
New Dark Horizon

The story takes place during Season 2 where Jaden combats the society of light. It's almost Jaden's 16th birthday, and he starts to undergo drastic changes and awakens as a vampire! But with his new body came an ancient power within him called the Gentle Darkness and the being known as the Supreme King who now shares his body. Jaden finds himself the target to the members of the society of light who are lead by Sartorius and his right hand man, Aster Phoenix and also the Vatican Order who hunt and kill evil things like vampires and other monsters! But his biggest enemy is the soul within him, The Supreme King who often time forcibly takes control of his body and makes him do things he often wouldn't do, like hurting his friends. Will Jaden and the Supreme King ever find common ground with each other and learn to fight as one being, or will the darkness swallow him whole and he truly becomes the evil king that all of humanity thinks he is?

LilacDream · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

White Devil vs. The Black King

Elena stood in the office of the one and only Seto Kaiba, waiting to have an audience with him. It had been two more days since Jaden recovered from his transformation, but things still hadn't gone back to normal. Something in his mind had become broken, like his subconscious was shattered into pieces. He was still Jaden, as his kindness still shined through when he spoke with the people he cared about. But everyone else was another story. Her mind was plagued with worry that Jaden was walking down a dangerous path he wouldn't be able to turn back on if he kept acting the way he was. And she still didn't know why he had this sudden change because he wouldn't tell them about what would make him become so cold. But he must have remembered something about his past. It was the only reasonable thing she could think of that would make him change so much in just a couple of days.

"Sorry for the wait Miss Yuki." Said Seto as he walked into his office after coming back from a meeting with the executives of his company. He strode passed her and sat as his desk with his hands clasped in front of him. "I assume you are here to report back to me about our little Sartorius problem?" He asked inquisitively with a cocked eyebrow. It was true, Seto Kaiba was the one who had asked her to infiltrate the Society of Light to spy on Sartorius. Elena was still a member of the Vatican Order, but while she was on this undercover mission, she had a much harder time reporting her findings back to the organization. Which is why this was her first meeting with Seto since she made it to Duel Academy.

"Yes sir. I discovered the true purpose of the infamous White Devil Project. They're messing with human genetic fusion in an attempt to create the perfect vessel to harness the Light of Destruction. They want to create a being whose power could rival that of the Supreme King's. And they're extremely far in their research now. There really isn't much I could do if I attempted to try and sabotage them now." She said solemnly. She still wanted to try and help that poor girl, but she believed now that that wasn't possible. Arista couldn't even be considered human anymore, and by the Vatican's standards would have to be eliminated for the sake of humanity.

Seto leaned back in his chair as he closed his eyes. "I see. I would be lying if I said I didn't suspect this from the beginning. I'm going to have to call this into the higher ups and let them know the situation. It's about time we stopped sitting back. Something needs to be done before they set that monster loose onto the world. Only god knows the devastation that will ensue if both of those beasts were to battle it out. Speaking of which… how is our little secret weapon?" Seto said as he reopened his eyes, his focused gaze set on her.

Elena gulped as she started to feel anxiety rise within her as the powerful business tycoon spoke to her. "He's… suffering. The Society of Light did something to him and he's changed. He hasn't done anything yet but I fear that it won't be long before he does something irreversible. But please sir! Believe me when I say he is a good kid! He's just been through a lot in his life! All he needs is help!" Elena said as she started to raise her voice in desperation. She couldn't lie to him because she knew he would probably find out on his own and she would have gotten in trouble for withholding important information. "I understand that you have familial connections with the boy who harbors the soul of the Supreme King. But don't forget your duties. The only reason you were chosen for this mission was because of that in mind. You are the only one we could trust to keep a close eye on him. So for your sake, I will not act out unless he does something first. But I assure you, the minute he slips up, he will be considered an enemy to the Vatican and we will come after him. Do I make myself clear?" He said with authority booming in his stoic voice.

Elena nodded her head, having no choice but to accept his claims with no objection. The situation was completely out of her hands now. All she could do now was be there for Jaden and hope she could help heal him from the trauma that was plaguing him. She never thought of Jaden as a monster. Unlike most people who only saw Jaden as a being who could wipe out humanity, she saw a scared little boy who was judged harshly by society before he even knew his part in the world and only craved love and attention. And she would continue to support him and try to save him from the darkness, even if a regular human like herself was powerless to the supernatural forces they faced. He was her son, and she was going to do everything she could to save him from himself.

Back in the laboratory, Sartorius had come out from the safety of his office to give the scientists and his favorite little toy a visit. "How is she doing?" He said as he walked up to the tube that Arista still slumbered inside of, resting a hand on the chilled glass. "I think she's about ready to be awakened, Master. She's at a 90% synchronization rate so she should be in a stable enough condition to finally be removed from her restraints. With your consent, we can wake her up if that is what you wish." Said the leading scientist. Sartorius smirked as he nodded in approval. "I see. Yes. That sounds like a splendid idea. I just can't wait to witness the touching reunion between siblings. How will you react to see your supposed dead sister rise back up from the dead, Aster?"

Back on the school grounds, Jaden and Aster were sitting on the cliff together as they talked about Arista and Aster's thoughts on finally leaving the Society of Light. "So you've finally made up your mind?" Said Jaden as he glanced over to his friend with his lifeless looking eyes. "Yeah. I can't stand pretending to still be loyal to that bastard knowing what he's doing to my sister. I haven't found her yet, but after I save her, I'm going to kill Sartorius." Aster said with a sharpened gaze, his eyes flashing red. Jaden smirked as he heard that. "The Champion of Light talking about killing a human is definitely shocking. You've changed a lot since I first met you. You're finally starting to act like a vampire." Aster looked back at him and slightly narrowed his eyes at him. "Like you're one to talk. Don't think I haven't noticed but you've changed too. You can pretend to still be the same Jaden around our friend's but our blood blond let's me know that there's something different about you."

Jaden leaned back as he shrugged his shoulders and placed his hands behind his head. "I feel like I just woke up from a bad dream. I'll fill you in because you're my subordinate and I trust you won't tell anyone if I tell you not too. But I remembered everything about myself. After I got shot, I started having dreams about my past. Like I was reliving those terrible moments that I blocked out. But they helped me realize how much I really don't like humans. I spent all these years trying to live amongst them and saying they were worth protecting. But humans are capable of some truly evil things. Fun fact, my own parents sold me to some shady guy who spent three years experimenting on me to draw out the power inside of me. There are some humans who aren't bad, that I cannot deny. But most of them aren't worth it. Don't you agree? Look at Sartorius for example." Jaden said nonchalantly. He wasn't that different, but he was okay with the thought of killing someone if it meant keeping his loved ones safe. He wasn't going to show mercy to people anymore. If someone posed a threat to him, he was ready to eliminate them to ensure they would never come back.

"Haou has been right about me this whole time. I need to stop holding back." He said as he looked at his tightly clenched fist. Aster started coughing as he felt his throat starting to burn, which was a sensation he hadn't felt in a long while. Jaden looked at him curiously and smirked. "Feeling hungry again? I guess the effects of my blood are starting to wear off now. Here. Drink. You'll need your strength if you want your revenge." Said Jaden as he pulled up his sleeve to expose his wrist. Aster stared hungrily at Jaden's wrist and grabbed ahold of it but hesitated to bite down. He still hadn't fully given up on his humanity and even though he craved for Jaden's blood, he detested the idea of drinking it. "What are you stalling for? Just do it. It's not like you're biting a human. It's me. So just drink already, dummy." Said the Slifer as he forced his wrist into Aster's mouth forcing him to bite down.

Aster instinctively started drinking, feeling bliss as Jaden's essence flowed down his throat. But he could have sworn it tasted different from the last time. As Jaden's energy flowed into his body, he could feel the darkness as it entered him and made him feel hot inside. The darkness that Jaden normally produced was usually not this thick. He could tell the remaining light in him was starting to fade away. Aster released him as he wiped his mouth and when he looked at Jaden, he found it hard to tell the difference between him and Haou. Besides the eye color, Jaden's expression was the same as the Supreme King and it sent a shiver down his spine. "Hey, Jaden. I know it's not my place but… don't lose yourself to the darkness. It would suck if I lost my first friend and I was stuck with that stupid other half of yours." Jaden cocked his head at him in confusion. "What do you mean by that? I'm not going anywhere."

Aster chuckled slightly, even though he could sense that Jaden was changing, he was still the same dense idiot. "Don't worry about it. All I'm saying is, continue to fight for the right reason. I don't care who you kill, but just don't let it change who you are." Aster stood up and checked his watch, it was about the time he planned to meet up with Malin who said he wanted to talk to him. Apparently, he wasn't the only one who's loyalty was faltering lately. "I got to go now. I have a chat with a dog. I'll talk to you later. And thanks for the meal." And with that, Aster left.

It was the next day and Jaden was with his friends as they sat in the courtyard. Jaden had had a bad feeling since yesterday, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was. He wasn't good at detecting auras like Haou was, but he could feel a pressure on the island unlike anything he had felt before. "Jaden? Earth to Jaden? You still with us buddy?" Jaden snapped back to reality after hearing his best friends voice and rubbed the back of his neck. "Huh? Sorry, Sy. I just got a bad feeling is all." He said as his eyes narrowed. "I think… I have a feeling that this war is about to enter its next phase." After her said that, he placed his hand over his heart as it started to beat rapidly in his chest. The aura that he felt almost acted as if it was clashing with his own, and he could feel Haou inside of him starting to become rowdy. He turned his head to look behind him and saw Sartorius approaching him out in the open for the first time. "What the hell is he doing here?" Jaden said as he glared at the leader of the Society of Light.

Sartorius walked over with a smile on his face until he was standing right in front of the young vampire who had already stood up to guard his friends. "Did you come here looking to die?" Said Jaden as a sinister smirk graced his lips. He was trying to hold himself back, but the thought of spilling Sartorius's blood was starting to make him excited. It was like he was putting himself on a silver platter in front of him. "Of course not my dear boy. I just wanted to formally meet you. This would be our first time being face to face, after all. And I wouldn't do anything foolish if I were you. I wouldn't be foolish enough to come here without protection." Sartorius then snapped his fingers and Maynard appeared behind him along with a few soldiers who had their guns focused on Jaden, making the Slifer click his teeth. "I came here to introduce you to someone. She's been wanting to play with you for a long time."

From above, Jaden could hear the sound of a horn blowing and when he looked up, his red eyes saw a beautiful woman flying above him with large white wings extended from her back as her body was silhouetted by the sun against her back. She looked almost like an angel descending from the heavens. Before Jaden could react, she shot feathers from her wings that flew at him as fast a bullet. He raised his arms to protect himself, but Anastasia flung herself in front of him and took the hit for him instead. "How dare you attack my king like that- huh?" The feathers then sunk into her skin almost as if her body absorbed them and instantly, her arm which where the feathers cut her started to grow glowing veins up and down her arm as she collapsed to the ground while she breathed rapidly. "Ana!" Jaden said as he held the suffering girl in his arms. "What the hell is this? Why isn't she healing?"

The girl then landed next to Sartorius as she withdrew her wings back into her body. Sartorius grabbed the girl by her head and pulled her in so that she was leaning on his shoulder. "Meet Arista. I'm sure you know full well who this is. My dear, say hi." Arista looked at Jaden with a blank expression as she bowed to him. "Hello." Jaden gently rested Anastasia back on the ground and stood up while cracking his knuckles. "You're going to tell me what you did to her before I come over there and rip your beating heart out of your chest." Jaden's dark aura started to swirl around him, causing everyone to brace themselves from the force.

"In truth, I apologize that she was caught in the crossfire. But I admire her loyalty, unlike some of my own followers. But that's a story for another day. And to answer your question, Arista has the power to render vampire's completely useless. Your friend is as good as human as long as those feathers are inside her body. But that's only the beginning of what my angel is capable of doing. You see, what I really want to see is a real fight between an angel and a demon!" Sartorius said as he raised his hands in the air, praising the sky. "I've been waiting for you to fully unleash your power Jaden, but you've been stubborn! I've tried everything I could think of to pull out your latent abilities but they still have yet to show up! You haven't reached your full potential! What's taking you so long to give into the darkness and become the Supreme King? Don't you want to see who the victor will be between this battle of light and dark?!" Jaden raised his arms as he prepared to attack, but Arista appeared in front of him and jabbed her hand straight into his chest, causing him to spit up a large amount of blood. Jaden fell to his knees as he could feel he was starting to lose his senses. "Alexis… get everyone out of here." He said as he looked back at his lover, his eyes glowing the brightest they've ever been. "Things are about to get really bad. Now, GO!"

Alexis, with the help of Syrus, picked up Anastasia. She looked at Jaden with worry in her eyes. "Come back to us Jaden." Jaden nodded back to her and after they quickly left to retreat back into the school where they also planned to alert the headmaster about Sartorius's attack. Arista pulled her arm out and Jaden's wound slowly started healing, but not fast enough. "It seems your angel doesn't have the same effect on me like it did on Anastasia." Sartorius chuckled, but then broke out into a full blown diabolic fit of laughter. "I wouldn't have expected less from the king of darkness! But of course, this isn't the full extent of her power. This is purely just a test run to see how she can fare against you in her current state." Jaden rose back on his feet and disappeared in a flash step and avoided Arista who tried to grab him, but he was now in front of Sartorius ready to strike him when Maynard grabbed ahold of Jaden's arm and flipped him over his shoulder, subduing the weakened vampire.

"Now now. I already told you it's pointless to try and attack me. I'm not your opponent in this fight." Maynard was still hovering over him with his hand gripping at his throat. "You're pathetic. Look how weak you are that you can't even beat a little birdy." Said Maynard as he chuckled evilly. Jaden gritted his teeth as he managed to escape from underneath Maynard and kicked him, sending him flying and crashing a good distance away. But Arista appeared behind him yet again and with her wings unfurled, slashed him across the back causing his blood to spray everywhere. Jaden let out a gasp as the breath was knocked out of him and he fell on his hands and knees. His vision was starting to become dark and his aura only got bigger. He was starting to lose control from all the damage he was taking. Arista rose her wings into the air and was about to send down the final blow when she was knocked back by Aster who came to fight along side Jaden, sensing that he was in trouble. "I made it just in time-" Aster cut himself off when he saw who exactly Jaden was fighting. "Arista?" But the girl didn't respond and just continued to stare at him with a blank expression.

"Aster! It's so good of you to finally join us!" Said Sartorius mockingly. Aster started to walk towards his sister with tears filling his eyes, his emotions starting to become overwhelming. "Arista. It's me. Don't you recognize me?" He said with his arms extended for a hug, but she didn't respond as she shot her feathers at him catching him off guard. Jaden looked back up and his eyes were now glowing gold, with Haou taking over. "You fool! That is not your sister anymore! Get a grip!" Said Haou who had gotten back up on his feet and was able to push Aster out of the way. "That's your sisters body, but I doubt her soul still resides inside. By now, the Light of Destruction would have burned it up. She's nothing but a vessel now." Said Haou who faced to turn towards Arista.

"I've had it with these games of yours Sartorius." Said Haou as he glared at the leader of the Society of Light. Sartorius smirked as he snapped his fingers, signaling for Arista to attack him again. She flew at him and with her wings started slashing at him, but Haou was able to successfully block most of them and only earned a few cuts on his body. But he admitted that her attacks were special as every strike she was able to land made him feel gradually weaker, like his energy was being sapped away.

He grabbed the girl and pinned her down and started pulling on her wing, which caused the girl to scream out in pain. "Get off her!" Said Aster who kicked Haou off of his sister and glared at the vampire king with a burning hatred. "I won't let you hurt her!" Said Aster as he pulled out his sword and aimed it at Haou who glared back at him. Before Aster could try and knock Haou out, Arista has risen up and jabbed one of her wings through his stomach, causing him to spit up blood. "A-Arista? Why?" He said with tears in his eyes not understanding why his sister would want to kill him. But Arista only stared coldly at him as she didn't recognize him anymore. The person she used to be was gone and she was now only a shell of her former self. She pulled her wing up into the air with Aster still hanging on to it and flicked it, tossing him to the side violently.

"I told you. That's not your sister anymore." The two monsters continued to fight, and in the path of their carnage had destroyed the courtyard, leaving the once beautiful garden in ruin. Haou was barely winning as he found it hard to keep up with Arista who still seemed to be filled with a lot of vigor. His clothes were now in tatters with wounds covering his entire body and he was close to running out of energy by this point. "Just stay down damnit!" He said as he brought his hand up to pierce the girl through the heart and put her out of her misery, but before he could deliver the final blow, he was restrained back by silver wires that wrapped around his body like a cocoon and the same thing happened to Arista. "Do you realize how much it's going to cost me to fix this mess you two have caused?" Said Seto who finally showed up with his own troops. He had on a metal glove where the strings were coming from where he could control them like they were an extension of his own body.

"It seems this is where the game ends. We'll have to retreat for now. I'll be seeing you again Supreme King, and you as well mister Seto Kaiba. This was fun but I guess we will call this a draw this time." Before Seto could arrest him, a beam of light erupted from the sky and landed on Sartorius and his troops, and when the light settled they were gone, having transported somewhere else. Arista was able to break the threads that surrounded her body and took off into the sky, flying away to meet back up with Sartorius. Haou gritted his teeth as he struggled in the restraints. "Let me go you bastard! I have to go finish her off! I'll kill you if you continue to interfere!" Said Haou with his eyes glowing brightly. Even Haou who was normally calm, cool and collected was starting to lose himself to the power of darkness that raged inside of him. He stopped struggling as he felt the restraints slip off of his body which shocked him. Seto walked over to him and stared at the injured king. "There will be plenty of time for that. But for now… I have to deal with you first." Before Haou could say anything, Seto pulled a rosary out from his pocket and placed it against his chest which sent a shock of electricity through Haou's body. "Sealing technique." Said Seto as Haou's eyes started to feel heavy and he collapsed on the ground.

"Jaden!" Elena ran from where she was standing and pulled her sons head into her lap. "The rest of you, attend to mister Aster Pheonix over there." Some of his troops ran over to Aster who was also past out, and just like Anastasia had glowing white marks growing on his body from where Arista had attacked him. "Elena, take the Supreme King to the infirmary. He looks like he's in some pretty bad shape himself. After he recovers, hopefully Jaden will be back in control. And let me know when he wakes up so that I can have a word with him. It's clear that Sartorius is ready to make his next move in this war and we need to have a strategy meeting about what to do next. But before that, I need to take care of all this destruction. I don't want my students having a mass panic…" Said Seto as he sighed. He knew the rest of his day was going to be spent making a lot of phone calls. But Seto couldn't stop thinking about that girl. No one in history had ever been able to bring the Supreme King to such lengths. She was able to easily keep up with the king and actually seemed to cause him a good amount of damage. For an angel, she seemed more like the devil in disguise.