

A story about a forbidden love.... Forbidden fruits tastes sweetest right?......... I didn't know what I am till I met him...My heart was empty and I was lost till I met her...but we can't be together it's written... Being poor is hard but on top of it all if you're abandoned, and have two kids to raise a drunk father to insult you and university mates to mock and bully you..and the only best friend you had turned on you ...I thought that was it till Alexander Black prince the third happened life couldn't get more unfair..plus the fact that his girlfriends are powerful.. and I mean powerful He maybe hot to an extent you can't stop looking at him once you start but Guess what? oh it gets better when you discover there's more to yourself than just what you know wanna know what it is?... Nah I won't tell but you must know for the past few months people Have been found dead and each of them had it's blood drained from it's body, and rumors have it that Alexander Black prince the second is.. a walking dead like his ancestors.. Well I said too much follow this journey to find out...mzBN

17 Chs

chapter 9

As I processed what it meant, the class was suddenly filled with students and as I looked my eyes collided with Sharlene's she smirked and whispered something to one of her friend's ear and they came to sit right Infront of me I took a breath.

As the lesson began I tried really hard not to kick the guy next to me in the shin I mean xander was the most irritating person to sit next to when you wanna concentrate, he kept kicking me or showing me some memes in his phone that got me almost smiling.

" hey why are you so serious I mean it's not even on the interesting part yet and the speech he is giving is more boring than my grandma's cat stories " he shrugged his head still on his arm looking down.

I didn't want to answer him I looked ahead and Sharlene passed a note to her friend she wasn't even trying to make it a secret " hey miss Sharlene what's that " she grinned at me " nothing Mr professor sir" she mocked and people giggled, the professor walked to her " take it and share it with us all the so important details you had to pass in my class " he said and Sharlene shrugged took the paper and unfolded it.

" Some people are just always trying to fit in places they can't imagine her father hit her in public and called her a whore which in my opinion it's true that's where she fits" she wanted to proceed when the professor stopped her " if that happens again in my class I'll kick you out" he said as he adjusted his glasses and walked back down.

My heart was beating I was deeply hurt everyone was looking at me as if I was some freak I wanted to go out when I felt Xander touch my knee and stop me. I wanted to yank myself but he was too Powerful. " don't give her the satisfaction don't go out she'll feel as if she won don't do it" he whispered almost mouthing

Surprisingly after he said that I batted my eyes to stop the tears and focused on taking notes,his words did things to me Sharlene turned around and I saw how upset she was by the fact that I wasn't fazed.

The bell rang and Sharlene turned around " so you've become a big girl now seems I have to change the plan now it's a warning stay away from Louis or this was just a trailer of what I'll do next sure you haven't forgotten me have you?" I was startled knowing fully this time the only one who took my side was now on her side.

" tsk, come on Sharlene isn't that a bit too low even for you, I mean if you're scaring her it maybe because you're afraid you'll lose to her I mean I would pick her if I were him she's way better than you so you should watch out on my opinion " he stood up and surprised me even more by taking me by my hand and walking away.

I thank Jesus Christ that he pulled his hoodie down cause I was gonna get another scandal, we went to the roof and sat there " you know you almost gave me a heart attack " he chuckled" why " he said his gaze lingering on the sky.

" I never expected you to help me" I said honestly" I wasn't helping you I'd be dead if I did that I mean I don't like like you and you're as annoying as fuck but I just have pure hate for her a feeling I rarely possess" he reasoned and for once I was glad he was with me,as tears trailed down my cheeks.

" use my shoulder to cry but don't drool on it or I'll have to burn it " I chuckled it's a surprise how life can make a turn of events in a matter of seconds. I better cherish this moment cause I know the second it's over I may hold a knife against his throat or he could do it,well he's the devil here

" I just hate the fact that he brought up my dad it's been hard to have him throughout my life and now this she really hurt me I can't pretend as if I wasn't hurt I kinda wish my mom was here life is so unfair you know "I was surprised by my opening up and vulnerability in front of Alexander fucking Black.

" My dad died in an accident when I was a few months old it was planned my mom took a half of all he owned which was a lot and she treated me like I..." he paused and looked up blinking, I knew it was hard for him to open up and as much as I hate it am always the one to provide comfort to others.

I moved closer to him I didn't know if patting his back would help or make him snap and that's the last thing I want now," you know I don't like you and the feeling is mutual maybe I could be your dirty little secret as in a keeper of it and you could be mine and this could be our secret hideout" I smiled when he yanked away and stood up I frowned, great.

" okay don't think so highly of yourself just because I told you that we ..."he scoffed" there's no we it's you and it's me no attachments I was just helping and I fucking hated it so just keep your safe distance from me am fire curls play away" okay I expected him to snap but not that hard, I watched him leave without a word from me.

I walked to lunch alone when I bumped to this nerdy girl she was so cute but hid behind giant glasses" hey am really sorry" I said as I picked her books she looked familiar as I gave a closer look but it just didn't click" it's okay am Lucy by the way you are?" she gave me her hand shyly and I took it the name,the voice even her Irish or Scottish accent whatever seemed too familiar.

" I am Heather, sorry do I know you by any chance" I decided to ask " no I don't think I've seen you before but you may know my brother Eric" she said looking ahead at a table where I saw Eric sitting with some popular guys I nodded makes sense" you guys look so similar" she smiled" of course he's my only brother more of a twin I never had he's two years older" I smiled I kinda wish we looked alike my siblings and I, "I think I like you can we have lunch together" she agreed.

" hey lulu the best sis in the whole world" Lucy rolled her eyes as Eric walked to our table" what do you want Eric" she asked and I turned to see him hold his chest dramatically" ouch don't I have any right to check on my sweet little sister and anyway why don't you introduce me to your new friend" he said I almost rolled my eyes he knows me what an actor but he looks kinda different.

Lucy rolled her eyes" she's Heather my.." I cut her off " friend am her friend" Lucy smiled " happy now" she asked fake smiling at him " yeah sure though I knew her before you" he grinned at me and this time I rolled my eyes" so what do you want" Lucy pressed" well you see next week is the costume party held by the head of designing department and I'd really like a good idea who's great at giving that if not my smart sister" he said giving her an innocent look.

" okay what do I have in for it" she asked" oh damn Lulu seriously okay I'll give you anything you want but not my Mr teddy" he pouted " am sorry as teddy a doll " I intervened, Lucy nodded at me firmly and took a deep breath" Eric we have a lot to catch up if am gonna be your sister's friend" I spoke and he laughed, that idiot" sure we do okay bye sis you're the best" he said as he took some of her fries and ran away" that punk" she breathed but a smile creeped her face.

We walked to class together" hey you look a bit off" I told her " I'm just scared for my brother the designing team leader is a devil and if she hates you it's said she can go to an extent of killing if she wants something so bad or hate you" I swallowed at her words a bit dramatic but scary.

I went to my class and I found it full already as I walked in people began gigging and pointing fingers then whispering I turned to see that they were watching something in their phones I ignored and at that instant in walked a pissed off Xander. And here we go,

" okay you guys whoever keeps being a fucking coward and keep posting these videos should stop if she's or he's really confident come out and let's see you plus from now on you hurt her anyhow and I mean anyhow you'll have to face me" he grabbed my wrist and took me out of the class.I almost stumbled on my feet I didn't expect this

He shoved me to the Janitor's closet and switched the light on" what are doing" I asked he showed me the video it was one which my dad was accused of killing my mom and he accepted the accusations and called my mom a whore and that she deserved it.

I began sobbing and he didn't say a word just stood there awkwardly,I walked closer " I have no idea what to do now really" he said as he tried to rub my tears " why are you helping me" I said before I could stop myself" because I have had worse experience with my parents and I can't watch anyone going through it without feeling remorse" I nodded as he awkwardly patted my shoulder and gave me a handkerchief then suddenly he wrapped his hand around me " I have no idea if this works" I returned the hug and a rush of comfort and happiness filled me how weird.

The door was suddenly kicked open" Heather why are you with him out of all the eight billion people on earth" it was Louis who appeared as I straightened myself" what's your problem Loui he's just being nice" he walked closer and made a pft sound" no people like him don't do good deeds unless they got something in return"he spoke and to my surprise Xander answered" you're right I always do but surprisingly this time I don't" he shrugged.

" Loui don't judge everyone okay, I know he's an asshole but his intentions are pure" I spoke and smiled at the cold human statue behind me" so you're on his side" I rolled my eyes" seriously Loui am not picking sides that's childish and low and you just can't make choices on my behalf you make yours and I make mine" he stormed out after giving me a you'll regret this look and sharing one of those boy hate looks with Xander, I knew somehow deep down none of this felt right.

At the end of the day it began raining,Xander drove me home " okay get your ass out before I push you off" he told me I rolled my eyes" you know life for me in the university will be even harder for me thanks to you" I spoke" my pleasure" he bowed " I hate you" I huffed" the feeling's mutual curls now get your ass off or you know I don't joke I'll kick you out" he spoke then ruffled my hair"hey am not your little sister" he chuckled" your hair is too soft it's weird" I smiled and ruffled his " same " I left after it.

Henry was running to me as soon as I walked inside and he fell and skinned his knee the blood was a lot" Henry" I ran to him lifted him and as soon as I touched to look at it,I felt weird and in a blink of an eye the wound was gone and I gasped.



