was coming over, Yan Rong's eyes showed no fear. He took out his weapon and struck out with his rod.

After a hasty attack, the two were evenly matched.

"Seventh-level dragon transformation realm strength… Who are you? There shouldn't be people with such level in this place!" Yu Shenkong looked at Yan Rong and said in puzzlement.

"To be able to fight to a draw with me, a ninth-level dragon transformation realm, it seems that your cultivation is quite high-level. But in a while, you'll be defeated by me!"

Lu Gan also walked over. Then, the two watched Yan Rong suddenly attack at the same time.

Lu Gan used a pair of iron fists, causing a whistling sound in the air. It was obvious that his power was strong.

As for Yu Shenkong's longsword, it was as graceful as the wind and like a shadow.

Yan Rong was indeed worthy of being a disciple of one of the nine great holy lands. Even when facing the pincer attacks of two people whose strength surpassed his own, he was able to fight evenly with them.

"Looking at the way you two are dressed, you don't look like assassins or thieves. Tell me your names! If there really is a problem, I can plead for you with the owner. Perhaps we can deal with today's matter easily!"

"Still calling him the owner? The two of us are here today to take his life!" Yu Shenkong said with disdain.

"Since you dare to speak so rudely about the owner, then don't blame me for not being polite!"

Yan Rong, who had been treated as a good Samaritan, felt his heart sink. He narrowed his eyes slightly and the rod in his hand attacked more frequently. It even left afterimages in the air.

Seeing that the mysterious person who had suddenly appeared was being pincer attacked by the two of them, Yu Shenkong, who seemed to have already known that the mission today would not go smoothly, gradually gained the upper hand. Yu Shenkong seemed to have made up his mind as he suddenly shouted, "Junior Brother Lu Gan! Get out of the way!"

Then, he reached out and took out an orange stone from his chest. Then, without any hesitation, he aimed at Yan Rong and threw it out!

As soon as Yu Shenkong finished his sentence, Lu Gan threw Yan Rong, who was fighting with him, to the side and dodged.

The moment the orange stone was thrown by Yu Shenkong, it emitted a bright orange-yellow light, and its aura gradually became intense.

The explosive stone contained a large amount of violent fire elements. As long as one used a little yuan qi to stimulate it, a violent explosion would occur after three breaths. Its power was comparable to the full strength of a ninth-level powerhouse of the dragon transformation realm.

Yan Rong noticed the thing that Yu Shenkong threw at him from the corner of his eye. He snorted lightly and said, "You want to deal with me with just a small explosive stone?"

As he said that, he raised the rod in his hand and poked the tip. The rod gradually emitted a faint blue luster.


Suddenly, Yan Rong's entire body jolted!

Even his hand that was reaching out paused for a moment. Even so, his actions did not seem to be affected much. The rod continued thrusting out as though it was carrying out its mission.

Through the activation of the qi in Yu Shenkong's body, the fluctuation of the explosive flame stone had reached its peak. It was about to explode at the next moment, but it had come into contact with Yan Rong's rod!

Following that, in the blink of an eye, the azure glow on the rod enveloped the unstable fluctuation on the flame stone and quickly suppressed it. The explosive flame stone that had already been stimulated was forcefully suppressed.

At this instant, Lu Gan and Yu Shenkong had also noticed Yan Rong's flaw! The danger was imminent!

Just as Yan Rong sealed the explosive flame stone, Lu Gan and Yu Shenkong attacked at the same time.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, attacked at the same time with a longsword and an iron fist. They were about to land on Yan Rong's body.

Although he was in danger, Yan Rong was still as calm as a breeze. He did not seem to care about his situation. He slightly raised his rod and drew a strange arc in the air. From the trajectory, it seemed that he would be able to block all the attacks.

However, his body trembled violently again. This time, it was even more intense. Blood even flowed out from the corner of Yan Rong's mouth!

"Hehe, prepare to die!"

Seeing that he could no longer block the attacks, Yan Rong could only close his eyes helplessly. He had already tried his best, but in the end, he was no match for the two of them.

If it was not for the restriction in his body, then there was still a chance for him to win this battle, right?

Thinking about his life, although Yan Rong had lived a miserable life, he felt that he was worthy of the heavens and earth and worthy of his master! However, not being able to clear his master's name was a great regret in his life. Dying here today could be considered as not disgracing his master's usual teachings!

"This life is over!" Closing his eyes, Yan Rong began to wait for the final moment of his death.

However, after waiting for a long time, he did not feel any pain as he had expected. Instead, he heard two heavy objects falling to the ground in front of him and being dragged along.

Opening his eyes in surprise, Yan Rong discovered that the two people who had fought with him previously had been thrown more than twenty meters away. They had even left two black scratches on the ground!

This… They were staring behind him in disbelief. 'What's happening behind me?'

Yan Rong turned back to look, only to discover that it was the auction house owner, Lin Mo.

"Why are you here?" Yan Rong, who had been saved by Lin Mo, asked somewhat awkwardly.

"Hmph, if I don't come now, you'll be killed by them!"

Lin Mo glanced at him, then walked forward.

Lin Mo possessed many top level cultivation and sword techniques. He was definitely able to easily defeat these people!

"Looks like some people really don't give up on their evil intentions! Since they can't win in the open, they're going to play dirty, right?" Lin Mo muttered as he walked.

Chapter 109 - Instant Kill and Life Refinement

Chapter 109: Instant Kill and Life Refinement

"Since some people have already poked their noses into places they shouldn't have, then they should be prepared to be killed!"

Taking out the scythe, Lin Mo decided to put an end to these two thieves who sneaked in in the middle of the night. He did not bother to know who these two were at all.

"With just you? It was just a successful sneak attack. What's there to be proud of?"

Yu Shenkong used his hands to support himself on the ground with great difficulty as he stood up with hatred in his eyes.

He sheathed the longsword in his hand and drew an arc in the air with his two hands. Within this sealed and precious warehouse, a gust of black gale suddenly appeared!

As soon as the gale appeared, it began to swirl and gather in front of Yu Shenkong's chest. Then, it split into two small balls in his hands.

"Divine Aura Slash!" Yu Shenkong shouted and slashed forward with his right hand in the shape of a blade.

A black gale surged out and was about to devour everything in this place! This was the power of the gale!

Lin Mo was stunned for a moment before taking out a pearl from his backpack. It was a seventh-level treasure, the Wind Controlling Pearl, which he had obtained from the auction.

The Wind Stabilizing Pearl and the Wind Controlling Pearl – although their names were only one word apart, the effect of a seventh-level treasure was clearly higher than that of a fifth-level treasure. Furthermore, it also possessed the wind stabilizing ability!

Following the appearance of the azure-colored pearl, Lin Mo held it in his hand as he looked expectantly at the incoming gale. In the next moment, all of the raging gales disappeared!

The warehouse returned to its silent state, leaving only the nearby people with wide eyes. They looked at Yu Shenkong in disbelief, unable to understand what had happened.

"What's this thing? Where's my Divine Aura Slash?" he looked at the azure pearl in Lin Mo's hand and asked.

Lin Mo did not have the desire to answer his doubts. He raised the sickle and was about to attack him.

Yu Shenkong rubbed his hands together in front of his chest. He still wanted to summon a gale but was firmly suppressed by the Wind Controlling Pearl.

Ever since Lin Mo had obtained this seventh-level treasure, it had not been used in battle! It could change its weight and length according to its owner's thoughts. This was very much in line with Lin Mo's intentions!


Lu Gan, who was at the side, suddenly charged forward, an earthen yellow light spreading out. His entire body rapidly expanded, appearing just like a magical modified version of the Hulk that was currently transforming. The muscles on his body bulged out like lumps of dirt.

Looking at this huge fellow, Lin Mo did not have any thoughts of engaging in close combat with him. He would never be merciful toward his enemies. This was his rule!

Following the activation of the seventh-level Golden Shield Art, specks of golden light appeared beside Lin Mo's body.

Surrounded by the golden light, he looked like a god. His skin was also constantly emitting a golden color, filled with a supreme nobility and a majesty that could not be offended!

Following that, Lin Mo activated the seventh-level Swimming Dragon Steps and used the fifth-level Star Shattering Dragon Fist. On the way, he easily dodged the attack of the giant Lu Gan, passing by his side.

The wind severing scythe in his hand waved gently. He had been watching Lin Mo by the side, who was clearly in contrast to the rumors.

While Yu Shenkong was in a daze, he did not expect that danger had already arrived. The scythe moved. Even though Yu Shenkong was standing at the side, he was instantly beheaded! A huge head rolled on the ground like a soccer ball. Yu Shenkong's eyes were filled with disbelief even till his death!

"You! You killed Yu Shenkong? I'll fight it out with you!" the remaining gigantic figure suddenly shouted. His tone was filled with grief and anger.

"Do you know that Senior Brother Yu Shenkong is the successor of the fierce Divine Aura Slash in the sect? He's the disciple that Master values the most. The Battle Immortal Sect will not let you off!"

Ignoring the ineffectual and furious Lu Gan, Lin Mo looked at his gigantic figure that seemed to be on the verge of crystallizing and suddenly had a better solution.

With a wave of Lin Mo's right hand, the seventh-level Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier that he had obtained from the auction earlier, appeared in his hand.

It looked like a large bronze chime clock. On its surface were nine long dragons baring their fangs and brandishing their claws. The bodies of these long dragons were covered with flame-like patterns, and from time to time, a divine light would flash through them, appearing to contain a mystical might.

With the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier in hand, Lin Mo threw it at Lu Gan. The bronze chime grew bigger in the wind as if it had spirituality! When it came to Lu Gan's side, it had already expanded to the point that it could cover his entire body!

At this moment, Lu Gan looked at the chime that suddenly flew over with some confusion. He was at a loss, but he quickly clenched his fists and stared at the cover above his head, intending to punch it.

No matter what the use of this shield was, as long as it did not let him get close to him, it would be fine! Lu Gan thought to himself.

However, what he did not expect was that when the bronze shield was thrown above his head and out of his attack radius, it suddenly lost its color and disappeared!

The next moment, with a loud bang, the transparent Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier had already enveloped Lu Gan.


"What's this thing?! Quickly let me out!"

Lu Gan waved his iron fist as he smashed it toward the transparent barrier in front of him. However, no matter how much strength he used, this barrier did not move. Even when his fist that contained origin energy landed on it, not a single ripple could be stirred!

'Since I can't break through from the side, then I can at least dig downward! If I can't break this barrier, then I can at least run away!'

Thus, Lu Gan changed his fist into a palm and stabbed toward the ground.

However, what he did not expect was that the ground beneath his feet had also become tough. It looked no different from the transparent barrier beside him!

Seeing that the situation was not progressing as he had imagined, Lu Gan was completely flustered. He smashed around randomly. At times, he waved his fists, and at other times, his feet moved like the wind. He even used the head-on collision technique, but it was useless to change the current situation!

Looking at Lu Gan who was being suppressed under the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier, Lin Mo did not understand his intentions. He pushed the qi in his body toward the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier.

Following that, the nine spiraling dragons appeared, bringing extreme heat and flames to the sealed space.


A pained cry sounded out, but Lin Mo remained expressionless.

Not long after, there was no movement within the barrier. When everything calmed down and the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Barrier had opened again, there was only a pile of ash and some energy crystals left in front of him.

At this moment, Yan Rong also hurriedly ran over, followed by a team of guards from the auction house. After seeing the remnants of the battle, these people stared at Lin Mo with their mouths agape.

"Miao Qing, clean up the scene and send their belongings to my room. Yan Rong, follow me!"

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"