
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Chapter Twenty-eight

[New York City, New York?? Mind Demon Countess POV]

The Old God was supposed to be easy to influence, to take over! His mind is weak, broken, easy to slip if one reminds him of something from war. So why? WHY?! WHY IS IT, I DEMON COUNTESS, THAT IS SUFFERING?! WHY AM I POWERLESS IN MY OWN DOMAIN?!

These Humans and machines in his mind… can they even be called such? They're not like the normal Human's I'm used to. THEY scare me, this city terrifies me as something isn't right with it, then there's the Old God and a mutt that calmly walks behind me humming with a smile. As those other Humans and strange metallic beasts surround me slowly. Hunting and taunting me with attacks that should kill me but they only graze my flesh


"Heh… you wanted to show me war, no? Well your definition of war just sounded so…. Boring. So I brought you to real war, welcome to America during WW3 specifically New York City in New York. It was such a lovely and lively city till I was given my orders. As for them? They're Special Forces team Wendigo, guess you flipped a trigger on a skill and memories being so eager to haunt me we're triggered. So well my old team is out to play.

So stay a while, let us show you our hospitality, it'll be a lovely time to be had. Since all of team Wendigo's shades have been revived by your stunt. So let us show you a grand old time that war criminals liked having, you'll love it! You're the main attraction after all."

"What… what do you mean…. There's more of you?!"

The Old God starts to mock me, my abilities to influence the mind, my magic…. All the things that would help me crush this bug have been stripped from her by this HUMAN. No that thing isn't Human…. That's a broken puppet scrapped together hiding the REAL Old God.

"Ahahah why yes! Wendigo team had sixty people, ten animals, and eight combat support drones in it! Thats seventy-eight members and you brought those shades of war back forcibly. You woke the dead up, now they're ready for war."

That was when my tormentors stopped playing with me. I was surrounded by monster's disguised as Humans, strange mechanical contraptions, and nine new beasts. They all seemed to gloat at my despair with glee, weapons lax seemingly but I will not be fooled. They are having FUN, giving me false hope, hope I can still win and live. But that is not possible… I don't know a single thing about weapons, only magic.

Magic I no longer can use here! However, they aren't dressed as soldiers I know of, they are from the other realm where the Player's and Old God's roam freely aren't they? Did I truly do something to earn the ire of these things? Or was this all just an unfortunate accident on my part?

"I'm sorry…. Spare me please… I won't do it again… I'll serve you with all I am… just let me leave alive…."

"Nah, you never listened to your past victims Countess so why should I heed empty words? Have fun with my past, you'll thank me one day for being so generous. Well not really, you'll be a vegetable in the real world. A braindead sack of meat that would be great to feed to the Void."

That smile, that cold heartless smile that seems so genuinely kind. It scares me. This was not how this was supposed to go. I was going to be a Demon God! I WAS GOING TO BECOME A DEMON GOD! WHY HAVE I BEEN DENIED?!

The monster's around me moved… my torment had begun…. just…. Why? Why was I denied Lord Dartia? Did you not promise I would succeed?... Was I not faithful enough?

"Well, have fun. I'm going to play with my family then get ready to greet some people."


[Lockhart POV, 12 hour later]

Sitting around on top of a destroyed tree holding a comatose brain dead Demon. I was dismantling her for parts before feeding her to the Void. It's body twitching as I did my work to collect pieces from its body while it's alive. After a while Shin, Schnee, Tiera, Yuzuha, and a new Divine Beast companion of theirs appeared from the tree lines looking at me. Raising a bloodied hand I greeted them while I burnt the corpse with [Hiden Holy Fire: Rank 10] from the Priest skill list. No remains besides what I harvested remained as the corpse was swallowed by the Void through a shadow.

"Yo welcome to the frontier, I'm your host Kaiser. It's a displeasuring pleasure to meet you."

At my words Shin deadpans at me and just stares. Tiera chuckles wryly as she looked at me fuckin with primarily Shin. Schnee blinked as if unbelieving that I am ACTUALLY here and not somehow still fucking with everything. Yuzuha greeted me rather excitedly by jumping on Shin's head and waving apaw as the little fox giggled. The new one to their group was staring at me dumbly before shrugging its shoulders as the canine type beast rolled with it. Though when Cupcake pops up from my armor as a small feral wolf pup.

Tiera squealed, Schnee blinked and opened her mouth to say something, Yuzuha blinked before cooing, the newbie tilted their head, and Shin stared harder as he looked at me.

"You truly did have kids, just why is her name Cupcake?!"

"No comment."