

Miho and the girls get a new friend and new tankery rules.

Elysia_rose · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter : 9 The old school

The teams all rushed to their appropriate panzer and fired the Engines, soon the field was erupting with the combined thunder of 6 panzer engines, all spreading out in different directions.

Ōarai city carrier bow, Team 1, 2:15pm

Nicholas sat perched on the turret of the M3 Lee. The teams decided that a good place to start would probably be long term storage up in the bows of the ship. The 2 tanks advanced up the various roads towards the bow of the ship. With him were another 4 girls, all perched on various parts of the Lee. One of them, an attractive, well endowed, tall girl with short blue hair, said to him in a kind voice.

"Hey, I'm Mikoto. My friends and I just transferred here from Yagami." Nicholas smiled back and said,

"Hi, I'm Nicholas, similar set up, I just moved here from the UK." All of the girls, Mikoto included looked surprised.

"Really?" said Mikoto, "Guess life is different here from the UK."

"Huh, I'm used to it" said Nicholas "my mother was Japanese, I moved out here to do my studies and so I can be closer to my sisters. They, in one case study and in the other work at St. Gloriana. So why did you girls transfer?"

"Too many pervs at our old school. "Said One of the other Girls, she was also tall, but had dark brown eyes, bright blond hair tied into 2 pigtails and very attractive. "I'm Eri Sawachika, This is Akira and that is Tenma." The 2 girls waved at Nicholas, who waved back. "Unfortunately, one of them transferred with us." Said Eri

"What? Nara?" said Nicholas, in an astounded voice. He turned and stared at Eri. "Come off it" he said, "He's incredibly nervous around Girls, you should have seen him when I left him with anglerfish team minus Miho, he really didn't want me to leave."

"He was part of the perv group in our class, what more do you want?" said Eri in a harsh voice.

"Did you ever think that he might have been forced into joining?" responded Nicholas, "Maybe he was just trying to fit in and couldn't get out." Eri was taken aback by the response. It was only worsened when Akira said in her usual emotionless voice,

"Now that you mention it, he doesn't really have the personality of a pervert."

"Yeah!" chimed in Tenma, "Have you ever seen him try to get with a girl who didn't want to be with him?" Before Eri could answer, the M3 came to a halt, with the Type 89 coming to a stop next to it. The hatches opened and the engines stopped. Azusa Sawa, the now second year who commanded rabbit team climbed out of the commanders hatch and said,

"Long term storage is 2 decks down, we have to walk from here." Everyone nodded and climbed off the M3. Azusa turned and said

"Saki, stay with the panzer, don't let anyone take them."

"Sure" She said. She climbed back onto the engine deck of the M3 as the rest of the group descended a nearby staircase and went below decks. They made

their way through a sealed hatch with 'long Term Storage' written on it. Inside was the cavernous hold. It was filled with Containers stacked high and arranged like City blocks. The group took a nearby elevator down to the deck floor, when they got down there, they realised the size of the hold.

"We should split into teams to cover more ground" said Mikoto, "Nicholas and us will go this way". She pointed down a 'street' of containers.

"We'll go this way" said Noriko, commander of Duck team pointing down another 'Street'.

"We'll go this way, keep your phones on and if you have a problem, just yell and we'll all come running." Said Azusa. The 3 team split off into their different directions. Nicholas, Mikoto, Eri, Akira and Tenma walked along the rows of containers for a while, when they came to a large wooden container blocking their path.

"Lets back track around." Said Nicholas, the 4 girls nodded and turned around only to see a container was being lowered in behind them by one of the ceiling mounted cranes. The container had cut off their escape, they were now trapped. The Girls began to panic.

"Were trapped!" Cried Eri,

"What are we going to do? Were stuck here!" Cried Tenma. Nicholas looked at the wooden crate it seemed smaller and older than the newer metal containers that surrounded them on all other sides.

"We go over." Said Nicholas, he turned to the girls. "Mikoto" he said "Give me a boost". Mikoto knelt by the edge of the container, her hands resting on her knees ready to receive Nicholas. Nicholas walked up and stepped onto her hands and she boosted him up. He grabbed the lip of the container and pulled himself up on top. He laid down and reached down.

"Eri, your next." He said, Eri nodded and Mikoto gave her a boost, Nicholas helped her up and she laid down next to him. Tenma, come on." She said, Tenma ran up and was boosted by Mikoto, but as she was shorter than the other 3 girls and Nicholas, she couldn't reach the lip of the crate. Eri and Nicholas reached down and pulled her up. Nicholas felt the wood under him groan

"Oh shit." He said. The wood under him gave way under the weight of the trio. They fell into the container, landing on something hard. It took Nicholas a moment to realise there was a heavy weight on his back.

Hey! Are you guys alright?!" called Mikoto. Nicholas tried to get up but still had a weight on his back. Tenma called out

"I'm fine, I landing on something soft." Nicholas said in a strained voice, "Yeah, that was me." Tenma looked down and saw that she was lying on top on Nicholas, she immediately bolted up right. Eri also got up rubbing her head. "What did we land on?" Mikoto and Akira appeared over the edge of the crate and Akira said in a emotionless voice,

Ps : comment if u like the story