
New Life (Overlord Fanfic)

[This book is in the middle of editing] Welcome Adventures. What you about to read is a story about a man and his journey in life, a story about a man life and his new world. A story containing adventure, struggle and beauty of the new world that he has to face. Please enjoy your stay, Adventures. Note: I'm a new author so I make a lot of mistakes in my story, so if you have any suggestions about my story feel free to spill it out. Cover Art: エレシュキガル | 魚酥子 #pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/86564068

Birdinthesky · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Part 3

Good afternoon, waking up from the bed I do some stretching to fully wake myself up, after that I make my bed, yes I have a bed its the only furniture that in this home of mine.

I make the bed by myself, with some tree and bearskin, it was a simple and nice bed. After realising that I can eat poisoning thing I began munching on some tree around here, most of them are already dead by the winter so I just helping to clean it out.

After eating the tree I can make wood using my ability, it's not easy as it sounds though, to make a nice and clean wood I must imagine the wood without bark, that's sound easy, but if I don't imagine it hard enough it will have a bark. It's similar to imagine a hand but without any skin, very hard indeed.

I'm very lucky to found a slime with the ability to fully manipulate its body, really thankful to that simple organisms monster, without the slime this level of convenience will not be possible. Like the wise man said, with great power comes great convenience, right?

After stretching my mouth become a bit dry, so I went to my water reservoir, I exit my room, stroll around a bit in a cave looking at the other room, yap, nothing in there, then I went to the reservoir.

I drink the water and wash my faces, ahh very refreshing. This reservoir is my primary source of water, I block the ceiling so the water will not freeze. Even though I can make my own water I still prefer natural water, in my opinion, natural water is far more superior than my own water, well that's just my opinion.

As per my routine, I try to develop my ability with the ultimate goal of fully diminishing the transformation time. Now my current casting time is five seconds, I want to shorten that out to three seconds.

Training my ability is simple, it just needs strong imagination and some muscle memory, the faster I can imagine is also the faster I can transform and the more often I transform the more better is my imagination.

I already have a strong imagination, to begin with, so I can easily cut half of the time, from ten to five, however, I can't do that again, because the shorter it gets the harder it becomes. It can only develop slowly with time.

I have an important business today, that's to check the Troll from the last day, I hope it turns into an undead. I leave my cave and transform into a giant owl, the weather is still the same as yesterday, seem to me the snowstorm is not going to disappear soon.

Even in this harsh weather, I still transform into a giant owl and fly in the wind, I want to get this job as quickly as possible because it literally can change my whole life, so without wasting any time I go straight to the previous place.

I see the cave from the air, still not having a sign of life in or surrounding it, this make me doubts about my plan, is it gonna work? Maybe expecting the dead to turn into a zombie in a matter of night is not possible. Whatever the outcome is, I will accept it.

I transform to my normal form again, wear my clothes and prepare myself physically and mentally, it's stupid to think a zombie will not attack the living, so I prepare for any confrontation.

I go to the cave, look what on the inside, I did it! An undead is what I see, a zombie type undead with no head, like Dullahan however instead of a knight this undead is giant, a troll to be precise.

The undead I see didn't have any weapon, it carries no such a thing, but it will not make it less scary though. The undead turn at me, his body shaking recognizing me, I see... A grudge huh?

In many stories undead depicted as a death that still has regret in their life, they are immortal and will continue to exist to fulfil their wish, they have no emotions, no hunger, they don't even know what tired is. Many of them simply come to live to fulfil what left.

Now standing in front of me is that undead, it has such a tragic back story yet it also has an amazing ability, I want those ability. An ability that allows you to not feel anything except your purpose, with that ability my life will go much more easier than ever.

Sorry for you, but I must kill you again. I transform my right hand to a long stick made by the deer antlers, a undead weakness is blunt weapons that's the usual case however, what I have In front of me is a zombie type undead.

The Zombie Troll still has a lot of meat in its body, not much of its body seems to be rotten. So I transform my antlers hand into a blade, a blade that can easily cut the enemy in front, to do that imagination is what I need, focus! Breath in breath out.

After only a matter of a second, my hand transform into what I want it to be, a sharp blade. The blade has a glass-like appearance, it reflects the little in the cave and shines beautifully.

The Zombie Troll that still shaking stop its shaking, it knows what I'm about to do, it knows that I will kill it again. Answering my intention the Zombie Troll opted the simple and the most effective way, that's charging straight.

A giant more taller than me charging ahead like crazy, shaking the ground with each step it makes, yet I'm not afraid. I'm not the me on the earth, now I'm the me from this place and in this place afraid is not an option.

I steady my breath, lifting my hand, imagining it got bigger than it already was, a bigger blade is what I need. With each step, the Zombie Troll is coming closer to me, I waited till it got to my striking range.

More closer... A little more closer to me, the Zombie Troll draw its hand back, it from a punch stand, unfortunately, his punch will never land. The Zombie Troll step into my striking range and with it come down my blade hand, cutting the troll into two pieces.

In the end, the pieces fall apart, however, when I thought it was finished it was not. The one body piece that had its hand draw, punch me, surprised I barely block it with my left hand, the punch made me take a step back to fix my balance.

This Zombie Troll, no, this dude, he knew that he can't defeat me, so it makes the last attempt to at least land a punch at me. The first time, I find this Troll to be a stupid monster, but it seems I was wrong.

Hah! I like this Troll, from the beginning he knows what he aiming for and in the end, he gets it. This reminds me of the lynx, both of them is such incredible, I respect them, you included Troll, I respect you, may you rest in peace nameless undead Troll.

Now, I can get what I want, an undead ability. As per usual I make another limb to absorb the undead body, also I didn't forget to transform back to normal. I eat the first piece of the body than the other pieces.

Surprisingly the Zombie Troll didn't have any memory at all, I guess it not an intelligent monster considering it has no head, this fact makes what the Zombie Troll has done more impressive to me.

Now finally I have the Undead ability in my hand, with it I need no food or water ever again and with it, I have the unlimited stamina of an undead. This is amazing, I got another OP ability on my list.

The Undead will surely help me exploring this world. Yes! I want to explore the world, there is no way this beautiful and unique world will be not explored by me, I'm not that insane. For that to be true, first I must get out of this forest.

Now I want to test this ability of mine, but how I test it. What is the best way to test this ability, not eating that's obvious but it takes a long time to do so, I want to test it right now. If eating is no then that's make drinking also a no.

What the other ability of an undead, unlimited stamina, no that also takes a long time, in the first place I already have big stamina, so testing it will be much more difficult. Maybe a pain tolerance will work, undead didn't feel anything, right? Then that basically makes it immune to the pain sensation right?

Well lest try it out, I make a new limb, just a simple long and thin limbs, this makes it more easier to move and to get hurt, the concept is to swing the tail to the cave wall and see if it hurt or not.

Firstly I draw my new tail, then I try to recreate the movement I will make, the better the momentum the stronger the move will be and also the pain it became. After the momentum is ready, I make the move, I swing my body and my new tail with the fastest speed I cloud muster.

My new tail makes a satisfying sound when it travels through the air, on the other hand, the sound my tail make when it hit the cave wall is scary and explosive. The spot my tail hit cracks and with it the whole cave start to collapse, I quickly get out of the cave.

Boom! The whole cave collapse sending a wave of snow toward me, I dodge it safely by flying, the snow I dodge start is small but when I look back, what I see is an avalanche. Damn, I lucky to quickly dodge that out.

After I transform and fly, I still have my previous tail intact, it's weird to have a twin tail in my butt. Now I want to recall when my tail hit the cave, was it hurt? I don't know, I didn't feel anything because I was too busy to get hurt.

Well, let's say it doesn't hurt and my undead ability work perfectly because I didn't feel anything at that time. Now I have greater concerns than that, can this ability get nonactivated like my other ability. I really hope it can! Please!

Even if I didn't need to eat doesn't mean I don't want to eat, I sure there are a lot of amazing dishes for me to try, I didn't want to have any taste, it saddened me when thinking that. Wait a minute, if I can feel sad that means... Yes! I can turn off this ability, after all, undead can feels, don't they?