
Catching Up

Skye chatted with Peggy and Maevis as the old woman readied a bath for her lady. She'd told her about the nomads, Petrie, meeting Aero, Celestia, and Nicolas, what they ate for dinner, and most of the hot spring. She omitted the little excursion she'd taken with Tidas alone as well, which Maevis found hilarious. The old Fae decided to leave her and the matter alone; for now.

Peggy had perked up at Nic's description, but said nothing about it. Skye knew why, though. The lass had gotten her love of the Yuletide season from her loving servant. Peggy and Skye made it a point every year to bake sweets or buy gifts for the surrounding village children. Most families couldn't afford both a gift and sweets. Moonstone Castle was one of the few places in Alcon where commoners could have both.