
Never No Money [DxD/Genshin/Honkai]

well...in terms of money, I have no money, funny considering my power is never no money. (cover image does not belong to me.)

Lucinziel66 · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Chapter 7

I never realized how many things you need to be a good swordsman. Its not just knowing how to swing a sword or even how strong and fast you are, there are many little things that are needed to learn, and those little things combine seamlessly to create something bigger.

Breathing, footwork, posture, experience, patience and mentality. All of them are important to being able to use a sword. Yet even if one were to learn all of them to the very maximum, one would still not be able to be considered the greatest.

To become a master of your chosen weapon, no number of physical activities will help. Even if you were to have thousands of years of experience or have the patience to stay in a single place for months, or even if you were to polish your basics such as breathing, footwork and posture to the peak, you will still be unable to become a master of the weapon. Thought if you were able to these, you would be very strong, though without "that" no one would consider you a master swordsman, at least that's what Jingliu told me.

To be a master requires a spiritual component, which there are many. You could become a master by communicating with your weapon or by understanding it. some become masters by enlightenment on it.

To be considered a master, there are many requirements, but one is to have your qi attuned with that of your weapon, for me it is the sword.

Qi, it is quite an interesting thing, it goes by many names, some call it lifeforce, others call it touki and others call it chi. Qi is lifeforce that Is present in all beings, anyone can unlock it by either training your body to the limits or by training your mind or spirits to the limit, which is by meditating.

As said before, qi is lifeforce that is refined by either the body, mind or spirit. Anyone if given enough time is able to do this, all one needs is the mentality and they can be able to create their qi.

Yet if simply using qi was the requirement, there would thousands of sword masters, no, what one needs is not the basic qi that one gains after training themselves, but one needs sword qi.

You may be wondering, what is the big deal?

Well, the big deal is, weapon qi such as sword qi, spear qi, knife qi, etc.… is not simply lifeforce refined by the body/mind/spirit. It is qi that is refined by the sword (or whatever weapons you use.) when qi is refined by the sword, it becomes sword qi.

Basic qi is neutral and has no special property other than being able to use it to enhance oneself, but sword qi, not only grants a greater degree of protection but it also grants the property of "sharp" to one's qi. Which increases the cutting power of the sword.

So how does one attain such a thing? According to master, there are many ways to attain such a thing.

one person meditated for 10 years alongside their sword.

One person keeps sending qi to the sword and then taking it back to themselves.

One kept fighting non-stop, never dropping their sword.

One kept being cut by sword qi until their own body was able to understand it.

One simply found enlightenment on it.

There are many paths that one could take, each different yet granting the same reward. Yet they also have many drawbacks.

The one who meditated for 10 years has a better understanding of the sword, but the one who kept fighting non-stop has the better skills.

Though the ultimate prize be sword qi, one could get different prizes depending on how they gain it.

Anyway, enough of about sword qi and that, I haven't even unlocked my qi, yet here I am thinking of sword qi.

Anyway, currently I am meditating, to be skilled one must not only train their physique by exerting, but also train their spirit by mediating and the mind by learning and understanding.

So therefore, my daily training regime is, 3 days physical training, 1-day magical training and 1 day pondering on what I learned by meditating.

Anyway, deep breaths.

I am me and myself is I.

I am me and myself is I.

I am me and myself is I.

I am me and myself is I.

Deep breathes. Breathe in, breathe out.

Breathe in, breathe out.

I started thinking back on myself and everything I learned with the help of Jingliu.

Swinging a sword until my arms start to burn, then once my arms burn, I need to swing it another 1000 times.

Dodge the icicles Jingliu conjures, many times I got frostbite. Thank big G or lucifer, or whoever it concerns, for frostbite being easily treatable and ignored due to the bullshit that is devil's physiology. Or is it due to me being technically an anime character? Whatever, not like it matters much in the grand scheme of things.

Then she brought out an enchanted ball machine, you know the ones that spit out tennis balls, except this one was enchanted, it made the balls that hit me electrocute me. now you're probably wondering, how is this any different from dodging ice? It differs from the goal of the training, you see, the goal of dodging the ice she threw out at me was to work on my footwork, speed and reaction time, but this, it was to work on my durability. Yes, that's right, I had to stand still and let the balls of death give me shock therapy.

I am sure that I saw the grim reaper standing next to me, ready to take my soul to heaven if I died.

Next was to build stamina, which was the most enjoyable exercise of them all, I only had to run until I was tired. And once I get tired, I need to run a dozen more laps.

There were other minor exercises that I do, like push-ups, sit-ups and squats. Though I only need to do 500 of them as warm up, it is quite enjoyable.

…did I just think doing 500 reps of sit-ups, squats and pushups were enjoyable?

Oh god-youch!! Fuck me in the ass you petty cunt- I have become what I dreaded the most!

…a masochist!!

Deep breaths, my apparent masochism is probably just a phase, just like max thundermans wannabe villain phase. It will go away.

Deep breaths. I am one with myself.

I looked inward, focusing all my attention to myself while forgetting about the outside world.

I felt my demonic power, it was heavy, like rock, or more like rocks. To my senses my demonic power felt like tiny rocks that were jam packed together in a humanoid container, me. though rocks may not be the most perfect term to describe it, rocks aren't able to be molded this easily.

All though I saw my demonic power, I did not interact with it. qi and demonic power while not opposites, still interfered slightly with each other.

According to master Jingliu, those with a lot of qi could stop the demonification brought by the evil pieces, thus making it difficult for them to become stray devils.

Anyway, forget that, while it is quite interesting to learn about the way that qi interacts, it is only a distraction in the end.

Focus, focus nothing but me. the only that exists here is me, myself and I. 

When there's a contract, nothing can be allowed to "slide." If the contract is not followed then it is broken. 

A warm feeling started enveloping me, like the embrace of a mother who was worried for her unruly son. The slight muscle pain that I had, the weakness I felt after a day of training, all of them were…lessened. My senses heightened, all my parameters heightened, from strength to durability to agility. My demonic power was restrained, like a germaphobe who was afraid of getting dirty.

"Good job, congratulations on unlocking your qi." I heard the voice of Jingliu in front of me, her voice was warm, a stark contrast to her icy nature that I now could sense due to my own qi.

I felt pride bloom in my heart, like I took the first of many steps in my journey.

"I have a gift for you on your achievement." She said, she placed her hand forward, clutching a brown book.

Seeing that she wanted me to take it, I took it.

On the cover, written by neat golden font was its name.

Earth, The source of all blessings.

"This manual holds a breathing and movement technique. Use it well, by the time I wake up, you would need to at least hold enough skill with it. got it?"

[are you going to sleep?] I wrote, I was worried. A cynical part of me whispered that this would be the last I would ever see of her.

"Yes. I have been delaying it to oversee your training, afterall the foundation is the most important thing. But now that you have unlocked your qi, I can leave you alone for a while." She informed me.

I didn't want her to go, these past months while filled with pain, were also my happiest moments I had.

"don't worry. Once I'm up, I'll take you to some place special." Jingliu seeing my expression, told me. it was like a bribe one would make to a child which I was not! But who am I to stop her.

[promise?] I wrote, it is always a good idea to ask for confirmation, maybe I should take the promise in writing and have it notarized. 

"I promi- you know what, here." she held her pinky.

[I am not a child!] I wrote. Even though I look and sometimes act like a child does not mean I am one.

"So, you don't want to?"

I huffed, but still locked my pinky with hers.

"Heh, see that wasn't that hard now was it." she bends down and gave me a peck on my forehead.

"Oh, by the way, ill left some money for you to buy. Also, you can stere here until I wake up."

Saying that she left. I watched her enter the house, and even after a few minutes I simply stared at it. my emotions were complicated.

Looking at the book in my hand, I opened it and started skimming through the two techniques in it.

The manual contains two techniques. A breathing and walking technique.

The breathing technique, breath of the earth, was divided into six parts or levels if you will. Rock, stone, jade, topaz, lazuli and chrysos. Each level needed different requirements to unlock it, while there were some secondary benefits each level grants, the main benefit is increase durability.

The walking technique, walk earth also was divided into, three parts. Nearest earth, reduced earth, furthest earth.

 Nearest Earth, reduces friction and gravitational pull from the earth, at the highest levels can even ignore both friction and gravitational pull from the earth.

Reduced earth is a technique to cut down distance between two points instantly. At the highest levels it is able leap through dimensions.

Furthest earth is the ultimate way of walking, which allows complete movement in all forms of space. There is no further talk about it, as If the one who wrote it hasn't completely mastered it.

The hell!? Why are they so cool! Reducing friction, leaping through dimensions and complete movement in all space! Did I just get an endgame level technique at the beginner town?

I can't wait to play around with this.


Breathing and Walking is a key concept in Martial Arts. Though mainly affecting one's physical fitness, it also plays a role in the strength of nature interference. The absorption of outer energy (breath of life) to connect your inner world to the outer world. The acts of inspiring, expiring and everything in between are part of a process that allows humans to rival the supernatural creatures who are naturally superior to them.

Although it is not valued by the Western part of the world, but among the teachings of the east, the techniques of breathing and walking are high-level secrets that can't just be imitated or easily learned. Therefore, Eastern Schools always search for at least one individual capable of mastering them in a generation.

Sometimes however, there are those who are simply born with the "proper way of breathing and walking".

As a result, their own body acts as one pure, natural Magical conduit. Those humans can reproduce greater feats than normal without even knowing anything about the supernatural. When found while still in their childhood, they are treated as holy children or prodigies and usually taken in by those who are part of the supernatural. Still, there are cases of those who grow up without learning about their true nature, which isn't rare, since those of the west do not know of it, they have no way to help them realize their full potential.

Even among the supernatural, only the Hindu and Taoist pantheons still widely follow the proper walking and breathing methods, alongside the advanced forms of qi. Though those of the Shinto pantheon only use basic qi, which they call touki and use nature qi which is called senjutsu. Though the last one is highly dangerous, due to the fact that nature qi is something that does not belong to them, so most of them it acts like a virus, corrupting all those who take it in.

The manual she gave was the one that belonged to her master, rex lapis. she took it after his disappearance, his breathing method was a high-level one, though his walking method was…well incomplete. Or at least if it was completed, he never wrote it down.

she would've given her own breathing method, moon phase, but it won't be as compatible as that one.

My soul twisted, and my core felt like breaking. The soul eroding poison of the white dragon started spreading, breaking through her weakened seal.

"Damn you Albion!" she cursed the white dragon of supremacy with all her heart, though it may have been the consequences of her arrogance, she still cursed him.

She should go kill another white dragon emperor to calm herself.

After all she has killed close to a dozen or so white dragon emperors. Her favorite moment to kill them was to wait until the white dragon emperor and the red dragon emperor would fight, and when white was starting to gain the upper hand in their millennia long dick measuring contest, the she would kill the white dragon emperor.

Maybe she should take lulu with her? it would be an excellent bonding experience for master and student to hunt down this generation's white dragon emperor.

Hmm, yes let's do that. We are going to go dragon hunting right after she wakes up.

She summoned a magic circle for communication.

"Miracle girl Levia-tan at your service! What's up Jingjing. Are you finally calling to accept the position of Satan?" the voice of the current Satan of foreign affairs came through the magic circle, her voice cheerful.

"Hell no, pun intended. did you find any reporting of the white dragon?" she asked, the position of Satan is not worth the hassle of keeping the idiots of her own idiotic race in check. If she were to become Satan, then the first thing she would do is to at least kill many of the devils, which would be bad considering the fact that it would weaken the devils already low population.

"Bah, your no fun, but no, whitey-chan hasn't appeared yet, maybe he got spooked after what you did with his last one." Serafall informed her.

"No, if the pride of a dragon would be so easy to break, there would be no way they would be one of the apex species of the planet. The Apex species considering ophis and great red." Also, rex lapis, though he is not a pure dragon, he could transform into one.

"You are the expert, so I'll listen to you. Anyway, is that the only reason you called?" she probed, Jingliu felt slightly guilty for not calling, although in her defense she did start training the reincarnation of her teacher, so she could be pardoned.

"I want an evil piece set."

"oh that can be arranged-"

"Custom made. not for me. mixed with cor lapis." Cor lapis, a highly rare material that is almost no where to be found. It is also highly valuable for both its beauty and its usefulness in creating weapons. Cor lapis is also the material used to forge the summit shaper, a powerful weapon that belonged to her master.

"You know we can't exactly give custom made pieces right?" Serafall informed.

"Tell broccoli head that I will freeze his lab. That would give him enough incentive to work." she meant it as a joke, for the most part.

"You know…he could also deal with the poison if you let him."

"No thanks, if I cannot handle the consequences of my own arrogance, I don't think I can face my master again." Yes, it hurts so much that sometimes she just wants to kill herself, but If she were to do that, she would be running away from her consequences, which would make her a coward. And that is something she will never be.

"Whatever you say Jingjing, whatever you say. Anyway, is that all?"

"Hmm, could you get something for me?"

"What?" Serafall asked suspiciously. 

Jingliu told her.

"WHAT!!?? You're crazy!"

"A little. So, you in or you out?"

"Damn it, I'll have to do it personally. And no way I'm doing this for free."

"What do you need?"

"I want an Morax contract."

"ask Ningguang-"

"One made from the original. You should have a few right? considering that you were one of the three disciples of rex lapis."

"You're asking for a lot."

"So are you."

"Fine, but only one. I don't have many left."

"Thanks. Also don't go to Japan."


"5 devils dead, 17 injured. By lightning."


"that's what I thought but no. there's a new player and they do not like devils. Speaking of that, don't kidnap people in Germany, unless you are an exhibitionist."

"Now what."

"a dumbass tried to force a nun to join his peerage, he was stripped naked, robbed and a bunch of dicks were drawn on him."

"that doesn't seem so bad-"

"it's on the devil net."

"Huh who could do…them." she whispered in realization.


"Nothing I'll talk to you later." She dismissed the magic circle. And sat down on her bed, her pain momentarily forgotten.

Only two people came into mind, which normally wouldn't happen, but with the reappearance of her own master, it is not impossible for the others to appear.

Though she really wishes that the person who did that in Germany was not him. and if it is, lets hope he won't do anything stupid.

-The end. 

A little information about qi and weapon qi. I expanded it, making qi become much more apparent. 

Walking and breathing were inspired by TYPE-moon. while the movement techniques were inspired by Okita souji from fgo. 

Anyway, this was a pretty fun chapter, especially the first part. I liked writing about qi and all that, though this was the basics. 

I don't have much to say, but anyway read, comment and like/favorite this.

Your criticism is very much appreciated.

You can also read chapters in advance on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m./ Lucinziel.