
the beast enters

Aphrodite Looked at the tentacled creature in utter shock, she could tell that whatever it was its purpose was destruction, she could tell that it was being made from darkness and all she could sense from it was a gluttonous desire to consume, she felt the shives go down her spine.


The city of Olympus shook as the creature used both its hands to slam them against the barrier in an attempt to break through. The newly established police and Nike had begun trying to calm the panicking gods of Olympus.

"What in the name of Tartarus have you brought to my kingdom, Apollo!!"

Aphro grabbed the young God by his arm, forcing him to stand up. She felt an intense desire to slap him across the face.

"unhand me, I can stand by myself"

He swiftly pulled his arm off her grasp and took a few steps back as he said.

"your husband is to blame for this, it's his inaction that caused this creature to live to be what it is now, if you wish to blame anyone, blame him"

Apollo spat with a venom, seeing the look of confusion on Aphrodite. He smirked and looked around, seeing the panicked gods of Olympus who stared at the menacing unknown creature with clear fear and confusion.


Another strike from the hands of the creature however the barrier still held solid, it would take more than Brute force to destroy a barrier meant to protect a city of Gods and Aphrodite could not help but be thankful for Hecate.

"How can my husband be to blame for this? Clearly, that thing was chasing you. You led it here"

"Was I supposed to let the creature eat me? If your husband had been proactive, this creature would not exist. Do not shift blame to others when your lover is at fault!"

Apollo spat back at her, however as the two shouted at each other, Nyx spoke.

"Nike, come over here, we'll be going now"

She gently informed Nike, who, unlike the other two, was seemingly trying to get more involved in the situation.

"what Mother, Olympus is clearly in a crisis we cannot just leave it in peril like this"


Olympus shook again as the creature did its best to break through the barrier, but once again it failed, it did not even crack it.

"we are not citizens of Olympus dear, Olympus problems are for the Olympians"

Nyx argued, her decision was one that was taken out of desire to protect her own, at a single glance at the creature she was able to tell what it sought and its power and she would rather not risk getting her child entangled in such a debacle, She herself was unsure if she could really kill that thing so it was best to escape while she can.

Aphrodite heard her words, and she raised no complaints after all, one cannot expect others to just risk their lives for a place they don't belong in.

"No, I'm staying. Mother!"

Nike stood firm in her decision and was not willing to back down, Nyx squinted her eyes at her daughter before heaving a sigh. What sort of mother would she be if she denied her daughters wishes.

"Try not to die then. Aphrodite, can we leave while the barrier is still active?"

"Yes the barrier is meant to keep enemies out, not allies"

"Very well then, tell me how it goes, good bye"

With that, Nyx, along with two of her daughters left Olympus, making sure to leave through the other side of the city so as to not draw the creature's attention.

"Alright Nike, assume command of the police, and protect the citizens, I'll make preparations to deal with that monster"

"My queen let-"

"Of course you are to come back after ensuring the safety of the citizens. You're the strongest on Olympus right now, so your strength will be needed"

Nike looked at Aphrodite for a moment and nodded before turning her attention toward the crowd and began commanding the police and helping them evacuate the crowd.

Aphrodite turned her attention back to Apollo once again unfortunately the young god was no longer where she thought he was, he had suddenly disappeared, she actually needed him for information as he would have at least some idea on how to deal with such a creature.

"Ugh, Hephaestus, get here soon."

She sighed as she said


She shouted and within a blink of an eye, the android maids appeared behind her, already for combat, there was 6 of them, in the eight golden maidens that Hephaestus improve upon, only 2 were made non combatants, three were designed to fight defensively while the other three meant to fight offensively.

"you called Milady?"

Ena spoke on behalf of her sisters, her hand transformed into a blade made of blue glowing light, or as Hephaestus called it, a light Saber.

"Yes, if that thing manages to get through the barrier, kill it by any means."

Aphrodite informed, and the android maid gave her a resolute nod before commanding two of her sisters to stand in front of the queen.

"Tria, go get me the weapons"

Aphrodite commanded and the maid took off towards the castle, Hephaestus was a forger so it was given that he would make her a ton of weapon to protect herself should he not be around to protect her, in fact the very clothes she wore would be able to protect her from most attacks.

It took Tria only seconds to return back with the necessary weapons and armor for Aphrodite.

The armor was unlike the typical armor, instead it was a black humanoid suit with tiny little spikes covering the body, as soon as Tria dropped it the suit of Armor opened up and Aphrodite let it envelope her whole being.

"Destroyer armor, power on!"

The black armor glowed a gentle yellow glow as it activated. Technically, it was not necessary for her to wear the armor as she could control it remotely. Having powered the armor on, Aphrodite received a small chain from Tria. The chain quickly coiled around the armor as she grabbed it; it was similar to Hephaestus's enkidu as it could also grow by itself.

"Alright everyone get ready!"


Typhon realized that simply smashing his way through would not work, as such, he stopped and contemplated for a few minutes trying to think of getting what he wanted until he came upon a sudden realization.

Rather than continuously use brute force to try and break through the barrier, it instead placed its hand on the barrier and used its power to absorb the magical energy of the barrier and in under a minute the barrier crumbled and shattered allowing the beast to fall into the city of Olympus.

A wide smile split its face open and showcased its jagged teeth. It was finally time to feast upon the buffet before its being.


A/N: heavily considering a rewrite