
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Chapter Seven - Fenris, APPLE

After becoming basically a monster yet not as my status still says I'm a normal High Human. I looked at Fenris and just punched her stomach before bear hugging her into a body slam. She made a funny noise at my sudden actions before promptly biting my throat and trying to rip it out. Invincibility is great. Even though she failed we looked at each other and smirked a bit.

""Sudden violence can be fun but yeah we're now stuck together.""

"If this is going to be normal can I get a biohazard wolf skull duster?"

"You're morbidly lucky, I have one for a set called Barghest, made from you specifically~!"

".... I feel both offended yet happy you made a set out of my materials. Does it do anything fun?"

"We did have Plague Doctor as a class so yeah actually. The set increases plague effects to rank twelve and effectiveness at curing sickness."

"Give me, me I must wear myself. NOW!"

Chuckling a bit I drew a set item card and handed it to her. Fenris didn't wait; she immediately switched everything, giving her a more tribal witch doctoring soldier look. She still had a new blank tank top with a literal glowing biohazard sign. Her pants had become black green camouflage combat pants with holsters and pouches lining the legs. She actually gained special combat boots for Beast that use their claws. So she kicks then like knives her claws come out and shred your shit.

The duster was black with four different colored glowing biohazard signs on the sleeves. On the back is one giant glowing red biohazard sign that has a fun effect for if you cut someone. On the shoulders like pads are two ashen gray werewolf skulls with green fire in the eye sockets. They are a part of the armor but also they are plague shields. The different colored bio signs were Yellow for area effect plagues, Blue for mana affecting plagues, Green for health affecting plagues, and then White for incurable and instant death plagues.

The fact the monster it's made from is wearing it means that the usual fifty percent increase is five hundred…. Yikes, that's a scary thing to read. Good thing I am basically immune to shit now. Fenris though seems quite pleased she didn't lose the dog collar though instead the collar has started looking rotted and demonic. [Plague Hounds Collar (DIVINE)] huh… her new wardrobe caused a massive change. What's the details for it all exactly?

[Plague Hounds Collar - Rank Divine

Description: The plague bringer that received this collar as a gift from its master and eilífur félagi. Upon receiving a boost to its plagued prowess to heights worthy of a minor god. This collar experienced a shift and has changed to fit the Barghest known as Fenris. Dare to challenge the ire of a plague?

500% Increases to plague effectiveness

1000% increase to defense and attack when near eilífur félagi.

-56% chance to resist entering Rage of the Plague state upon feeling eilífur félagi in danger.

200% MP and HP

60% Life Steal with every hit

Purge Plague: Once every 24hrs create a protective dome of instant kill plagues. Covers a 100x100 area for 48hrs.]

[Plagued Wolf Goddess- Rank Divine

Description: This set was created from the monster Void Barghest to combat plagues. Its purpose has changed though upon the monster of its origins wearing it. It has become the divine set known as the Plagued Wolf Goddess, its purpose is to spread death to all who oppose the Plagued Wolf. They will not let their ire be provoked and unsettled.

500% increase to plague effectiveness

200% increase to defense

200% increase to MP and HP

350% increase to plague mutations

120% increase to curing all disease around wearer

Plagued Regeneration - Regenerating lost limbs causes severed limbs to explode into a random plague. Both limbs and lost gear sections restore themselves.

Barghest's Curse - Provoke the wearers ire and a random incurable plague is placed onto an enemy.

Plagued Shields - Automatic plagued shield generated to protect from critical near death or instant blows.

Plagued Wolf Goddess - To protect the faithful a plagued demonic pack will claw their way from the nine circles.]

"Well shit your a plagued holy hand grenade."

"Don't worry I won't nuke you, your already stuck with me."

"So adoption?"

"Not even married yet your already giving me a pup. But yeah lets go find the tiger cub."

Chuckling softly I let her go as she well frankly changed while I still held her. With that we headed back inside where I waved lazily at everyone, Fenris wiggling her ears playfully. William looked at us like we're trouble but we just smirked at his scowl. Waving a hand in a go on motion at him as he's definitely got a question or two. He takes it in good humor while still being all serious and protective.

"So who the fuck are you two? And what was that all about?"

"Names Kaiser Lockhart, High Human and game developer of the old era before the Dusk of Majesty."

"Fenris, Void Barghest and Boss Monster from before the Dusk of Majesty. Now though? I'm Kaiser's tame, trial mate, and as long I'm wearing this gear? A minor goddess of plagues."

""As for what that was all about? The Void got its tenth Boss. In order to help fight back against things that don't care for any of us if they see us. As if you threaten their little mission no matter if your even a god, you'll die there's no negotiations.""

We both smirked harder at William's look when we spoke in tandem. He is just giving us a stink eye that its funny as he's amuser by it. The kids and their Sister looked just amused at our little antics seemingly tuning out the last bit. Shrugging my shoulders I noticed Millie looking at us with glazed eyes before blinking. She looked at William and basically just wrecked him. The Critical stumbling with an incredulous look at the little girl before sighing in frustration.

"Big brother, you try to stab my parents you'll get your spear up sonewhere bad."

As she said that she quickly scurried over to us and like an acrobat she climbed Fenris's body till sitting on a shoulder. The little Tiger Beast sticking her tongue out playfully at William who twitched. Rashia looked between us and giggled with a warm smile, gently grabbing Williams shoulders. Whispering something into his ear before releasing him and spinning to look at us with a grin.

"If this will keep her out of the churches hands then I will allow this adoption. As Millie is safer with a former Player and a monster of Ms. Fenris's caliber. If the priest asks where she went I'll tell them she's with the heretics stopping him."

"Locky, we need another Boss monster. I want that Human to suffer a heart attack."

"I could try to rewrite a Plagued Infernal Dragon Boss back from death as a tame using a scale material I have."

"Fuck yeah! Which Boss is that?"

"Princess, Apple's very angry big dragon mom he made to control a flaming hell dungeons entire dragon and wrymling population."

"Ah Apple…. If he ever shows up I want to bite his head off. He put me in a pink fairy outfit for an April fools event. I hate pink unless its raw meat."