
Sir Raymond Nyx

Noc Empire – Gryphon Academy.

Classes were in session as the professor gave his lecture in a huge room similar in design to a lecture theatre. The seats were set up in an inclined manner such that the students seated at the back were in an elevated position, allowing them to see the professor and board in front.

While it was an academy for magic, the ability to use magic was not all there that mattered. These were just kids who were in their mid-teens after all, so there was much about this world that they still had to learn. As a prestigious academy, the Gryphon Academy naturally would not neglect that aspect when nurturing its students.

"So, that's it for the elves. Does anyone have any questions?" the young professor finally asked after finishing up with what he wanted to say.

After a moment of silence, the professor seemed to feel a little irritated.

"So are you saying that all of you understood everything that I said? I shall be the one to ask the questions then, let's see if you really do understand everything!"

Most of the students swallowed a gulp of saliva nervously. It wasn't that they understood everything, but it was that the class was far too boring! Most of them had spaced out shortly after it started, so how could they know what to ask when they didn't even know what he went through?

"So tell me, what are the types of elves and what traits do they have respectively?" the professor's eyes quickly scanned through the many students in front of him.

An awkward silence fell upon the lecture hall, further amplify the nervousness that the students were feeling. Majority of them just looked downwards at the surface of the wooden tables they were sitting behind, afraid of making eye contact with the professor.

"Professor Kastor, do we just have to say what you mentioned or do we really have to list out everything? Because you didn't mention how the dark elves' capabilities are also strengthened by the forests, just that it's of a lesser degree than that of common elves," a youthful voice asked innocently from the front left corner of the room.

The Professor Kastor who just posed his question had his eyebrows twitch with a bad feeling when he heard this familiar voice. His line of sight followed the direction of the voice and finally came across a kid who was at least half a head shorter than every other student around, even the girls.

"It looks like Adrian was paying attention as always, so he bailed out you bunch of slackers! But if you continue on as you are, you are just going to end up as ignorant adults in the future! Class dismissed!" Professor Kastor didn't exactly bother answering the question, only reprimanding the class before leaving the room unhappily.

"Phew, thank god we have Adrian to save our ass as always!" Sam Richward let out a long sigh of relief upon the exit of the professor.

Sam Richward was the first student who had stepped up for the test with the Affinity Orb during the enrolment ceremony, and his outgoing personality had led him to easily befriend all the freshmen.

"When would it ever be your turn to bail us out instead, Mr Sam?" a girl seated right beside Adrian turned back to ask in a challenging voice.

"Woah, Elise, you know I'm no good with all these academic stuff. I will gladly relinquish this great honour to our Adrian over there!" Sam admitted defeat instantly.

"It's okay, Elise. It isn't like I did much, I just happened to have a bit of interest in what today's lecture was about. That is why I paid a bit more attention just now," Adrian quickly intervened.

"Hahaha! Hear that, Elise! Adrian is taking my side!" Sam laughed.

Elise simply shook her head with a knowing smile, deciding not to continue with the banter.

They naturally knew that Adrian was simply being humble, and this humility was just one of the many traits that they loved about this young boy who seemed to excel in everything!

He said he was interested in today's class? But he had always paid perfect attention to every single lecture, was he interested in every day's class then?

This was also why Adrian's position in the freshmen's heart was absolutely one of the highest among the students, even more so than the seniors whose inspiring feats they had heard so many stories about!

While Adrian took good care to maintain a good reputation, even he did not expect to become this popular among the freshmen. Even some of the seniors had started to pay attention to this supposed genius among the freshmen.

In fact, he wasn't exactly lying earlier. Adrian was genuinely interested in what was being taught during the lectures. After all, everything being taught in the academy was completely different from where he came from. And having experienced the world of the internet, he knew better than all his peers that information was the strongest sword that one could wield!

Who knew that conscientiously trying to boost up on his knowledge would also end up with him gaining the respect of all his other peers?

But Adrian definitely wasn't going to complain about that. Who would?

"Let's go, this shit is finally over so it's time for lunch!" Sam was got up and stretched his arms out lazily after having sat still for long.

"This is all you think of all day," Elise chided jokingly before following Sam's lead out of the room.


A voice called out to him the moment Adrian exited through the door behind Elise, drawing the attention of all the freshmen streaming out. However, all of them immediately stood at attention the moment they saw who it was.

"Headmaster!" all of them, including Adrian, called out in unison.

"Go on and enjoy your break," the Headmaster nodded in acknowledgement before waving the freshmen along.

The Headmaster of Gryphon Academy was considered one of the more influential figures in the entire Noc Empire. Widely known as one of the most powerful magic users in the empire, on top of his status as the leader of the most prestigious magic academy in the empire, it would be a wonder if he weren't.

Physically, he was a relatively short man who looked to be in his seventies, the hair on his head completely white. Even so, anyone could tell from the light in his eyes that he was still brimming with life.

Adrian walked over obediently while the rest of the freshmen left. He was definitely familiar with who the Headmaster was, but beside him stood an unfamiliar man who looked to be in his forties. This unfamiliar figure was well dressed, carrying with him the poise of a nobleman.

"Just as I've heard from your professors, you really have already managed to condense a drop of mana. This is very impressive!" the Headmaster smiled approvingly after scanning Adrian over once.

"I was fortunate and managed to obtain an early breakthrough," Adrian was slightly surprised that his secret was found out, but he was not flustered.

It's been three months since he had entered the academy. After the first lesson on how to condense mana through meditation, Adrian had spent almost every single second of his spare time in meditation, determined to condense that first drop of mana and embark on that first step towards being a magic user.

"There is no such thing as getting lucky in condensing mana; there is only diligence and talent. No matter if you are extremely diligent or extremely talented, either would be a trait deserving of compliments," the unfamiliar man was full of praise for Adrian.

"My gratitude for your kind words, sir," Adrian nodded slightly towards him.

"I see you are unfamiliar with this gentleman beside me. This is Sir Raymond Nyx, a man holding the position of Vice General in the Royal Noc Military," the Headmaster casually introduced.

"My greetings to Sir Raymond Nyx," Adrian exclaimed formally, slightly nervous this time.

The Royal Noc Military was, as it name suggested, the military force behind the Noc Empire. Since this was a world where strength matter the most, the prestige of the military was unsurpassed by any other agencies under the Noc Empire. The highest rank one could ever hope to gain within the Royal Noc Military was that of a General, with the right to govern over his own land and raise his own personal army. And a Vice General was right next in line in terms of rank!

This showed just how highly ranked this Raymond Nyx was, and Adrian couldn't help but stare enviously at him as he thought about how the man in front of him had obtained what millions could only hope for. This must be what most fortune seekers were looking towards when they joined the military in a bid to gain fame and glory through martial achievements.

"Relax, Adrian. You can just act casually. Condensing your first drop of mana within just three months of entering the academy, that is a result that allows you to join the ranks of geniuses! For all we know, your future achievements might far surpass that of mine," Sir Raymond Nyx took care to maintain a gentle tone as he talked to the 10 year old in front of him.

"You see, Adrian, Sir Raymond Nyx is actually here because I told him about you," the Headmaster added.

"Eh?" Adrian turned to look at the Headmaster in surprise. "Me?"

"He's right, Adrian. Right now, I am very interested in young talents like you. The future is forged by the young, and I am here to invest in the future," Sir Raymond Nyx's voice turned slightly solemn. "Adrian, what I would like to ask you is if you would you be interested to join the Royal Noc Military? If you do, I can take you under my wing, and I would properly nurture you as my future right hand man!"

Join the Royal Noc Military? But he was just 10 years old!

Even if he was extremely talented, was it really all right for them to recruit a 10 year old into the military? Even if he could keep up physically, wasn't this basically child labour?

Although he was thinking this, he naturally would not express it out verbally. After all, this was a good opportunity for him. With this, he could receive a backing of a big shot like Sir Raymond Nyx!

"I am willing!" Adrian's voice was loud and clear, wanting to fully express the determination behind that voice.

"Good! It is only natural to hesitate when suddenly faced with such an difficult option, but I like how you made your choice so quickly!" Sir Raymond Nyx was heartened by what he saw. "But I can't just bring you away right now. After all, this place is still the best environment for you to build up your strength. What I can do, however, is to announce that you are now one of my men, as well as grant you the title of Captain in the Royal Noc Military."

"You are making our young Adrian a Captain when he is still a freshman here?" the Headmaster gave a queer look towards the Vice General. "Would that really go well with the others in the military?"

"If Adrian is willing to bet his future on me, I naturally have to show my sincerity as well. Here, take this," Sir Raymond Nyx flicked a badge over to Adrian, who caught it easily.

Adrian took a quick glance at the badge in his hands, which was engraved with the word Captain on one side, and the emblem of the Royal Noc Military. This was indeed legitimate proof of rank as a Captain! He became a Captain just like that? That was easier than he expected!

After chatting a little more and explaining about the workings of the Royal Noc Military, the two adults left for other matters.

"So what did the Headmaster talk to you about, Adrian?" Elise asked curiously when Adrian rejoined the group for lunch at the academy canteen.

This was where all everyone in the academy had their meals, shared by both students and professors alike. However, there was usually a clear distinction between where the professors sat and where the students sat, as if it was a line that demarked the power distance between the two groups.

"Do you know who the other man beside the Headmaster was?" Adrian asked in response.

"Oh? Who is he? Is he supposed to be famous?" another freshman sitting at their table asked. It was a boy named Daemon who usually hanged out with Adrian's group as well.

"The Headmaster said he is Sir Raymond Nyx from the Royal Noc Military," Adrian answered nonchalantly, but what he said caught the attention of not just his companions, but all the other students who heard it.

"Sir Raymond Nyx? Isn't he known as the Golden Halberd of Death, the one who induces fear and terror on the battlefield with his signature halberd that crushes everything in its way? He's a Vice General! What's he doing here?" It was Elise who asked this time.

"He was here to ask me to join the Royal Noc Military under his wing," Adrian didn't see a need to hide anything. If anything, it would only serve to raise his prestige further after all.

But he did not expect that the moment after he finished speaking those words, a loud laughter immediately sounded out from the table next to them.

"Sir Raymond Nyx asked a prepubescent kid like you to join him in the military? Don't make me laugh! Did joining the academy so young actually cause your brain to fry from the difficulty of the classes?" a second year senior apprentice turned over to look at them as he exclaimed out loud after laughing his fill.

"I'm saying the truth though," Adrian frowned slightly at how rude the senior was, but still tried to keep the conversation civil.

"Still insisting, aren't you?" the senior apprentice had a malicious grin on his face as if he had everything under control. "If you say that you are being honest, would you dare make a bet with me?"

"What do you want to bet on?" Adrian was starting to lose his patience from repeatedly being on the receiving end of such an unbridled nasty tone.

"If you are right, on top of officially apologising to you, I will give you all my money. Every last coin of it! But if I win, you will kneel down to me in public and apologise for spreading false rumours!"

This second year apprentice had been conscious of the existence of this genius among the freshmen, but he had always felt that it was a ridiculous concept. How could a mere 10 year old be capable of anything significant?

Now that he got the opportunity to, he definitely had to take this rare chance to teach this so-called genius a lesson and bring the freshmen's arrogance down by a notch!