
New Age Justice League

Two years after the Justice League had it's biggest failure yet the world is in grief over the death of it's greatest hero. The public no longer has faith in heroes but the Legion has something big planned and destroying the League was just the start and Supergirl must go and try to pick up the pieces left behind by the League and form a new team of newer heroes to defeat the Legion and save their broken, lost home from the doom it now faces.

Kroger_Cheese · テレビ
3 Chs

Episode 1 "A New Age"

Kara Zor El flies into the Daily Planet in distress as the ground shakes slowly, Lois Lane was sitting in a room with Harley Quinn beside her. Harley didn't know what to do since she was bad with these things and was only there on a mission with the Suicide Squad. Kara walked up to Quinn who looked really shocked and almost scared, "it happened skirt… He's gone…" Kara walked up to the computer and looked at it to see Lex Luthor standing over Superman's body on the ground in his Kryptonite suit. Lois couldn't speak, she was broken in that moment, Kara turned to Harley and took a deep breath to get herself together, "Harley I need to to get Lois and anyone else out of the area, the League is MIA, I don't know what's happening but the Legion of Doom is up to something." Harley began to show a side to her she never showed, her old self, "you got it Kara… Don't die out there, you may just be the last hope…" Kara heard their hearts beating fast, she heard the hearts of thousands beating in fear as she flew away quickly.

Kara broke the sound barrier as she fought back her emotions as she flew into downtown Metropolis and landed. Once the dust finally settled she saw Thawne, Heatwave, The Trickster and Sinestro all standing around a beaten Justice League, bodies filled the streets around them, the League failed and the Suicide Squad was hard at work evacuating people. "Why are you doing this?! Killing innocent people just to get one man." Luthor looked at Kara with a smile and said, "oh I'm not the one who killed those people, your friends here did when they just went around destroying things to get us, we just put them down!" Thawne threw Barry's body to the ground as he sped over to Kara, "we should kill the rest of them to tie up loose ends but if the world sees them for who they are… no worse than us then that's a fate worse than death… When nobody trusts their heroes anymore, when they are hunted… I like to see where this'll go." Luthor looked at the others as the sounds of ships filled the air, "they're coming, quickly leave the area, our work here is done…" Kara didn't even make an effort to chase them down as she dropped down to her knees beside Clark.

"I'm sorry…. I was supposed to protect you and I failed…" Kara felt the anger rush through her as she tried hard to fight it back. Kara saw the ships fly above as armored soldiers flew to the ground, Kara looked at the clouds above as she took off into the sky. Kara hovered over Earth and looked down at the smoke coming from Metropolis, Kara tightened her fists and after a brief second she let all of her anger out at once. The scream heard around the world, enough power was released to cause blackouts across the globe. Kara was broken, in pain, she didn't know what to do, everything was falling apart. Kara slowly calmed a bit as she looked down on Earth, she slowly closed her eyes and listened to the peaceful sounds of the endless void called space. Kara would spend most of her days there trying to clear her mind, waiting for something to happen…

2 Years Later:

Kara opened her eyes slowly, her suit having slightly more armor and her crest resembling Superman's more. Kara knew she had to change to fill the shoes left behind by Clark, she let out a deep breath as she dashed down to Smallville, Kansas. Supergirl flew past the streets of Superman's hometown, past the Superman statue in the center. Supergirl stopped by the Kent farm and landed in the field where she felt the wheat with her hands as she slowly strolled through to the house. Martha opened the door to see Kara and had a big smile as she went in to hug Supergirl, "Kara… Hey it's been so long… how have you been holding up?" Supergirl looked at Martha, then at the floor at the tiny hand print from a young Clark and said, "I don't know if I can keep this up, Superman was a symbol of hope, a beacon of light for people, I've never felt this much pressure, all this rage and anger inside I don't know what to do… " Martha looked at kara in the eyes and said, "you know it wasn't Clark who was the symbol of hope…" She placed her hand on the crest and said, "it's that symbol… It means something, it stands for hope, it's up to the person wearing it to continue that. The people aren't going to reject you, if anything you brought a small glimmer of hope for the future in this broken world. Clark would be proud of you, after all of this, you never lost hope in anything, spread that courage and strength, there are countless people out there dying to make a change in the world, people like you. Go out there and find them, Clark would never have given up so easily if he didn't know you couldn't fix things, he knew he lost but he knew you still had a fighting chance, that's why he didn't want you to come flying in…" Kara smiled a tiny bit and then reversed the smile as she said calmly, "you're heartbeat, it's… it's not normal…"

Martha grabbed Kara's hand and said, "I don't have long, I'm ready to see him… And Jonathan… Just promise me that you will make that crest still stand for hope." Kara looked at Martha and nodded, Kara smiled at Martha and said, "I think I know where to begin then." Martha looked at Kara and said, "make us all proud" Kara smiled as she took off flying. Kara tried hard to get the fact that Martha wasn't going to make it out of her head as she flew across the country. Kara kept flying until eventually ending up at the Fortress of Solitude where she landed and entered swiftly. Kara looked around at all the old tech and gadgets, memories came in but she ignored them as she walked forward and turned on the computer. Jor El's hologram appeared beside her at an instant, "Kara… I wasn't expecting to see you… I assume that considering the look on your face and Kal's absence for two years he is dead…" Kara turned to him and let the tears fall, "I tried so damn hard to protect Kal, I tried so damn hard to save him before… I wasn't fast enough, I had one job and I failed."

Jor El looked at her and said, "none of this was on you, just like Krypton wasn't on you…" Kara looked at him as tears fell faster, her anger slowly showing, "The only living family I have left is dead, I am all that's left of Krypton! I never got to say goodbye to my parents! Never got to do the same to Kal! The only family I have left now is Lois, Jonathan, and a hologram! I pushed the only living family I have left away and now I'm all alone! I watched Krypton die, I watched as everything and everyone I knew blew up! I struggled to adjust to this new world, I busted my ass trying to find and protect Kal! Now here I am, nothing left and the only Kryptonian family I have left is just a hologram with my uncles mind inside of it!" Jor saw Kara's anger and understood it, "Kara… your mother and father both loved you very much, you may not have had a proper goodbye but you must know they accepted what was happening, they knew they would live on inside of you… You're so much like them, you've always reminded me of them… You've always been able to pull yourself and others out of a dark, endless abyss… Don't give up now, Lois, Jonathan and the rest of the world need you now more than ever… There are so many others out there dying to make changes in this world, to make their mark on the world, you just need to find them, all hope is not lost, you must see that… Krypton still lived on inside you…" Kara looked up at Jor El and slowly began to realize that she needed to get all she could together to take the Legion down, she knew she had to start somewhere and knew just where to begin.

Gotham City:

Harley Quinn was exploring the old Wayne Manor, she was searching for Batman for the past couple of years. Harley looked around and was a bit scared of the abandoned place as she talked to herself a lot, "I've searched all over Gotham, I swear if Batsy is Bruce Wayne I'm gonna love the Bats even more!" Harley eventually stopped by a mantle, she looked at it noticed a book that looked different from the rest, she took a deep breath and said to herself, "in my many years of breaking into places rule number like 10 was always look for books that stand out in shelves." Harley pulled it and watched as an old elevator came up, she walked in and hit the only button there as she looked at the closing doors, "maybe it was number 12…" Harley waited as the elevator took her down the stairs slowly, Harley lifted her baseball bat up to be ready for anything, she heard the sounds of bats and water but nothing else. "Batsy?! Brucie?!" Harley's heart was pounding as she wandered around searching for the Dark Knight. Harley eventually stopped in front of the main area in the cave, the place where Bruce and Alfred did most of their work.

Harley walked past empty costume cases and stopped in front of a board that details different locations for possible bombs around the world. "The hell is all of this?" Harley looked at all the major cities and was wondering what Batman was doing, she stopped when she heard the sound of a gun click behind her head. "Guns aren't much of your thing Batsie, moved on to more… Lethal ways of things?" Batman looked at her and she noticed the silence as she turned quickly, Harley smiled and said in a Batman tone, "what are you doing here?" Harley smiled at Batman as she lowered his gun slowly, "oh you know TRYING TO FET BRUCIE TO PUT THE CAPE BACK ON AND TO GO OUT AND BRING JUSTICE TO THE LAWLESS WASTELAND WE CALL GOTHAM BECAUSE HELLO! NOBODY CAN STOP THEM, THE LEAGUE IS DONE AND SO IS THE SQUAD, NO HEROES LEFT… I love chaos but this… this is too much…" Batman saw the look in her eyes and realized the full scale of how much things have collapsed. Batman took his cowl off and looked at the Bat Signal which has been lit up for 2 years. Bruce walked over to his board and said as he glanced over at Harley, "go… I'm done with that life, I have to figure out how to stop something bad from happening… Nobody can be trusted… not anymore so I'd suggest you make the most out of the time left because there is a small chance this will work…"

Harley looked at him and was frightened to see who Batman became, "it can't be done alone but together…" Bruce looked at her and said, "together is dead, now go!" Harley slowly walked away and before she went any further she glanced over at Bruce and said calmly, "don't let the last hope die with us, this can't be done alone…" Harley slowly walked away as Bruce glanced at her, he was broken after Metropolis and really wanted to figure out how to put an end to the Legion's plan.

Later that day Harley was sitting on the rooftop watching over the Joker's gang as they were robbing a small store. Harley just watched, she was supposed to be with them but she chose to just watch, she had a lot on her mind. Before she could birth her next thought a red and blue blur came in and knocked a couple of people down, Supergirl looked at the gang as they held their guns up, "that won't do a damn thing…" one of the guys looked at her and shouted, "why'd you ditch the skirt, it was kinda hot…" Kara melted his gun instantly and said, "sorry I misunderstood what you meant there." The others threw their weapons down and ran away as Supergirl cooled the heat vision down. "Harley you just gonna sit there the whole time?" Harley looked down at her and said calmly, "Hey blue… just a lot on the old mind today… I know what you're here for, and no he won't help, I tried… I can help you Kar… uhh I mean Supergirl, I wanna help, all this chaos…" Supergirl hovered beside her and said, "that's good, I need all the help I can get, All I need you to do is locate Dick Grayson… Goes by the name Nightwing." Harley widened her eyes and said, "wait! Dick Grayson… The cop is Nightwing! What's next Babara Gordon is Batgirl." Supergirl looked at her with a grin as Harley jumped up with excitement, "shut up! I'm on it blue." Supergirl dashed off to find Bruce to try and convince him.

Supergirl scanned Wayne Manor and said to herself, "why did I bother to scan the Batman's house and cave; he is literally prepared for anything… It's all lead." Kara flew in the back entrance and landed but saw no Bruce. She scanned and saw he wasn't there, she walked slowly up to the board and saw it had a map, she looked at it and saw what was planned by the Legion. She turned her head to see a note beside the board, Kara picked it up and began to read it. "Kara, you may now know what's happening and no you can't convince me, not now anyway… I won't be able to just go out and recruit people but you can… Get other heroes, this can't be stopped alone now and I see that…" Kara looked at the note and said to herself, "where should I even begin?" she looked up at the tv above and saw news footage of the Flash and Kid Flash stopping crime, she had a small smile as her first sign of hope showed.

Central City:

"Don't pull your punches Wally, the bad guys sure as hell won't…" Wally smiled as he sped over and knocked Barry down, "I never pull my punches." Barry smiled as Wally helped him up, they both got alerts on their watches and nodded to each other as they activated their Flash rings and sped off. The yellow and orange lightning streaks filled the streets as they raced around to reach the crime scene. They sped past the Flash museum as a red and yellow light flashed on a pole. They enjoyed the wind brushing against them as they eventually came to a stop but noticed that the bad guys were all knocked out and rounded up. Wally looked at Supergirl and said to Barry, "am I dreaming?" Barry walked up and hugged Kara as they greeted each other, "of course we know Supergirl." Supergirl looked at the Flash and said, "I didn't fly all this way just to beat you to crime scenes… Something is happening." Barry looked at Wally, then her and said, "what is it?" Kara looked at the people recording them from the streets, "the Legion is planning something big… Like world ending levels of big, I need to gather different heroes together to reform the League, I need your help with this." Wally looked at Kara and said, "I could see if the Titans could do something." Kara looked at him with a smile, she admired Wally, "we need Earth's greatest heroes to do this, a new age JL." Barry cracked his knuckles and stretched in a dramatic way, "I'm too old for Leagues, didn't go well last time but Kid Flash here has gotten faster and stronger than myself, he'd work just fine." Kara smiled at Wally and Barry and said, "meet you all at STAR Labs!" Kara flew off as Barry looked at Wally and jokingly punched his shoulder, "she likes you dude." Barry sped off as Wally looked away with a smile, "Supergirl likes me!" Wally sped off after them.

At STAR, the heroes gathered around a big table with a hologram of Earth with all locations Batman marked on his map on there. The Flash looked at this map and looked at Kara, "we gotta go and do this, take Wally with you, the two of you should travel around, gathering all the heroes you can, based off of the info we got, I'd say it's only a matter of weeks before… Before it's too late" Wally looked at Barry and said, "you can't go?" Barry chuckled and said, "this is your show now Kid, my time is over, I've done enough already, Iris and I are ready to settle down now, especially now that you are protecting the city… I'll watch over for now you go, help Kara, she needs all the help she can get, just call if you need anything, I'll be there in a… Well you know." A breached appeared as Vibe jumped through, he looked like he was just in a fight, he looked at them and said, "It's Thawne, he's doing something to the water treatment center." Barry looked at them all and said, "let's deal with this first." Kara nodded as they all took off through a breach Vibe created.

Once through they saw flashes of red lightning, Wally opened his comms and said, "music please." Music eventually began playing fro the trio as they all went in to fight, Vibe saw this as a chance to go and get citizens to safety. The Flash sped in andchased Thawne around and noticed he had a big smile, he knew he was up to something, Barry opened his comms and said, "he's leading me somewhere, don't follow, I gotta follow him through the speed force, maybe find out what he wants, get these people to safety and stop the place form blowing up." Barry chased Thawne through the speed force as they travelled through the time stream, Barry noticed alternate versions of himself and others, he was amazed by this, eventually he broke off with Thawne. They both landed in the streets of Central City but it looked different, he looked up at the man above him, he helped Flash up and said, "new look Flash?" Barry was confused as he turned to see a sign that showcased Earth Prime's Flash, "what Earth is this?" he sped off and went looking for Thawne, "I can't just go to this Earth's Flash, I remember this Earth is labeled as a no travel Earth" Barry saw flashes of white lightning go by, he looked at them and said to himself slowly, "looks like this Flash is caught up with multiple Godspeeds, been there, not fun."

Barry saw red lightning and chased it right away, he followed Thawne back into the time stream and looked around as they kept going. Barry was slowly catching up but eventually stopped and was thrown into a random Earth with Thawne. Thawne stood up and went to kill the Flash but Barry moved fast and led Thawne back into the time stream, they kept going until eventually ending up at the Vanishing Point. Thawne helped Barry up and showed him the place, "this place has seen many things, ya know there was this Crisis that happened, this was where the Paragons were, so weird to think that time just ends here. While you are here your friends back on Earth 10 are having a blast… Literally, just know you guys can't do a damn thing about what's to come. You failed Barry, you weren't fast enough to save Superman, now the world doesn't trust you as much... " Barry looked at Thawne and said, "what happened was a mistake and if I could go back, and change things without messing the timeline up I would. You see the difference between us is I'd give up my own life to save people, if it means my life ends for countless others to thrive then so be it, you thrive on pain, and death." Thawne smiled and said, "that's why you are so weak Barry Allen… Plus it's all lies, if you truly were this selfless you would have pushed beyond your limits, but you didn't, it's a bit selfish of you… You could have saved him if you were all you said you were, we aren't all that different, I just embrace who we really are… See you soon." Thawne sped off, Barry followed, he took a different path back home.

Barry stopped by Metropolis two years prior, he overlooked the aftermath of the Justice League's greatest failure. Barry saw as Superman was letting his final breaths out as Luthor pulled the spear out, Barry ran in and went into Flash time and resisted the urge to kill Luthor as he held onto Superman. Clark looked at both Flashes there and said faintly, "you time travelled didn't you?" The Flash looked at him and faintly said, "I'm sorry Clark, I wasn't fast enough, I pushed myself but I wasn't able to do it, I promise we'll put an end to this." Clark looked at him with a smile and said, "I forgave you the moment it happened Barry, that was only what makes you human, you have the biggest heart out of all of us, never stop running, do what's right for these people, bring them to justice… How is Jonathan by the way?" Barry smiled as a tear fell, "good, at the ripe old age of two he really is starting to act a bit… Super…" Clark looked at him and said, "that's good, now go, save the world, I know you can do it, make me prouder than I already am!" Barry took a deep breath and let go as he stood up and took off.

Barry eventually made it back to the present where he ran to STAR Labs to check up on the others. Barry looked at them and before anyone could speak he said calmly, "go, we need to do this, I'll try to make contact with Bruce while you guys are out. Diana may not be so willing to join but Donna will." Wally sped off and before Kara could as well Barry stopped her and said, "you remind me a lot of Clark with your determination and how you never back down, he'd be proud." Kara smiled as she flew off after Kid Flash. Barry looked down at the computer and saw a message from Iris telling him she was pregnant with twins, Barry smiled as he sat down in the chair, he pulled an old picture of the League out of the desk there and smiled, "I miss those days…" Barry got up and walked over to the speed lab, before he could enter he saw flashes of a big fight with many heroes and villains but what stood out to him is a red blur running around one big machine, he saw flashes of himself dying. Barry took a deep breath as he took a few steps back, "what the hell was that?!"


Kara and Kid Flash ran into the great island of Themyscira and noticed it was a bit darker than usual, they sped in without a single thought. They both were stopped in their tracks when the meta dampeners and red sun rays kicked in. Wally and Kara fell to the ground almost in pain as she tried to shield herself with her cape, eventually Amazonian warriors aimed bows and spears at them. Eventually a woman's voice called out, "turn it all off and lower your weapons, they are allies!" Wonder Woman walked up slowly with a massive cloak, "what brings you here?"