
Chapter 03 - Dreaming?

"" talking

'' Thought

* Sound

In side the Dragon Palace Rose Sleeping in the bed with Emperor Heng Jianjun standing beside her. The Imperial doctor sat down kneeling checking rose pulsu.

"hah* It's seem she's being poisoned for almost 4 to 5 years... her body is to week, and lack of nutrition. Her body try to heal but there is no energy that help." siting the doctor stand and start to write the antidote.

"Call Concubine Hei and the Empress Ya now!!"

"Yes Your Majesty!!" The Eunuch Hai Run as fast as he can with the serven.

Not Long after the Eunuch Hai came with a beautiful woman around twenty in red dress, walking confidently with golden jewelry on her head. Her skin is milk white and soft, with a emerald green eye and dark red hair making her look like an enchantress. On the other hand Concubine Hei wear a white and light blue dress that fit with her kind and gentle face.

"Greetings your Highness~" Both of them bow gentle to the Emperor.

"Stand up! I want you to know what have you done to my daughter!!" Bark the Emperor angrily pointing at the sleeping princess.

"What happen my king? who is that little girl?" Ask the Empress Ya worrily walking closer to the princess.

"OH MY! What happen to Princess Qing?" The Empress knee near the bed than hold Qing hand sadly. On the other hand Concubine Hei start turning white in panic.

"Sob*Sob* Your Highness it's this servent fault for not taking care of the princess!" The concubine cry dramatically kneeling under the Emperor feet. "The princess last night feel to the pond while playing outside and doesnt want to get back in side" she lie fastly.


Eunuch Hai come forward bowing ninety degree " Your Majesty the place then Princess stay aren upkeep, dirty and old. The garden are dying, also the water in the room are poisoned, also there isn't any maid and slaves work there." he said.

The emperor face turn darker every time he hear the report. " HOW DARE YOU HURT THIS EMPEROR DAUGHTER!!" shout the emperor while concubine hei kneel cry begging for mercy.

"Hear my decree!" All the people in the room kneel with face on floor. "From now on Princess Heng Qing (Blue Sky) are under my and the Empress care! She will staying at the Phoenix Palace and will be name as the First princess of the kingdom!" The Emperor said. " For the evil deed she will be demoted as low concubine and be arrested at the cold palace forever!" Finished then ordering the guar and slaves to take the concubine away.

"No!!! Your highness I'm wrong please! Forgive me! Your highness!!" Concubine Hei cries while being drag away.

"All of you go out!" The Emperor order then move nearing his Empress.

"Poor child~" The Empress said sadly while patting Rose hair softly. "It make me remember my younger day.." the Empress said again with a teary eye making the king hug her soft but tightly to comfort her.

"I know everything will be alright she still have us." he said while hugging the empress lovingly.

"I hope she won't have to deal the pain that we have..."the empress said while closing her eyes not wanting to let the tear fall.

"Of course we will protect her, she will be the daughter that we can't have." the Emperor said sadly remembering the day when the they lost the daughter and almost lost the Empress because of poisoning.

"It will be my pleasure to care her as my daughter, after what sister Fei (Princess Qing/ Rose' Mother) done for use and if not because of Left Minister Hei (Concubine Hei's Father) I already take her as my daughter." the Empress said angrily.

While talking they didn't realize that a pair of blue eye blinking watching the loving couple scene hugging each other dazely. Rose or now Princess Heng Qing stare at them still doesn't believe it's real. moving her hand she pinch her face hardly.

"OUCH!!*" She shout rubbing her red face while the two person startled realizing that the princess already a wake rubbing her red cheek.

"Oh may~ Princess are you alright? what happen to your face sweetly?" the Empress ask sweet and softly taking the princess hand and put her hand around the princess small body while the Emperor watch the scene smile softly.

On the other hand Rose keep blinking trying to process on what is happening then without realizing " I'm not dreaming??" she said with a blank face making the empress laugh softly while the Emperor cough trying to hide his laughter with a glint of happiness in his eyes.

"Of course not silly child~" Empress Ya said while smiling with full of happiness making her look more young and beautiful while the emperor still chuckling.