

Miho and the girls get a new friend and new tankery rules.

Elysia_rose · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Chapter : 6"Trust me this you will want to see

When you're in a dogfight" Explained Nicholas, "you learn that you don't have time to be afraid, its often act, or you or someone else could get hurt or worse. The ammo maybe simulated, but the fuel is still explosive, one stray spark, a busted wire... boom. You're dead. There are only a few things I fear, people trying to intimidate me is not one of them. Now I need to get to class..."

"Of course, of course, get going." Said Sagano Sempai. Nicholas nodded and headed out to his next class.

Ōarai high school 12:45 am

Nicholas collapsed into the chair in his homeroom. His last class had just finished and it was now lunch break. He stretched out and looked around; he saw that Nara was sitting at his desk starting his homework.

"Hey Nara" said Nicholas, "Want to get some lunch?" He looked up from his work and thought for a moment.

"Sure." Said Nara, he put his books in his bag and picked up his bag. Nicholas picked up his bag and walked out with Nara. The 2 put their bags in their lockers and headed for the cafeteria. They joined the queue and got their food. Nicholas scanned the room for a table and spotted a free table in the corner. The two sat down and began to eat.

"What you get?" asked Nicholas half way through a mouthful of mash potato.

"Bento hot box" said Nara, "You?".

"Meat and potato pie with a mash potato topping." Said Nicholas, "It's not half bad."

"Thank you" said Nara as he took a bite of sushi.

"For?" queried Nicholas.

"Standing up for me against Sagano Sempai" Said Nara. "I'm not the most confident of people and it was good of you to give me some encouragement."

"Don't sweat it." Said Nicholas. He was about to eat some more pie when someone called,

"Hey Nicholas!" Nicholas and Nara both looked up and turned towards the source of the voice. The 5 girls of Anglerfish team. The girls walked towards the tale. Nara looked down, suddenly finding his plate of food fascinating.

"What's up Nara? Their just friends of mine." Said Nicholas in a concerned tone.

"I don't have the best history with girls." Said Nara in an embarrassed voice. Nicholas chuckled,

"Dude" he said, "The best way to get to know girls is to spend time with them"

"You really don't get it, I am really uncomfortable with girls." Said Nara in a desperate voice.

"Well now's your chance to get some practice." Said Nicholas. As he finished the Girls arrived at the table.

"Mind if we sit with you two?" asked Saori in her usual happy voice.

"Not at all by all means join us." Said Nicholas, budging up the bench to make room for the girls. The girls all sat down when the Intercom sounded and monitors flared into life.

"Nishizumi Miho and Nicholas white from standard education class 3-A, repeat Nishizumi Miho and Nicholas white from standard education class 3-A, report to the student council immediately. Over."

"But we just got our food" moaned Miho.

"We better get going." Said Nicholas, taking one last bite of his pie and got up from his seat. Miho reluctantly followed suit. The two walked towards the student council offices. Leaving Nara with the rest of the girls.

"Good luck Nara" Nicholas whispered under his breath.

Ōarai high school, presidents office, 12:55 am

Anzu kicked back in her chair behind her desk. She had just finished a great lunch in the comfort of her own office. Well, being student council president had its perks. There was a knock at the door of her office.

"Enter." She said. The door opened and Nicholas and Miho walked in, both looking slightly annoyed.

"What is Anzu? We both just got our lunch and sat down..." said Miho.

"Trust me this you will want to see." Said Anzu. She picked up a small group of papers stapled together and passed it to Miho. She looked over it.

"Its the new rules for the Nationals. It's mainly the same, except for 3 major changes. Firstly they've changed the latest year a tank can be fielded from 1945 to 1955 but you can only field 3 tanks from after 1945." Said Anzu.

"That's clever." Said Nicholas, "It means that a school like Saunders can't field, for example, 10 M48A1 Pattons and making life near impossible for a school like Anzio or us. But I fail to see how this involves me."

"Exactly. " said Anzu, "The other new major rule says that each team can include 1 aircraft for the purposes of aerial reconnaissance, ground attack and engaging the opposing teams aircraft.". Both Miho and Nicholas were surprised. This would mean that a whole new dimension to Sensha-dō.

"What are the specific rules regarding Aircraft?" asked Miho her curiosity peaked.

"That both men and women can fly the aircraft." Said Anzu, "My guess is that they want to get Kreigsflieger pilots into it. The aircraft can't have been originally designed for ground attack and must have been designed between 1930 to 1945."

"That means my Spit is square within the rules." Said Nicholas "What is the final major rule change?"

"Each team is allowed to field one team entirely comprised of male students, or allowed to have a total of 5 male students taking positions on otherwise Female tank crews" said Anzu.

"Sounds to me there trying to make it less of a gender specific sport." Said Nicholas. "I'll ask some of the other boys if there up for tankery."

"Sounds good" said Anzu, "I guess the next question is do you want to fly for us?"

"Sure" said Nicholas, "Otherwise I wouldn't be able to fly, and I get grouchy when I don't fly."

"Great, just pick panzer on your trial week form and move your Plane to the Tankery sheds." Said, Anzu. "Miho take the new rules and learn them up. Assuming you take tankery, you've got the command position again." Miho nodded with a happy smile on her face.

"Great, see you all tomorrow. Dismissed." Said Anzu. Miho and Nicholas turned and left with the copy of the new rules. Nicholas looked down at his watch and said,

"So much for lunch." Miho looked depressed,