
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Chapter Twenty

some character growth time for both MC'S of both original story and this one


Well the Balmel guild has some interesting quest available that I picked out for the mass of kids. Which I don't know how I got roped into herding monster children, a CRITICAL, a military dog, a Beast Tiger, and other rookie Adventurer kids. But I was the…. Looking at my guild ranking I question if having an SSS Adventurer herding kids is okay. Because honestly it seems like a waste when I could murder stuff.

Shaking my head I blank on the quest we even took. A fly could probably distract me right now in my boredom. Well until I noticed anyone who isn't from the pack is drawing weapons at a giant fluffy wolf trio. Looking at them I look at the kids, back at the trio and I do the most logical thing. I betray the children. Drawing a riot shotgun I blasted a Pixie in the back of the head with a bean bag. This got everyone's attention with Suna, the smallest of the wolf trio looking at me.

"Was that necessary Lockhart?"

"No, no it wasn't but I'm bored and they drew weapons on you guys. So everyone gets punished!"

My words confuse the children expect for the smarter ones, Xane the loyal boy he is becomes a turn coat. Armored dog paws bitch slapping a Lord into the ground violently, I will always be proud I taught a dog boxing! Seeing the betrayals everyone scattered but a few hit the ground either by paws or bean bag to the head. Signalling my old K9 we start a scene by hunting children non-lethally throughout Balmel.

One poor girl didn't expect me to literally phase through a wall and point blank her in the face. The screams and yelps of children echo throughout Balmel for a good while. That at the five hour mark me and Xane were the ones being hunted. Yet no one was ready for advanced military tactics by war veterans. Millie was scared shitless though. I may of suddenly grabbed her from behind while hanging upside down and chloroformed her. By the time the kids surrendered, down the main street there was a trail of exhausted children. Bruised, tired, scared, and taught urban warfare by a man and dog.

The Guild Master looked at me like I had done something ridiculous. So I kindly explained why this happened.

"I got bored watching a horde of children so I spaced out, then I found out the quest by seeing some draw weapons on my big wolves, so I decided to teach about betrayal, then that became hide or die training, then it became trying to assassinate me, so I made them learn urban warfare by hunting them instead."

He looked at me as if I had a screw loose in my head, I do though its why I'm so awesome. Because you can't live through war, deal with Player's, work with adult sized children, or get over death quickly without being insane. But what the Guild Master said is just rude.

"Kaiser…. The quest was to teach the kids how to fight monsters, we posted it and had asked your Boss Tames to try. However, you've given them PTSD, trust issues, thought them how to fight, and thought them how to survive. I don't know if you're a good Old God or just plain evil."

"Rude I'm chaotic evil neutral, being just plain good or evil is stupid and insulting. As for if I regret this? No I don't I got to legally beat the shit of children and watch them flail about."

"..... Are you free for more classes? To teach some nobles?"

Clapping my hands together I give an excited cackle as I stare at the Guild Master. Seeing my very willing response he chuckled wryly at the thought of the complaints he'll get. But what can a noble do to an Old God besides piss them off? With that settled the Guild Staff took the limp children to rest while those in the pack limped to mom's. Xane sitting beside me at attention panting so I give him some ear scritches for being a good boy.


Rokuten Guild Chat

Shin: Kaiser, I've met up with Scheen so we'll be heading to the Beast Kingdom, to meet up with another one of my Support Characters. How are you doing on your end?

KaiserLockhart (Developer): Oh Balmel is alright, I gave children PTSD by hunting them. Also the sacred palace is almost ready to spawn a monster flood apparently. I have control of it but well its become a monster spawner and fixing that bit would take a while, but also impact the lives of those who work here. I'm indifferent and crazy but not THAT heartless to ruin these people's economy.

Unless they piss me off. Then I may ruin their entire lively hood. z(°-°)/ also I have dragged phantoms of my past into this all because if I'm to be hunted for my flesh. I need soldiers of hell, soldiers who have marched onto the breach in wars more dangerous than most here. The more I remember… the more Phantoms are dragged from the hellish depths of my mind. Soldiers who had died once already…. Bringing them back is a SIN they've earned their rest. Yet I'm doing ot to survive, to fulfill the new mission passed to me, to say FUCK YOU to Demons and Guardians.

Shin: I…. I won't say I know what's going on through your head but I agree Kaiser. SURVIVE. You have people who now need you more than the depths of hell need your soul. It's wrong to say this but… drag every last soldier you need from hell to survive and keep this place safe. A title called Liberator is on my status but I don't know what that means. You though? Your a Developer who made this world so protecting it for your new family is a must.

KaiserLockhart (Developer): I'm the God who is hunted for total control over everything. Because I know by existing when I shouldn't I've robbed some away from the new rulers. Which is funny because by existing I may of created a paradox where if you were here alone from Earth then everything would be theirs. But it's not, it's ours to pry back from their willing or cold dead grasp.

You are the Liberator, think about it Shin. We've met one of the new self proclaimed rulers. They're dead. Killing them liberated an area of the world that once belonged to me. So every major city, Guild House, or anything with enough power to control an area of the game, has become a sort of CONTROL POINT for this world. You've freed one, now I have reclaimed it and can repurpose it back to normal or for something else.

If I die they get everything, if you die they can march freely Shin. We're the most fucked but prepared last line defense against possibly extinction by the Guardians. Since if my world scan just now was anything to go by. Monsters are being pumped out enmass, select few empowered admist uncontested areas controlled by Humanity.

Shin: But I don't want to be a hero! I want to go home! I have my family possibly worried and waiting for me to wake up over there! I didn't ask for this Kaiser! I'm just a college student, not a soldier! I don't want to fight anymore…. I don't want to be the hero anymore…..

KaiserLockhart (Developer): I know Shin…. I know. Your still a child in my eyes, your young enough to be my grandson. Yet the death game started. Civilians forced to become soldiers to save the thousands for the cost of a few. You were unfairly thrust upon the path of being forced to save the others. But your not alone you know? You've got your friends and Support Characters, along with one person who loves you dearly though she's shy to admit it. Take it from me Shin.

You may not of asked to be soldier, but circumstances force those who don't want to be one to be one. I certainly didn't want to be one at first. Now it's all I really am, and this time I choose this path. But at the beginning I marched from the gallows in chains to become Anerica's war slave by force.

Shin: You… you were forced to become one by your old government? Why….

KaiserLockhart (Developer): I assassinated the President of the United States a bit TOO flawlessly. Took them a while to find me but they did and my execution was set in stone. Yet a few got the bright idea that it'd be a waste to terminate me. They chipped me Shin. Until I was too far in they had a chip inside my brain actively forcing my hand. The final day I was still a soldier I ripped that chip out as it had been partly fried by an EMP blast. I got it out after cracking my skull open by force. I DUG through my own brain carefully and ripped the thing out. Then I ran away, and you know the rest pretty much.

Shin: That's… that's not right…. They enslaved you…. Because you made a good killer they did that….

KaiserLockhart (Developer): It was more common than you think. During my service I had met ten others in the same boat Shin. We fought and died as dogs, or got tortured to death by our own mind. I still FEEL my nervous system being fried, SMELL my insides burning as I breathed, TASTE my scalding blood, HEAR my screams as I twitched on the ground, I still SEE the things they forced my mind to see. Disobedience wasn't accepted for those like me Shin. We killed one person of importance better than their best and we became forced soldiers.

So take my advice Shin. Don't complain about being a soldier of your own volition even if a bit forced, in the game and possibly here. You may have minor PTSD from it but your still free from true war Shin. Your free to ignore it but take it into all into consideration.

Shin: I will Kaiser…. I will and I'm sorry for my past remarks that I knew would really get through to you. I didn't think any of those would be close or anything since I honestly didn't ever care to ask or get know you…. Now though? I'm happy to get to know you even a bit more as we're basically friends. Keep healing till we meet in Balmel, I would like to see how your doing in person, Kaiser.


Chuckling softly at that as the Guild Chat closed I looked over my shoulder to one positively happy wolf. Fenris deciding to lean against my back as her rested on one of my shoulders, a small smile on her lips. I had made that little chat visible because I knew she was behind me. It really took a lot of pushing down the screaming of not to say or share anything inside my mind to say what I did. Yet from how things went and how happy Fenris seems, I think I did a good? Thing.

"You actually talked about your past a bit and let the dead emotions spark an ember. That's a big step my Eilífur Félagi, a very big one for your mental health. Thank you for sharing even a bit of it with me as you tried to comfort that STUPID welp."

Shaking my head even if it jostled our pup I chuckled wryly, the taste of bile on my tongue.

"The kid needed it, he's scared and in a place he never wanted to be, away from his family. Though I was tempted to shy away from what I did at the end. It took a lot out of me just to bring up my hell. But as a military psychologist used to say before I strangled her with her vocal cords. To get better fully I need to acknowledge and talk about things with others. Kinda almost regret killing her now but she did drug me with a date drug."

"At least my love and help are finally helping you to do something like this."

"So… what's for lunch?"

"No clue it smelled like fish but I got us some Monster Crab from a decent nearby river. Want to gather the kids and have a stew? Your cooking of course, I'd poison the kids if I did."

"Pff at least you admit you suck at cooking! But sure I got some stuff in my inventory to spice the flavor up."

"Oooh please tell me you got Young Dragon Spice."

Chuckling I stroked the back of Fenris's head as we found every kid in the pack for lunch. Which I admit doing something so… wholesome for my new family brought back older memories. Memories of a time before my hell started. When I still had family on Earth.