
New Earth- A world of Chaos

In 2050, an unprecedented nuclear disaster forced all human beings to find shelter in undergrounds refuge. Not knowing when the level of radiation will reach acceptable levels, the world leaders decided to bet everything on the next generation. They reallocated all their resources into a single project. A new VRMMORPG about to be released is redesigned to accommodate the world population. It will not only provide people with a goal and leisure but also serve as a test to find the future leaders that will rebuild Earth. Follow the adventures of an orphan as he climbs from nothing to the very top. He will face many difficulties, venture into a boundless world and finally build up his own kingdom. Caught in the storm of the struggles for power, he has no choice but to grow stronger. This is the story of the man to be known as the Emperor of Chaos. Here's an edited version available on Amazon: Book 1: https://amzn.to/2MuPDF6 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nikostar2

nikostar · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Staying at the camp

"Yes the elves! Although I don't know which elven clan!"

"That is already a good information! Thank you!" said Li Wei.

As he heard that, Li Wei thought of something, "Then can you tell me if the elementals also form part of one of those hidden factions?" He immediately remembered the Tear of Fairies that was hanging around his neck. It looked like the promise to help the Lake Fairy might involve more than just a simple quest.

"How did you know? Indeed, I've heard that there was a faction that resided at the elemental land. But like for the elves, I don't know which type of elemental!" answered the messenger.

She was patiently answering Li Wei's questions, hoping that she would agree to help the heir of darkness. She was first tempted to threaten Li Wei into accepting but she quickly gave up that idea. If she threatened an heir of another faction, it would inevitably create enmity between them.

What she did not tell Li Wei was that all the hidden factions were rivals and were all trying to reign over the others. But naturally, they preferred to focus on their own development than to fight among themselves. Unless something happened, the factions would generally just ignore each other. They knew very well that it was infighting that brought them into this situation.

Li Wei stared at the items in front of him. "What will I need to do for that person?"

"The future is unknown to us, but one thing is certain is that danger lurks everywhere. No one is safe, not even you! I just hope that when you will meet the heir of darkness, you will save him if he is in danger. This is bound to happen, especially due to the nature of my faction!" said the messenger.

She was naturally saying that since the faction of darkness was mostly composed of demons; the heir of darkness who was a human was likely to face prejudice from both sides.

Li Wei hesitated for a moment and finally, he agreed. Strangely, the Messenger did not ask him to sign any contract; She only asked him to promise it verbally!

"Good! You can take all of it!" said the Messenger as she pointed at the items. "I have also arranged a tent for you to spend the rest of the night! You will be free to come and go in the camp for as long as you want"

"Thank you!" answered Li Wei. He was still not confident in his choice, but he knew how valuable all these items were. If he could rapidly increase his strength, he would be able to do anything in the future; saving someone once would then not be a big deal.

The Messenger clapped her hands and a young girl quickly appeared, "Sir. Will you please follow me to your tent?" nervously asked the young girl.

Li Wei nodded and quietly walked behind her. He was led through a huge camp of tents. He was surprised to see that this evil cult had such a well-developed camp set up there. Even if there were no buildings, the tents looked grandiose and were well decorated; it almost felt like a village. The one thing that stood out was the emblem on all the tents. It was the emblem of darkness and was the same as the merchant caravan's but reflected in a mirror.

Li Wei was quickly led to a small tent which did not have any emblem on it. As he entered, he was surprised at how cosy it was. There were lots of pillows on the floor, acting as a bed and a few furniture. In the center of the tent was a small campfire fueled by firestones.

A bathtub could be seen right next to that fire and a few buckets of water still steaming were found next to it. The tent strangely looked like one of those Li Wei saw in movies; the ones belonging to rich people in the desert.

"I took the freedom to prepare a bath for you, Sir! Should I dispose of it?" asked the young girl with a fearful expression. Her movements were like a robot as if she was extremely nervous. She was not much older than Li Wei and could be considered a beauty.

"That is fine! Thank you!" answered Li Wei. It was just now that he realized that it had been quite a while that he took a bath. Bathing was not a necessity, but it was a great way to relax and recover some fatigue. After spending the entire night running away, Li Wei's fatigue level was already at 71% even after it slightly recovered when he was unconscious.

As she heard Li Wei, the girl quickly moved next to Li Wei and helped him remove his top. Her hands trembled as she touched Li Wei's waist to grab his T-shirt.

Li Wei jumped and quickly move away, "What are you doing?"

"I am sorry!" screamed the girl. She quickly took a step back and a few tears appeared in her eyes. "I was just trying to help you!"

Seeing that, Li Wei did not really know how to react. "It is fine! Don't worry! I'll do it myself. You can go, I am used to doing these things by myself!"

"Sir, the Messenger told me to take care of all your needs," said the young girl with a timid voice.

"Then what I need right now is privacy. I will talk to the messenger if she tells you anything, " said Li Wei.

Li Wei approached the bathtub but when he looked behind him, he saw that the young girl only retreated a few steps but did not actually leave.

He sighed, "Fine, in that case, go grab me a meal! I am hungry!"

Immediately, the young girl nodded and quickly left the tent.

Li Wei was finally relieved. Now that the girl was gone, he removed his clothes and jumped in the warm water. "Ahhh"

The bath was strangely appeasing; Li Wei did not know what was different, but this was clearly better. He completely relaxed in the bath and his mind wandered. It was only when the temperature of the water fell down that Li Wei decided to get out and got dressed.

At the same time, the young girl rushed in with a tray of food. "I am sorry Sir, the cooks had only just started their work so it took longer than usual!"

Li Wei could see her nervousness; she was scared of him blaming her for the time she took but in fact, Li Wei was relieved that the girl did not come in earlier when he was still naked in the bathtub.

"Don't worry. Put the food on the table and you can go!" said Li Wei.

The young girl quickly complied. She pulled a table and set down the plate. She then brought some pillows for Li Wei to sit in. After that, she simply retreated to a corner of the tent in silence.

Li Wei sighed, he looked at the girl who was nervously standing there. He could guess that it was her first time acting as a servant and he did not want to make things difficult for her. In fact, he pitied her a little bit. Although he did not explicitly ask the messenger about it; it was clear that she was using these humans to help the demons capture a territory.

The Messenger probably somehow brainwashed them into this zealous group which was ready to do anything for their god. Li Wei wanted nothing to do with this kind of people but when he saw the girl, he thought that clearly, they still maintained their own thoughts and personalities to some extent.

Li Wei sat down and started eating. He was surprised to see that the food there was actually excellent. It was to the point that the food restored part of his fatigue! Although it was not comparable to that of the Prosperity Hall, it was really impressive for an evil cult to have such cooks.

At that moment, Li Wei heard a faint "glurgle glurgle". He immediately turned to look at the young girl who was flushing red, trying to hide her embarrassment.

"Come and sit down. There's enough food for two people on this tray!" said Li Wei. He naturally recognized the typical sound of a stomach growling.

The young girl shyly lowered her head and refused to move, "It is improper for me to do so. I will wait till sir has finished and will then eat when I get back"

"Did you not say you will do whatever I asked you to? Then come and eat! The soup will get cold!" said Li Wei. He was not lying when he said that there was a lot of food. There really was so much that his fatigue could go down to 0%. He did not mind sharing with the girl who was clearly looking at the food with envy.

She hesitated for a moment but eventually, she gave in and quietly sat down in front of Li Wei and grabbed a loaf of bread.

Li Wei felt pity for the girl when he saw her sit on the cold floor while he was sitting on soft pillows. She also only grabbed the smallest piece of bread and did her best to avoid eye contact!

Li Wei's fatigue had already dropped down to 40%. He quickly got up and placed two dishes in front of the girl. "I have to practice! When I finish, I want to see these two plates clean!" and without waiting for an answer, he walked away and sat down to practice the [Clarity of the mind].

The young girl immediately wanted to refuse but when she saw Li Wei start to meditate, she did not dare disturb him. She felt some warmth in her heart as she quickly wolfed down the two dishes. It was not that she was starved here but she had to spend last night cleaning this tent as soon as she received the order from the Messenger and did not eat anything in the last few hours. But more importantly, the food Li Wei was given was naturally on a completely different level than what she was used to eat.

Thirty minutes later, Li Wei finally ended his training cycle. He was disappointed since he achieved only 65% but his mastery points were steadily increasing.

He turned his head and saw the girl quietly waiting. She was still seated next to the table of food, the two plates were completely clean. She did not look as nervous as before and this time, she even held the eye contact with Li Wei for a second.

"It is good that you ate! But it is probably time for you to go to sleep right? There are a few more techniques I need to practice before that," said Li Wei. Judging by the interface, Li Wei already guessed that he only spent a few hours unconscious and when he walked through the camp, he could see that it would soon be dawn.

But by looking at the girl, he easily noticed the dark circles below her eyes, indicating that she probably spent a sleepless night and so, he prompted her to go to sleep.

To his surprise, the young girl blushed when she heard him. She quickly got up and started moving the things. But seeing the food still on the tray, Li Wei said, "Wait a minute! It would be a waste to give this up!" At the same time, he quickly moved the remaining four dishes in his inventory.

The young girl stared at him in surprise but did not say anything. She quickly continued her job and moved the table and the bathtub away.

"You should go to sleep afterward, I will start practicing now!" declared Li Wei and immediately, he started training the [Gliding Steps]

Thirty minutes later, Li Wei finally stopped. After training the two skills, his fatigue skyrocketed once again. He was already tired, not just because of the fatigue but also because he did not sleep at all last night.

He looked around him to see if the young girl was really gone. He did not find her in any corner of the room and let out a sigh of relief but suddenly froze as he looked at his bed of pillows. The small black dress that the young girl was wearing could be seen lying on the floor while on the pillows, Li Wei saw the young girl, flushed red, looking at him.

Considering that her clothes were on the ground, Li Wei's mind started to race. Fortunately, the young girl was covering her body with the blanket and was waiting for Li Wei to finish his training.

"What are you doing? Did I not tell you to go and sleep in your tent?" asked Li Wei. It was not just the girl that was embarrassed, even Li Wei was.

"It is my duty to serve you. The Messenger said to stay there to satisfy all your needs!" shyly answered the young girl as she lowered her gaze.

"What!?" Li Wei's mind went blank. "I never planned on doing that! Please put on your clothes and go back!"

Hearing that, the young girl was both relieved and worried. On one side, she would be able to keep her virginity but on another, she and her family would probably be punished later for leaving her post! Furthermore, she was disappointed in herself for not attracting Li Wei's attention. She felt that she was probably not pretty enough to serve him.

A few tears started to appear in the corner of her eyes as she started to move out of the bed. It was a detail that Li Wei did not miss. He did not fully understand the situation but one thing he knew was that the young girl would be in trouble if she left his tent now.

He became conflicted but quickly said, "Fine! Put on your clothes and sleep in the bed! I know you are tired. I will just train for a while longer!"

The young girl paused and looked at him. She saw him quickly take out his swords and start to train. Only then did she let out a sigh of relief; she quickly did as Li Wei ordered and wore her black dress before returning on the bed. She was still scared of what might happen but as she waited, and nothing happened, she eventually fell asleep.

Li Wei was unaware of that and started to move as indicated by the [Myriad Sword Dance]'s manual. Quickly he immersed himself in sword dancing and only woke up of his trance as he received the system prompt warning him that he reached a critical amount of fatigue.

He stopped and looked at the girl. He was relieved to see the young girl asleep, she looked even prettier when she was not constantly displaying that nervous expression. However, it was only then that he realized that he lost his bed.