

I can't talk like all person . I don't known how to impress others and I don't like to friends with others I think always think why joint with others and impress others there are not permanent . so I want to live single but in life . I don't known why I so sad when I am in lonely . I missing someone but in my life I not fall in love with anyone but why I don't know . so I hearing music in place of lonely . I left my days like this. One day I went to hotel in dark of night and heavy rain so that in hotel very few 12 people's left. In few second there was on accident by thunder . inside of hotel many things was damage lights are falling down on floor people's was hurted by this me also I touch my head it was bleeding suddenly I fall down floor and my leg was locked on bench I can't move anywhere I think this is my last day I am going to die . my eyes are getting closer. Suddenly I saw one person he is helping me for getting out but I can't saw his face I only saw his hair and dress and his eyes. Oh no my eyes was closed I can't saw anything finally I am died I thinked. Then I opened my eyes . what happening I am on my home all thinks are happened on my dream . but my head was hurting why its hurting all are dream but why its hurt like a dream . I known the hotel name I want to search it on internet . I search it what they are accident on hotel yesterday there 12 people's are die but only one person is still alive on hospitals . I want to see who is that his image .......... Oh no its my image and he is in hospital but I am in home how its happening . if he is me then WHO AM I NOW??????