
P.O.S. (Part One)

Peggy's jaw swung low as she stared at Maevis. Never in a thousand years would she've believed that fairies were real. Between Skye's disappearance, her hair, and now a real Fae; Peggy's head and heart were at their limit within seconds. She gripped Skye's arms as the old woman tried to keep her balance. With wide eyes and a huff, Peggy said: "I think Ima needin' to sit back down.."

Skye shared an apologetic look with Maevis as the wee fairy fluttered over to them. She hadn't meant to drop her like she did. The relief of seeing Peggy unharmed made her forget Maevis was supposed to stay hidden in the folds of the blanket until they'd met with her father. Feeling terrible for her actions, Skye apologized as she opened the door to Peggy's room.

"Forgive me, Maevis. I didn't mean to toss ye like that. I forgot me self when I saw Peggy was alright," Skye'd opened the door as she'd spoke.