
New Arise

Inflictednote_3 · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Why me? (Part 2)

"Is it raining? where am I?" looking around to find nothing but ashes and decaying bodies everywhere, as she looks down, she sees holes in her shirt where she was once pierced through, but no marks, not even a scratch. "What is going on? And, who am I?"

Crawling out of the hole she dug herself out of, she suddenly heard a scream, but there was no one for miles. Looking around to find something else to wear, but there was nothing. She continued to walk on for what seemed like an eternity, only to find a pack of horned wolfs. "What the heel is that? That's no dog."

When they spotted her they did nothing but watch cautiously as there only priority was to protect their cub, as soon as one stands walking slowly towards her, she ran towards the charred forest. "What the fuck, why me, why me why me." (thud) she suddenly trips and falls from a branch rolling down the massive hill, hitting a rock with her head.

Soon, she regain consciousness again to discover a branch has lodged through her left arm, not wanting to stick around any longer, she got up and kept running while clutching her arm, in a futile attempt to save it.

After hours of running, she stumbled upon an abandoned bunker, the door wide open, going in slowly the lights flicker on and off, she quickly shuts the door behind her, only to be knocked back by a clanging noise. What ever was outside kept on hitting the door trying to break in. after a while, it gave up and she went from door to door, she finds food and medical supplies to help stabilize her injury. Quickly she injects morphine after morphine to eject the branch. As she does the wound slowly heals, but feeling too much pain she wraps it instead of noticing it.

As she lays on the floor, she uses her right arm to grab onto something floating in front of her. She soon falls asleep.