
New Marksman in a Fantasy World (Fanfic)

Welp I'm made a game developer thrown into a death game now the game is a real world. I'm fucking fucked but I got guns, and a boss monster. Just where is my damn sanity? This is a fanfic of "The New Gate" its under novels because an option broke **there will be random kinks thrown about but no scat or water sport, I have standards not THAT.**

BiazarKaiser · ファンタジー
32 Chs

Chapter 3 - pt. 1: God ate a bird; I'm done with this shit

so this is a little fun interaction meeting between our rather random MC, and the MC of the book series Shin. Shin expresses how everyone feels at times which is more enforced because we've all had a game dev or Dungeon Master just do shit like this.


It's been around a week since I arrived in this world as an actual person now. During this time from rank G I've moved up C by doing rather mundane things that don't really push someone like me. But honestly I've found some small pleasures in doing them with the wolf pack. Fenris as she's really never done anything but hunt criminals not like babysitting kids but she's been having fun. So really it's just a bunch of monsters just doing small jobs since it's funny watching wolf monsters be slightly mystified by jobs.

It was the day after the one week mark as I was performing gun cleaning and repairs after having groomed the pack. That a rather stunned black haired man in a casual outfit style most Player's wore. Walked into our little gate side camp and just stared at me so I looked up from my work at him. Setting a minigun barrel to the side on a cloth and waving the pack down. I spoke to the silent visitor.

"Congratulations Shin on clearing the game, you saved many lives even though many died. I didn't die even at the very end. I'm very much still alive, yet here I am. Five hundred years later, much like you, sit down if you feel like it. I'm sure you have some questions. May not answer shit though."

The trapped hero of the death game had his black eyes listlessly stare at me. His mind processes the news before he takes a seat on the grassy ground. The Black Hound pups sitting near their mother, Suna, eyeing him. Fenris laying herself across my feet and eyeing him lazily. Shin sees her though and mumbles "Void Barghest" getting a grunt from Fenris. Pulling a kebab off from the section by the campfire I shifted my mask taking a bite out of it. Shin seeing my casual nature chuckles wryly.

"Still the same old dev huh Kaiser? But you said you didn't die but were instead brought her alive. Five hundred years later at that?"

"Yeah this is the world five hundred years later, after the world experienced a great shift worldwide. Our old maps? Useless too much crustal and land shifting mashing or merging locations together. So I've been updating mine for the Bayreuth Kingdom's surroundings."

"I see… so you've tamed your previous tormentor and some Black Hounds."

"Yep my tormentor was my exclusive greeter her name is Fenris now. Then the big momma is Suna, the rest are her eight children. You can't have any."

"I wasn't going to ask… but do you know the state of Rokuten's Support Character's and Guild House?"

"Oh I know the fate of quite a few, one love sick high elf has EAGERLY been awaiting her beloved. Your home is also nearby, though Scheen isn't around right now. But if you want to go check it out we could, just let me finish cleaning Veil Shredder. I had to gun down a monster hoard in the process of forming so I pulled out my trusty minigun."

"Alright I don't see a problem with that but if you're here… do you still have the dev console?"

Thinking something as I mentally use the console I changed Shin's gear forcibly. Seeing this he chuckles wryly as I change it back. That's when I remembered something.

"Oh yeah all Rokuten members have cults, yours is scariest. Also mind if I forcibly join the guild to reactivate something like the guild mental chat?"

"You're a friend and well I couldn't stop you if I wanted to go ahead. But how are you gonna reactive mist guild functions? There's no guild house near us I presume."

Looking towards a decent clearing Nomad's armband turns into a streak of light. My mobile base materializes as I stare at it using certain functions from a distance. A side compartment opens up revealing a guild core and a rather ominous red core. Looking back to shin I grin at his stupid look.

"Why Nomad is EVERYTHING I ever wanted or would need. Like a Guild House."

"You crazy developer…"

[You have joined the Rokuten Guild.]

[Rokuten Guild Rank: Vice Leader]

[Guild Chat Reactivated, Guild Teleport Activated, Guild Recruitment Activated, Guild Tracker Activated]

"There now things should be easier to manage."

"Sorta cheating you're still basically god here…."

"Oh you wanna see god? Rewrite: GOD EATER."

Slamming my hands together with a golden glow I pull them apart, a seemingly ordinary Grom drops onto the ground. Picking it up I slide my right arm into a modified segment and mount it to my arm. Pointing it skywards I flip off a bird as metallic liquid flesh surges from the Grom, and forms a pair of jaws that shoot after the bird and eat it. Looking at Shin I speak as I'm stating the weather in a casual conversation.

"Well you saw god eat a bird. But yeah I'm still a cheating game developer that can create anything. Every week. Fear me bitch."

"First off no Kaiser, you're honestly pretty relaxed even with your bullshit. Second, did you just rip off an anime and game series?!"

"They can't sue me here so using my powers of developer fuckery, I am free to create all weapons. Haven't tried creating creatures. Should try creating Void Stalker's, they never got implemented."

"Please just pack up…"

""You heathen how dare you deny the fuckery of insanity!""

".... I'm done, I'm gonna wait somewhere else for you!"

Watching Shin leave our camp I made Nomad into an armband once more and looked at Fenris. We both shared a look and decided, the fuckery shall only get worse next week.