
New home

"Much better than the motel," Ku Lo said as they walked towards their courtyard. "At least from the outside."

The neighbourhood was meticulously decorated, at least by Ku Lo's standards. Also, as a similar design was used for every courtyard they had passed while walking here it gave off an unseeming and exclusive feeling.

"They aren't bad for what they are built for," Feng Huling said. "A cheap way to give some privacy, even luxury yet space minimising and giving the new member of the sect an inclination of status."

Feng Huling's articulate and proud tone made Ku Lo ask, "The architecture in the sect..." He couldn't find a fitting word.

"Exceptional, I know."

"Who designed the sect's layout?" Ku Lo continued, ignoring the pulls coming from Huang Gingge, who wasn't interested in the topic.

"The name is lost in history, for sure," Huling said, annoyed. "But I've heard the sect has some famous books on the subject. Gosh, I wish that I could read them someday."