
Kall Keran

In room on Samurai Frigate 5 hours after sendin cinvoy into Republic Space.

Zack looks at his balance after selling loot and it was 300M for loot equipment and no usable ships also 300M from Nalaro as he sent him holo of Dead Leader and fallen base.

Then at his missions

1 Maybe you run but with heavy loses

Main objective: Defeat minimum half forces of enemy in space


-10 big factory

-50 three star pilots (Interceptor)

-2 samurai class frigate

-Blueprint for Marauder corvete

Added condition if you destroy minimum 70% of enemy fleet and kill most ground forces min 80% second reward will be:

-Blueprint for LAB Light Assault Bots

-Blueprint for intelligent mines (Stealth anti infantry activate when enemy enters 1 meter from mine then it launch from ground and explode on 1 meter height spreading shrapnel in proces that go in 2-3 meter radius)

-5 Medium Factory

-1 Big Mining facility

-1 Gene Research facility


2. Family Friend:

Make Good Relations with Mandalorian Clan

Rewards :

40M And Unlock Ghoul race bonus that will be found on Mandalor

'Good but how I complete second quest it is not easy Mandalorians are still Military society with Clans leading them not weak pacifist from clone wars Jedi attack will not happen for next 150 years how I can make friends with them ?' When Zack was thinking about possibilities someone asked for permission to enter

" Come in " Zack said and Trooper march into room saluting

" Sir one from younger slaves that come with convoy to Republic space declined leaving Ship and said that he wants to talk with you " Trooper said

" And you agreed to slave demand to meting me? You lost your mind!! " Zack feel angry at Trooper from convoy if they even take slave to him because he wants to talk to the leader in the future they will bring any beggar who ask to meet him?

" Sir I'm really sorry, but he claims to be from Great Keran Clan of Mandalor " Said Trooper nervous of Zacks Anger

"Next time say it from the start not some 'slave come to see you sir' you understand soldier" Said Zack less angry

"Yes Sir " Saluted trooper embarrassed at this. He understood that in way how he told it on start it will make any officer angry, even most leader of Their Nation

" Bring him in " ordered Zack Trooper come back with well build boy in his 16 with Silver hair and blue eyes definitely combination of main line of clan Keran boy seat

" What is your name and why you want to see me. You could just come back home from Republic Space to Mandalor System" Asked Zack He also understood why system give mission there was person from one of main Clans on Mandalore here.

"I'm Kall Keran grandson of actual Head of Clan Keran and I go with other slaves to Republic space to see if you can be trusted when I saw that they were really send there I went to Officer and ask of meeting you I would rather gamble on Mercenary that told truth and has good army than Republic covered with snakes also Jedi and Republic are in bad relations against my clan, so I could trade one shackles for another. I want you to bring me home I swear on my honor that you will get good price for that and got favor form my clan" Said boy with confidence

'Well I and my people respect your peoples and culture, so I'm ready to help but firstly can you told me how someone from main line got into slaver camp" Asked Zack.

Boy is from main line how the hell he got into slavery and Pirate Leader had no knowledge about him, that don't make sens .

Boy turned red ashamed

"You see as I can't go out of clan compound without guards I go out with no armor and clan symbol to have fun in bar long story short I got drunk and lost my weapon when I opened my eyes I was on civil ship that was attacked by slavers as I don't had weapon with me, I got stunned cold and end in base rest of story you know" Said boy looking away.

Zack send him blank look after some seconds he burst in laugh chuckle of troopers that heard explanation was also heard by boy

" That was an accident !!!" Shouted Kall. Turning red from embarrassment

"Of course my estimated guest maybe if you start going to bars more often you will have many stories waking up in different systems hahaha" Zack can't help himself

"Shut up !" Shout Kall with great embarrassment his ears looks almost if they were

in fire

"Ok Ok hahah They will send you to vip room. Wait there when I end my calls we will move to Mandalor Space" Said Zack still with big grin

Boy fast stud up and leave room saying silent "Thank you"

Zack smirked and send orders to comms that fleet will move out to Mandalore in 40min In this time, Zack opened Map of Jawin 4 and add

5 Medium Factory to produce new intelligent mines and half of production for blasters 10 big factory to produce More SDS and LAB Light Assault Bots LAB Light Assault Bots will be great help they need pilot but with heavy blaster on full auto they are like walking mobile with more firepower E-Web 1 Big Mining facility in Place where was found big metals and minerals source also there was good amount of beskar

On Jawin 3 was placed 1 Gene Research facility.

That will experiment on making Genes for cloning and also work on Biologic Machine hybrids to make new race or Cyborgs that will be used as Elite Commando force. They will start experiment on genes from animals in our system then hunting squads will bring different animals/beast from galaxy for them to research.

For 300M He built Third City on Jawin 4 more in big Spaceport style For 50M Small Shipyard to make 20 Marauder Corvets a month And Medium Shipyard with blueprint of Samurai frigate and Mainstay Light Cruiser for last 250 Making 4 each a month In this way money go away, but Zack knows that he will get money from weapon deals with Hutt, and Gnolls pirate soon enough will start alcohol and some other projects so he could do this and don't need to send his Shadow Claw Mercenaries to get more from contracts till he ends visit on Mandalor maybe even sign some deals Zack smiled.

There he may also find his first mate.