
New life system

At the age of 16 Alex a normal working class boy's world literally changes as it turns into what could only be described as an MMORPG

xXJosheinXx · アクション
6 Chs

Chapter 04: Profile transfer

"what do you mean we only have twelve crystals?" Elizia almost shouted hoping it was some sick joke. "We had forty crystals you couldn't possibly have used twenty-eight already."

The one who had spoken earlier's head dropped. He couldn't look her in the eyes. "Uhm... That medic that you told to stay back there on earth. she gave all her crystals to newt and we didn't think of sharing them. So we already used eight of our crystals when one of the fighters got hit badly."

"Newt ran in this time and was about to give the crystal to him when the giant hit both of them with its hammer. And as you know you cant access someone else's inventory so all twenty of the crystals he had are gone.

Elizia was hoping that they were playing a prank on her. But when she heard the man's explanation she felt like pulling her hair out. They were stuck in an unknown dungeon that they couldn't get out of like they usually could. And to top it all off they faced a boss level giant as the first beast in the dungeon.

Nothing like this had ever happened before and if she wasn't there they probably wouldn't have survived the fight. Elizia started to worry about what else they could be facing next since the first beasts in a dungeon were always the weakest and if that giant was considered weak she didn't want to know what strong was.

"I think we should stay here for the time being. Don't give anyone any crystals unless necessary. Elizia said to the medics and walked away to tell the rest of the plan.

Everyone had gathered in a tight circle around a fire. There was a gloomy silence between them after all five people had died in the fight. The only thing you could hear was the occasional crunch as one or two of them would bite their rations.

Elizia personally didn't like the rations. It consisted of dried beef a dry cracker and water. But the meat was so dry it had gotten leathery and was poorly seasoned. The cracker didn't taste like anything and the water was warm. But she still ate it because she needed the energy.

"so what do we do now." A female tanker and male archer asked at almost exactly the same time. Everyone looked at Elizia waiting for her to answer. But she didn't know what exactly to do herself.

After thinking for a while she looked at all of them." We can't stay here we'd run out of food before they send any help. Besides even if they did send help how would they get in here? We have to keep going if we beat the boss maybe we can get out." She said.

"We can't beat the boss!" A man in heavy blue armour with white lines said. It was the man that had given Elizia a boost earlier. "That thing was as strong as a normal dungeon boss! I can't begin to imagine how strong the boss would be!

"Then what are we supposed to do? Sit here and wait to die?" Elizia asked starting to get angry.

The group went silent they were all scared and unsure of what to do. After a while, they went to sleep with a guard rotation where every hour they would switch with another person.

When the first watch guard came wake Elizia up because it was her turn to watch she was already awake. She got up immediately and walled a bit out of the group of sleeping people.

She had just taken out her sword and stabbed it into the ground to lean on when the ground started to tremble. Squinting she tried to see what was on the other side of the big room they were in.

After a while, a huge foot slammed into the ground on the right side of the end of the room. The ground started shaking so hard the sleeping adventurers had been woken up.

Out of the far right corner of the room, a giant one and a half the size of the previous one came out. This giant had two swords with disproportionate indents at the end one in each hand. It also had red painted lines on its body and its eyes glowed red it also had a beard this time.

"In..truders." It said in an extremely deep and rough voice. And then started walking towards them every step making the ground tremble under its feet. It was walking at a surprising speed and in only a few seconds it was in front of Elizia.

The giant started to swing its left sword at her. Elizia pulled out her sword putting it in a defensive position above her head and shouted. "Activate skill ultimate defence!" and then the two swords collided.

Her sword held somehow she had blocked it. The giant smirked and suddenly it flexed its left arm and Elizia's sword shattered

[Main character Has died]

[Assigning profile to ramdom Player]


Alex was walking with Rei next to him." So how's being a swordsman been to you." Alex asked. With a hint of jealousy in his voice

"Fun honestly." Rei answered still smiling since he had arrived. "Except for all the blood when I fight beasts that still isn't nice."

They were heading to the stall where he had the advanced tier boar beast. "How do you want to kill it? Here or are you going to take it somewhere else first? Alex asked not sure what to talk about he hadn't seen his friend in months.

"Yeah, I was hoping we could do it here we didn't bring a vehicle that could hold an advanced tier beast." He answered. "And then maybe we can chat for a bit you know catch up. He said his smile had somehow become even bigger.

They finally arrived at the stall and Alex told them to stay outside. He went in and walked to the boar beasts cage. The aura of the beast still made him shiver. Slowly he opened the gate and pulled the beast's chain that was connected to a thick metal cuff that went around its neck.

The beast followed him peacefully not seeming stressed at all. While Alex himself was sweating from fear that the thing would attack him. He knew he stood no chance against that monster.

When he got outside the others were standing quite the distance away from the stall house when the beast saw them it started acting a little crazy bouncing around trying to run and attack them.

But Alex put all his strength into holding it and activated his beast tamer skill. The beast calmed down a bit but still looked at the group like it wanted to kill them. He didn't need to say the skill out loud it was just a common misconception that one had to say the skills name to activate it.

After a while, Alex arrived with the beast at a large open field where there was no grass because of continuous fights taking place there. When Rei came in front of them he shouted. "Released it."

Alex unhooked the chain and deactivated his beast tamer skill. The beast charged forward attack Rei. Rei had pulled out a huge sword that was at least thirty cm wide and slashed at the boar blocking its attack.

He displayed great skill and Alex could see that he was really strong. But what impressed him the most was his speed. Even though Rei was using such a giant heavy sword he was moving almost faster than the eye could see.

Rei was slowly beating the beast and after a few minutes, the beast was getting desperate. Its eyes started glowing a bright red and its breathing started getting a lot heavier it was now raging.

The beast ran towards Rei but this time it was faster than it had before. Rei couldn't block it successfully and was sent skidding across the ground. He stood up from the ground there was a smirk on his face.

The beast was running towards him again. "Activate skill power strike!" Rei shouted and thrust his sword forward just before the beast was about to hit him. The sword went straight through the beasts head and the fight was over.

Rei started walking towards Alex and the other guys. But Alex heard the familiar Ding sound and a screen popped up in front of him.

[New profile awarded]

[Profile: Main Character]

[Profile Subclass: Elite Swordsman]

[Profile tier: Secret tier]

[Resetting skills and levels]

Alex was confused.' what does profile subclass mean he had never heard of anything like that. Also Main Character? And Secret tier? He thought not knowing what was going on.

When he opened his status screen by thinking about it he was shocked to see that all his skill were gone. And his EXP level that was at level forty-nine on the edge of hitting fifty was now on 0 again.

"No no no no what the hell!" Alex shouted out loud.


Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it