

Miho and the girls get a new friend and new tankery rules.

Elysia_rose · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

chapter : 8 girls only sport!

We can organise a search tomorrow when we see how many new comers we have." Said Anzu. "If there's nothing else we need to discuss." Nobody spoke up with anything. "Then I call this meeting adjourned, see you tomorrow." Everyone got up from their seats and headed for the door. Nicholas gathered his things and picked up his bag. He followed after the group of girls.

Ōarai high school lunch hall, 1:00pm.

Nara sat eating in the lunch hall at a table on his own. He had always considered himself a loner, he had a few friends at his old school, but they were a bad influence on him, one of the reasons he came to Ōarai was to get away from them. He was brought from his thoughts by someone sitting down opposite him. He looked up to see Nicholas sitting opposite him.

"You know." Said Nicholas with a small laugh, "I'm fairly sure Burgers taste better when you eat them, rather than just stare at them"

"So I've heard." Said Nara, also laughing. He took a bite from the burger and sat down.

"I need to ask you something." Said Nicholas, muffled by a chunk of his own burger.

"Shoot." Said Nara. Taking a swig of his drink.

"Want to join the Sensha-dō team?" asked Nicholas. Nara froze and chocked a bit on his drink. When he cleared his thought and said

"Excuse me? Last I checked that was a girls only sport!"

"Check again, new rules, your allowed either 1 team of all male students or up to 5 male students filling in unoccupied positions on otherwise female crews." Said Nicholas, "All the other boys in the school except Nishimura, he's claustrophobic. Anyway, we need at least 4 for a tank crew and so far there are only 3 avalible."

"Check your maths." Said Nara, "you've got: Tsubasa, Sora, Suga and yourself, I'm sure that's 4, so why do you need me?"

"Because," explained Nicholas, "The rules also now allow the use of a warplane and I'm the only one who can fly a war bird. So what do you say?" Nara thought for a minute and sighed.

"Sure, I'll give it a try." Said Nara.

"Great, meet us at the tankery sheds after lunch. Kickoff is at 2. Be there." Said Nicholas. The two continued their lunch, bantering throughout. At about half past 1, Nicholas left, he had to go get something but said he would meet Nara and the gang at the Tankery sheds.

Ōarai Sensha-dō sheds, 2:10pm

Miho looked around the crowd gathered at the Sensha-dō sheds. Not only were there all the crews from the previous year. But also there were 8 new girls who weren't in a club and taken a vacant place on a crew. All transfer students from 2 schools and 4 male students. All of whom were from the same schools as the girls. However, one boy was missing. Where the hell was Nicholas? According to Nara, he'd left at about 1:30 and said he'd be here. Anzu stepped towards Miho. She said,

"We can't wait any longer Miho; Nicholas will turn up soon enough." Miho sighed. She turned and walked toward the Shed. She opened the door and closed it behind her. Sitting on the Panzer IV was Anglerfish team, They were playing cards on the top of the turret. Saori looked down and glanced at Miho, she smiled and said


"Now." Said Miho with a nod. All the members of Anglerfish team opened their hatches and climbed in. Miho stood in the commanders Cupola and pressed her through Mic. "Alright Mako, start her up, no need to be quiet." She said with a smile. The panzer IV Roared into life. The Panzer crept forward toward the doors. As the Tank crept forward, Mako revved the engine, as it approached the doors, they began to open, curtsey of rabbit team. The Panzer rolled out of the shed and into the sunlight, to a mix of shock, awe and expectation. The Panzer came to a halt, surrounded by the various teams. All of the new students staring in awe at the size of the panzer. Miho cleared her voice and stood on top of her Cupola. She said,

"Welcome to those new to Sensha-dō and welcome back to the returning champions. I am Miho Nishizumi, commander of the Ōarai Sensha-dō team. There have been several rule changes from last year's rules, hence the 4 boys, there are ment to be 5 but the last one, and arguably biggest rule change is not here yet.

" "Yeah, sorry about that." came a male voice over the Panzer IV's radio. The sound of the Idling Panzer IV was drowned out by the sound of a approaching aircraft. Suddenly a Spitfire roared over the panzer shed at low level. "I had some trouble with Air traffic control."

"Nice of you to join us Nicholas" said Saori into her radio. Nicholas, responded

, "Sorry I'm late, had some paper work to fill out. Apparently they were getting jumpy that a teenager was flying a fully combat loaded War bird. I'm going to land on the field, here I come." The Spitfire turned and approached the field, the landing gear appeared from the bottom of the aircraft and slowly kissed the ground. The Spitfire slowed and taxied toward the group, stopping short of the group. The engine stopped and cockpit opened, Nicholas, clad in a leather flying jacket and goggles. Walked up to the group.

"Sorry I'm late." He said. Miho smiled and laughed.

"Its alright." She said she turned to the boggled looks of the majority of the group. She explained, "The new rules say that we can field a aircraft as part of our team, as the schools only pilot he volunteered." There was a collective sigh of realisation. "Now then." She continued, "As you may have realised, we already have only 8 panzers for the 8 teams we had last year and we don't have the funds to buy a new panzer so we'll have to look for them, we'll split into 3 teams. Rabbit, and Duck teams,

you take the Girls from Yagami. Hippo and Mallard go take the boys. And finally the remaining girls will come with Anglerfish team and Anteater team. Report any findings to Turtle team and Leopon team will come out with recovery vehicles and get them. Clear? Good, Nicholas go with Rabbit and Duck. Good luck." When she finished the 3 groups assembled.