
New Moon The beginning

Rosemary_Dominic_0619 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The Pilot

I didn't realize how my life came upside down after this. My life's biggest twist. A truth that was both dangerous and awesome. Wake up to realize that you are a freak of nature but still amazed by the fact that I can move fast and am strong enough to win against supernatural creatures. Powerful in all ways. But all these abilities come with a price to pay. Pain and despair can destroy your mind to the extent of that of a psychopath. This is my story. Story of Bella Crescent and Jackson Moon. A Story filled with love that could destroy clans or the entire werewolf community. A love that can or might even erase the mere existence of a werewolf

Jackson was my childhood friend. We were together since our birth. Our life revolved around each other. We are two halves that are one together, we complete each other.

We started dating by the age of Twenty-one. When I got close to him I realized that he had secrets that he had never shared with me or anyone. Whenever I ask him do you wants to say anything to me, he always changes the subject by complimenting me for the dress or shoes that I am wearing. But this time I will find out. This time I will get to know the secret. What are his secrets why doesn't he share them even with me? Tomorrow is my chance

The next day we went for a long drive and on the way back it was seven in the evening. To reach fast we thought why not take the shortcut of the dark forest? So we turned the car towards that road. By the time we crossed half of the forest, it was nine in the night.

Suddenly our car stopped mid forest Jackson got down to see what's the problem. Like all the other guys he went to the bonnet of the car and opened it even though he didn't know anything about repairing cars. He then comes back to me saying it is an engine problem. So he tried calling someone but couldn't as there was no signal. So tired of trying to call, he came back and sat in the car. At the distance of two meters from the car there was a small gap between the trees through which moonlight was let into the forest. It was so beautiful. So I asked Jackson can I go stand there. He said I am not coming out of the car if you want me to. What if some animal attacks me and kills me who will take care of my parents you have no right and I am too young to die. Ok cool down, I did not ask for your kidneys Jackson I said. Then I said I am hungry so, Jackson said open your mouth, breathe in and now close your mouth and swallow, see we have good delicacy around us air eat that.

Why are you angry Jackson? I asked, and he said we were alone stuck in a forest and had no one to contact. It's a bit scary. It is alright, you know what let's get out of the car and walk about outside and if any animal comes to attack you I will save you. And what if I am the beast Bella what would you do he asked.

I would happily sacrifice myself for you. So we got out of the car and as per my request we went near the opening through which the moonlight was shining. Jackson was reluctant so I didn't force him. But while walking he tripped on a stone and felt right where the moonlight was present it was like a spotlight. When he looked up he saw a beautiful full moon but for him, it was not so beautiful. He then stood up but fell on his knees again, he then told me to run as fast as I could and as far as I could. He kept on shouting run, run now, I don't want to hurt you like last time. I asked what last time. I don't remember anything like this happening before but before I could tell anything more. He shouted at me to run.

Then suddenly I heard a sound, a creak, and right after the sound Jackson screamed in pain. Then I heard another one and that is when I realized that the sounds were from Jackson's bones breaking and each time they broke they formed a new structure by the end it was the shape of an animal and slowly hair started to grow from all his body parts body. When I tried to go close to him he said, "If you don't run now I might end up killing you please Bella. Run fast and far away from me".

Seeing him in so much pain and hearing those words I started to run deep in the forest where he could not find me. I heard roars which made me all the more scared. I felt that the sound was coming closer to me but I kept on running until I found a place to hide. Then suddenly I saw a small den-like structure so I thought of hiding under it but before I could even move my muscles a large dog creature or it was more like a wolf jumped right in front of me. It then pinned me to the ground and opened its mouth to attack me but something stopped it. Then I felt water droplets falling on my forehead I thought it was its saliva but it was tears. I felt like the creature was forcing itself to not attack me. Suddenly it turned to the opposite direction looked back at me once and ran away in a flash.

Due to all the running and mental strain of my mind, my mind on its own went to sleep and even before I realized it, my eyes closed on their own and I slept from all the exhaustion after running.

The next day morning I woke up with a headache. Seeing the forest around me I was shocked as I thought I was in my bedroom and all this was just a dream. When I turned towards my left was Jackson naked and covered in blood and bite marks. I was too shocked as I thought he died but I heard him breathing after which with relief I let out a sigh. I realized that he was unconscious

Then l saw two men coming towards me and Jackson. They wore a weird outfit an outfit that a tribal. One was a young boy maybe in his early twenties and the other in his late fifties. They asked me in English are you fine after which I blacked out. Later I woke up in a room right beside me Jackson was lying waiting for me to wake up. When I woke up he asked are you fine. I said," Are you fine, Jackson really what I want to know is are you fine I think six hours earlier I saw every bone in your body. He then said I will explain everything later for now wait for the chief doctor to come. I was so bored waiting for the doctor to come, I looked at the ceiling where I saw drawings.

The drawings were of the creature that I saw last night. Especially one picture caught my sight. The picture was of two concepts. On one side there was a human doing some work and on the other side, there was the creature I saw yesterday feasting on something or an animal.

By then the doctor came to check on us and what surprised me more was that the bite marks that I saw on Jackson's body had already vanished. The doctor said we were alright and said we can leave anytime we want. Beside our table there were fresh clothes there was only one bathroom. So instead of taking chances to bathe, we thought we would bathe together. We then removed our clothes and entered the bathroom. We opened the pipe and cold water fell on us which startled me to the extent that I started to cry. He then hugged me from behind comforting me saying that everything would be alright. See I'm fine. I then said You are fine really I saw your bones break and reform. What are you, Jackson? Jackson, were you the creature that I saw last night? Yes Bella that was me he said. He then said I am a werewolf. I turned towards him and then hugged him telling him that I love you. He said once we get out of here I will explain everything. When we came out our clothes were ready. After changing into our clothes we left from there. When we went out our car was repaired and ready. So we thanked them for helping us and left.

After forty kilometers of traveling through the forest, we saw the road. While driving Jackson suddenly pulled me close and kissed me and then he said I am Jackson Moon the head or the alpha of the Moon tribe. We have special attributes of a higher level than that of the Crescent tribe. Attributes like fire, water, wind, earth, teleportation, etc. The Moon tribe is the strongest tribe out of all of the tribes I then asked him so you are a werewolf. Do your parents know? Yes, they do Bella they too are werewolves. Bella, I want you to promise something to me. I said, yes Jackson. Promise to me that you will not tell anyone even to your parents. I promise Jackson that it will go with me to the grave. When I reached home Jackson bid me goodbye and left.

When I entered the house my parents were worried sick, they asked me where were you all this time we thought you died where were you. My only reply was that our car broke down as I had promised Jackson I wouldn't tell anyone about last night.

After hearing what I said my parents were relieved. After which they went to their room. I wanted to know what they were talking about secretly so I went near their room to hear what they were saying. My Mother said isn't it time to tell her it is her birthday next week. She will notice the changes sooner or later.

What were her parents hiding from her? Read to know more about it.

A good reader is one who imagens the story like the author does.

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