
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Chapter Twenty-six: Nihirizumu pt. 2: Souls, Uncle Nihiriz

These last few weeks have been interesting in my opinion. Watching Kaiser has been pretty relaxing in a very very FUCKED way because of what exactly I'm watching. Not what he does, that's just Kaiser doing Kaiser things like Kaiser's do when in the wild. No what is fucked up yet relaxing though it should make me afraid is his soul. His soul is plain as day to those connected to death and its down right horrifying to see THAT MONSTER.

"They always said our soul is but a reflection of our life. So its horrifying, worrying, yet relaxing to see my friends soul like this, playful yet so homicidal without a care."

The thing surrounding or sometimes following Kaiser is in the shape of a Wendigo. Those creatures of myth representing death, cannibalism, winter, nature, and curses is what his soul looks like, because of his time as Special Forces I suppose. Yet thats not all there is his soul thats so…. Concerning. Its the blood dripping serpent chains of blood lust and kills, the torn away chunks of the body as if ate at, the deranged yet protective to the point of killing the protected look in its eyes. Those are perfectly normal for a soldier like Kaiser.

But the countless knives driven through its back, the gaping hole with a half shredded heart beating, then there's the Guillotine Scythe attached to an HK417 impaled into its neck. Those are very worrying yet regardless of those when Kaiser is happy its relaxed, yet if its like right now its true colors show. Some new adventurer's decided to attack the entirety of his children suddenly thinking their feral. Seeing this his souls alert, gun blade shaking as if asking to be used yet Kaiser does something else. Midswing an adenturer loses his arms, where they went is another matter, Kaiser ate them.

Well not him persay, the WENDIGO did, his soul physically manifested this time. I've never seen this happen but I was inderectly given an answer by Kaiser. He never showed or gave hints at where or of his job had Shiden skills, yet it seems it does.

"『 Shiden: Nightmare Soldier』you want to PLAY with my kids, then let my soul PLAY with you."

"What the fuc… GHACKUSAH?!"

The soul made manifest ripped a young Lord's loser off then caved their head in eith it. A very pleased smile and purring rumbled growl escaping its lips as it stalks around the others.

"I love it when they struggle, it brings back memories doesn't it Xélifur?"

"Until told otherwise, no survivors."

"Glaaadly Xélifur."

It spoke…. Its self aware…. That's not a very pleasant sign given it's and Kaiser's disposition to a lot of things. Question is when and how did this happen? Because in my six hundred and forty years of life, that's always been a very bad thing. Usually because it links to really understanding your crimes if you've killed. Narrowing my eyes I attempt to approach Kaiser using the rooftops but the Wendigo's chains impaled the area in front of me. That smug side glance as it devoured a Dwarf whole like a python made me stop.

Kaiser though seemed very willing to answer things if his words were an indication.

"Meet Purge, my soul. Lovely aren't I? A fucking cannibalistic monster of death with a damaged yet functional body."

"Purge? Isn't that your middle name? Why did you give it that for a name?"

"Because can't call him Kaiser, so Purge it is. Why it's like this? Why when I started to actually mentally heal something clicked and my second only ever Shiden was created. Then I actually began to hear and see glimpses of him till just now so I finally used the skill."

"You know your crimes for each kill then… you know know why your soul is like that. But how is it aware?"

"It's been aware since the day I became a soldier and a slave. Pissed and wanting to kill, but my experiences shaped it to the monster there, now that I've got a reason to heal, the Wendigo has a reason to fulfill one of its roles as a malevenant spirit. They're typically Forest Guardian's you know? Kill all who would disturb and harm its charge. Well my soul and spirit animal finally decided what it protects."

"If it's a Wendigo that means you've actively ate people before. What the fuck? You're a cannibal? Also good for you two I guess… is it safe to let it just do that infront of children?"

"Nihirizumu I've ripped a gunman's throat out with my teeth in front of you, I swallowed the chunk for fucks sake! I've ate a lot Human flesh doing shit like that! And you want me to tell me to stop?"

Wait…. Wait…. He's only got TWO Shiden skills for his primary class? How?! Those are like every classes nuke, they all have at least fifty of them, yet Kaiser only has two?!

"Why do you have only two Shiden for your Special Forces class?!"

"Because if you're heavily trained by war like me, those skills just don't seem so…. Important. I can make a nuke that does that shit easily so I never bothered really making more than one. My first is labeled Grim Reaper, I become a lich version of Purge there, but the skill has a price."

"What price? And why haven't you shown it off?"

"Because I'm already lethal without it, and five hundred thirty-two lives, or an equivalent, must be exstinguished or I drop dead instead. With things how they are now that price isn't very achievable so I won't really use it."

That's…. Fair sorta he's already able to dance around Shiden skills by high level entities due to his experiences. But Grim Reaper and Nightmare Soldier are that classes only two Shiden skills currently, weird. But then again I don't even know half the Special Forces skills, and the job is LV one hundred ninety-ninejust, so the bare bone basics is all I've learnt by just HAVING the class. Which is fair considering Kaiser never made any ways to learn the skills, if you got the class he'd have to impart the skills onto you.

Huh that means Kaiser is a skill teacher in a way…. Would he give me a skill or kick my ass? Because if it's anyone else they have a ninety-nine percent chance of just being beat down by him. I'd like to say I got a seventy percent chance to get beat down instead. Low odds but thirty percent safety is a win here. So best to just ask.

"Hey Kaiser…. Can I have any well new Special Forces skills? I've only had bare bone basics for six hundred years."

Both man and soul looked at me, the soul having a Dragnil's legs sticking from its mouth as it slowly swalloed their corpse. Both seemed to think very hard about it before books hit my face cracking a few scales and bone. Looking at the books that caused me bodily harm there are six Chuden, four Ouden, and two Hiden skills in all. But learning them updated the class skill list finally.


Shoden(Beginner): Stealth, Assassination, Multitasking, Extreme Learning, Weapon Mastery, Explosives Mastery, Absolved Prescense, No Trace, Magic Bullet

Chuden(Intermediate): Bullet Typing, Shadow Travel, Torture, Dead Emotions, Dead Copy, Vision Mode

Ouden(Hidden): Slaughter House, Mass Slaughter, Genocide, Death Is Mercy

Hiden(Secret): Soul Kill, Battle Sense Puppet


Some of the new skills were very self explanatory, though some seem contradicting?

[Dead Emotions (Chuden) (Passive): Feel nothing, think no distracting thoughts, just pull the trigger, just cut down all opposition in your way.]

[Dead Copy (Chuden): Create a perfect copy of yourself that's very much technically alive yet isn't. It can bleed and die but it's not alive really. Makes for a good distraction or partner for a mission.]

[Slaughter House (Ouden) (Passive): In closed spaces your senses become sharper, you attack quicker and harder. You do not get impeded by environmental hazards unless the route is gone.]

[Mass Slaughter (Ouden) (Passive): In wide open spaces or area's your senses are sharper, you attack quicker and harder. Environmental hazards can not impede you unless it's a large affected area.]

[Genocide (Ouden) (Passive): No matter where you are land, air, or sea you can not be inprded for long. Your senses are highly reactive and sharpened, your attacks are all lethal even glancing blows.]

[Death is Mercy (Ouden): Make your prisoner obedient if torture doesn't work, let them taste extreme pain and death. Sadly for them they won't die if this skill is used on them, it'll cause permanent bodily damage after a few rounds though.]

[Soul Kill (Hiden): Destroy the soul of those who just don't die normally, like ghost.]

[Battle Sense Puppet (Hiden) (Passive): Your battle experiences will always subtly guide your actions in and put of combat. You'll never be caught off guard due to always being ready to kill someone one.]

Ah… so three can double stack depending on what environment it is meaning your always doubly effective. One is for spectral and certain immortal enemies essentially. One's basically Shadow Clone Jutsu, and ones extreme torture. The last is just always basically being Kaiser, ready to kill someone for even tapping on his shoulder. Still remember first day I met him I did that and he broke my jaw then body slammed through a table, before realizing I wasn't attacking him.

Other than that violent first meeting when he was at the time fifty-six years old physically. He was basically like a second dad to me in our old world since he said, "You don't instantly make my psychosis trigger I like you. Welcome to the team kid." Then he fixed my jaw for me using some experimental nano medical bots. Didn't exactly get why he had those on him till I learned that basically mandatory for him to carry. He sent lots of people to the ER because he's always ready to fight.

Purge, as Kaiser calls his soul had finally become incorporal again after licking the werewolf pup horde. But I can still see the malevenant soul, its looking at me with a challenging smirk. Kaiser may like me but his soul wants to kill basically everything. Looking away from it I stared at all the blood stains left in the main street of Balmel. The Guild Staff collecting testimonies from bystanders before leaving quietly. On one of the notes taken though is a very boldly written sentence.


Yet they won't give him a warning themselves, they're going to force the Guild Master to do so. That's just pathetic. He's murderous but he can be reasoned with you fucking useless sacks of flesh. Like literally he was beating a robber to death in a bar because they triggered his PTSD with wearing a bomb vest. Yet it just took a calm bystander to get his attention and talk him out of his trance. The bombing robber died in the end though because Kaiser crushed his ribs into his lungs. Yet learning this he just looked at his fist and said "I should've gone for the stomach to make an organ slushy."

Socipathic psychopath of an ex-soldier he very much is, but he can be reasoned with. Just now that I've learned about his soul, I think reasoning wirh that is a no. Because his soul looks ready to eat my fuckin face off for the giggles.

"So Kaiser, you know your soul is very well holely and looking like a walking corpse, right?"

"Nihirizumu, I'm a literal walking corpse half the time in my life. Tis is but s natural thing for my soul to reflect that I think… should my soul look like its been fucking chewed on and beat the shit out of? Questions for later, questions for later…."

"Pfft, so "Tis is but a scratch!" Huh? Fair soldier boy."

"At least my mom doesn't smell of elderberries and fuck a hamster."

"Least I don't have a holy hand grenades as a fuck you attack."

"Hey now don't dis my Python Grenade skill, I take great joy in screaming "FOR THE SCRUBBERY!" As I toss an unstable holy nuke the size of a grenade."

"How could I forget? You literally stalked me once in a bush, A FUCKIN BUSH YOU KEPT MOVING, then when I didn't expect anything you fucking bombed my ass! It's still bullshit you didn't die because you basically were hugging my back screaming "FOR THE SCRUBBERY, YOU HEATHEN!" Just because I said Monty Python is an ancient and dumb movie."

"Hey you got an achievement for it though so it should've been fine. You learned about Monty Python and got a shiny achievement."

"That achievement fuckin forced me to watch the movie! But yes the wording "Tis is but a inconvenience!" Was ironically hilarious since it was one."

"Thank you, I put that little trick together that if someone died by a Python Grenade they'd watch the movie. Didn't give them a choice it was mandatory if you died to it."

Shrugging we took the kids to the forest where they all basically harassed the wild life. Cupcake though sat in her father's lap as she and the others have grown quite a bit so she's definitely looking like a Werewolf slowly with trying to walk on her hind legs. Just her first coherent sentence was hilarious since it seems she remembers what she ever heard said first to her by Kaiser.

"I'm a little shit."

It was quite funny to watch the packs reactions to the pup saying that with a smile. Fenris was beating the ground with her tail as she looked at her mate so damn smugly. Kaiser, Kaiser just took a deep breath then poked her nose where she bit his finger, causing him to give her a glaring stink eye and agree.

"Yes your a little shit you fucking clingy child."

She took that as if he was praising her and beamed at him while he tried shaking her off his finger. Honestly the father daughter pair is adorable, reminds me of my little Grant and his mother Dalia. Chuckling I poked the waist high Werewolf pup, when she's standing like a person, on her cheek making her squeak in surprise. The little daddies pup glaring at me as she tried so so very hard to give me a disease. Yet sulked when she realized I'm just giving her a shit eating smirk.

Being undead technically is marvelous, it makes things that give horrible status effects, like poison, sad. Poking her nose I cackle when she tries to bite me only for my finger to tickle her exposed tongue. Which made her gag and scurry away from me and use her father as a barrier while glaring at me. Kid's can be adorable when they're not little shit stains, or dying by something.