
The preparation.

Congratulations, you've obtained your first Demon Armament. As explained before, Demon armament are artifacts that remain with you forever until you die. Some are weapons, some are armor and some are tools.

You've obtained the Demon Armament known as Bone Blades which is a weapon-type armament.

Dian was still sitting down on the grass as he pondered for a moment until he finally got it.

So, you're saying that this Bone blades soul that I got is actually a weapon that will stick by me until the day I die? And I can't lose or break it either?

Affirmative. Some demon armaments are breakable such as the Bone blades armament you've obtained, but you can always summon more of the armament you've broken i.e. the bone blades if you have the mana required. Which means that you won't ever lose it until you die.

With a nod of determination, Dian decided to put his newfound power to the test. He focused his thoughts on the weapon he desired, invoking its name in his mind.

Bone Blades!

In response to his command, a pale, bone-made blade materialized on Dian's arm. Stretching from his elbow to a length of about 6 to 7 inches beyond his fist, the blade exuded a formidable presence. Dian's eyes widened in awe as he gazed upon the remarkable manifestation. While most individuals would be shocked or frightened by a blade emerging from their own arm, Dian felt an overwhelming sense of excitement. After enduring nearly 12 hours in this perilous and unfamiliar realm, he was relieved to have a reliable weapon at his disposal. Moreover, the blade's razor-sharp edge made it a versatile tool for various purposes.

Will it stay on my hand forever?

Dian asked as another window opened up.

Yes, but it can be extracted to refund mana used. It can also be broken in fights or broken deliberately to use the blade for other purposes, then the armament is automatically cancelled out and you'll have to use more mana to make another blade.

Wait, so I can keep breaking off these bone blades to make an infinite set of blades?


Mesmerized by the blade on his hand for a brief moment, Dian decided it would be wise to retract the blade to avoid any accidental injury. With the blade safely stowed away, he rose from the ground and embarked on his search for the elusive golden fruits that Nina required.

This time, Dian felt a newfound sense of fearlessness in the face of passing Demon critters. While he still needed to remain cautious around smaller or common-sized demons that could pose a threat, Dian now believed he could face them on more equal terms. However, his primary concern was the passage of time. With a sense of urgency, he realized he had to return to Nina and Sura within the next 45 to 50 minutes to ensure the poison didn't exacerbate Nina's condition once again.

Determined to find the golden fruits and make it back in time, Dian pressed forward, his resolve unwavering as he braced himself for any challenges that lay ahead.

As Dian sprinted through the dense forest, his bone blades at the ready, he swiftly dispatched any demon critters that dared to confront him. Having previously assessed the maximum hit points of these critters with his sharpened stick, Dian knew that they typically had either 5, 10, or 15 hit points. With his bone blades, which dealt a whopping 23 damage with each slash, he effortlessly cleaved through them in a single swipe.

But there was more to Dian's method than mere efficiency. With each critter he felled, he not only eliminated a potential threat but also earned valuable experience points. Dian had a purpose behind these encounters beyond survival – he sought to level up his constitution and strength attributes. Since the power of his bone blades was directly tied to these stats, Dian saw no reason not to invest in their enhancement.

With each defeated critter, Dian grew closer to his goal, his determination driving him forward. He remained focused on his quest for the golden fruits, knowing that every challenge he overcame brought him one step closer to ensuring Nina's well-being and their survival in this treacherous realm.

After relentless searching, Dian managed to gather three of the precious golden fruits he needed. However, he was acutely aware of the passing time and the urgency of returning to Nina and Sura. The further he ventured from their location, the greater the danger posed to Nina, as the poison threatened to take its toll.

Considering the risks involved, Dian made a difficult decision. He resolved to turn back and sprint back to where he had left Nina and Sura. Fatigue began to settle in from his continuous running, but the recent upgrade to his agility provided him with a renewed sense of endurance. Dian pushed through the weariness, his determination driving him forward, determined to reach his companions before the poison could wreak further havoc.

Con: +0.1

Dian smiled at the notification as he retraced his steps back to the cliff's edge, where a scene of both anguish and compassion awaited him. Nina's face contorted in pain, while Sura, assuming her human form, held her tightly, offering solace in the midst of suffering. Determination etched onto his features, Dian approached them resolutely.

Sura's concern echoed in her words as she noticed the bloodstains and haphazard bandages that adorned Dian's hand and shoulder, fashioned from primitive materials like hide and leaves. Her voice quivered with worry, "You're injured."

Dian wasted no time in responding, his words flowing forth with urgency, "I was ambushed by the mother of the Demon hare I had slain." His hand moved deftly, retrieving three golden fruits he had discovered, which he carefully placed on the ground beside them.

A flicker of apprehension danced in Sura's eyes as she absorbed his words. "Wait, if you're here, then the Demon hare will return, seeking vengeance upon us all!" Her voice trembled, betraying the fear that gripped her.

"Relax teach." Dian said as he smiled at her before summoning his bone blades to show her proof of his kill. Sura's eyes widened in astonishment as Dian confidently showed off his bone blades, displaying his newfound power. She had always perceived him as a vulnerable and inexperienced individual, struggling even against the most basic of foes. Yet, here he stood before her, bearing the tangible evidence of his triumph over the formidable Demon hare's mother.

Sura's mind raced with questions and disbelief. How had he managed to overcome his limitations and defeat such a formidable adversary? The contrast between his previous struggles and his current prowess was stark, leaving her both intrigued and puzzled.

Meanwhile, Dian remained oblivious to Sura's thoughts. With dexterity and purpose, he skillfully punctured a golden Karyda fruit using his bone blades, forming a small opening. He then handed it to Sura, who took it with a mix of gratitude and caution. Sura was careful as she made Nina drink the milk of the fruit, ensuring each sip of the precious juice from the fruit was consumed with care and tenderness.

Dian settled down beside Sura and Nina, his fatigue and injuries demanding some respite. The trio found themselves in an exposed area, lacking the shelter of a proper camp. However, the pressing need for rest outweighed Dian's desire for a roof over their heads. He allowed himself a moment to relax, sinking into a sitting position with a sense of relief.

Their surroundings provided little comfort, but the urgency of the situation left them with no other choice. Dian's weariness was compounded by the physical toll of his recent encounters, making rest a necessity. While Sura diligently attended to Nina, ensuring she consumed all the healing milk from the golden Karyda fruit, Dian took advantage of the momentary lull to recharge.

As Sura finished administering the fruit's rejuvenating elixir, Nina's once-clouded eyes began to shine with a vibrant azure hue. The brilliance of her irises contrasted against her white hair, adorned with delicate streaks of blue. Dian, his weariness temporarily forgotten, greeted Nina with a gentle smile.

"How are you feeling, kiddo?" he asked, his voice filled with warmth and concern.

"Better." Nina's response was weak but filled with a glimmer of improvement. Sura tenderly caressed her head, offering comfort and reassurance in her gentle touch.

Dian acknowledged the situation with a nod and mustered the last of his energy to rise once more. With a purposeful stride, he navigated the area, meticulously collecting any foliage that was free from poison. His Botany skill came in handy, enabling him to discern the safe plant matter from the hazardous surroundings. Leaves, branches, and bushes were carefully gathered and stowed away in his inventory, their utility not yet apparent.

Returning to Sura and Nina, Dian set to work using the gathered materials to fashion a makeshift, camouflaged tent. A myriad of leaves and bushes took precedence over the few sticks he had found, forming a protective barrier that concealed their presence. Sura and Nina would be shielded from prying eyes beneath a leaf blanket, while Dian ensured the corpses of the slain demons were safely stowed away in his inventory, minimizing any telltale signs of their recent battle.

Having completed their impromptu shelter, Dian sought solace within its leafy confines. The exhaustion that had accumulated over time weighed heavily on him, and the prospect of a proper rest was a rare luxury. Leaning against the sturdy cliff wall, he arranged more leaves to create a comfortable bedding, taking care to conceal himself from view.

"Now, I'm tired," Dian admitted wearily, his voice laced with the weariness of their arduous journey. "I haven't had a good rest in a long time." He arranged the leaves over himself, creating a makeshift canopy to shield him from sight.

Turning to Sura, Dian implored, "Sura, can you keep a lookout? I need to gather some energy from this sleep if we're to hope to survive the night." Without waiting for a response, his body succumbed to exhaustion, and he slipped into a deep sleep, his breathing steady and his mind finally at rest.