
~Chapter 6~

Chapter 6

Cleo's PoV

My body feels heavy. I tried to open my eyes multiple times and was met by failure. This past few days. Some people kept on visiting me. I know one of them is my son. He told me that he visits at one pm, where the sun is high up in the sky. He also said that he made some friends. During the evenings, a man usually goes to my room. He tells me strories about beautiful places and suggests that my son and I should go there and have fun. On some occasion, he would tell me how my son is good at studying and playing different games and sports.

For a moment I flicker my eyes open. I thought it was a dream. Though my room is quite dark, I can tell that it has high ceiling painted in white. Looking to my side, I saw panel lights attached on the wall. Its pretty. Its my first time seeing a room with lights on. Next thing I do was lift my right hand and pinch my cheeks, just to be sure that I'm not hallucinating.

Unexpetedly, someone entered my room and was surprise that the tray he or she was holding fell on the floor. The person called on the doctor immediately. After a few minutes, a doctor entered my room and turn on the ceiling lights.

She examine me and heave a sigh of relief.

"Thank God! You finally woke up." Closing her eyes, while pounding her chest.

"Thank you!" I faintly smiled at her.

"Ah! I should tell your son that you're awake." She said and looks for her phone.

I stop her, and point outside the window. Its still night, so let my son rest. Is what I want to tell her, but I'm tired talking since my throat feels dry.

"How 'bout you try to eat some food?" She changes the topic.

Actually, I'm really hungry and thirsty. Good thing she brought the topic up. She quickly head outside and order some people to cook light food and that I also need digestive medication and some electrolytes. After an hour, her people brought food. They brought lots and different kind of dishes.

"You have to eat all of this, for you to recuperate." She lectured and pointed on the dishes I have to eat first.

I remove my oxygen mask and try to reason out with her, "I don't think I can all of these. I just woke up and before I got here, my son and I live in the dungeon." My voice crack due to the dryness of my throat. A nurse handed me a water and took a sip. I feel refresh. I can't even remember when was the last time I drink a clean water.

"It seems that you can eat the food without issue. You've drank the water in one go."

Taken aback by her sarcastic remarked. I try to defend myself and say, "It was just a sip."

"Okay, my nurses and I will pretend we didn't see how thirsty you are." She hummed cheerfully. "Now eat, before it gets cold."

She tied my hair in a messy bun, so it won't go against my mouth or food. While I waz earing she introduce herself and told me about what happened to me. Before she ended her shift, I made a request to her, "If possible, can I see my son early in the morning?"

"Well of course. I'll call the family who's taking care of him."

We said our goodbyes and she parted.


The sun slowly peek out the black sky, revealing its glorious lights. It truly is morning. I saw the sun rise for the first time in a long while. The hospital's hallway are bustling with different voices, greeting one another each time they pass by each other. They're probably doctors, nurses, housekeepers, guards or patients who knows one another.

I'm getting antsy, waiting for my son to arrive. Doctor Leonor told me that I've been in coma for a week and that the Gamma family of this pack has been taking care of my child. I have to convey my gratefulness to them.

I stare blankly outside the window and feel the morning breeze. This is still unbelievable, so I tried to pinch myself, yet again. A small palm catch my hand, stopping me fron pinching my right arm.

"Mom!" My son squealed, hugging me so tight. "I miss you Mom".

Looking at my son, I observe every little details about him. Its probably the second time I saw his face. The first was when I gave birth to him. While we're living in the dungeon, all we see is darkness and I didn't have a chance to see him growing up. From time to time, Jim would get him from me when Kirael was still a baby. Since babies needed to be examine ever now and then. They also need sunlight to strengthen their body.

"Doctor Leonor told us that you've waken up." A man standing behind Kirael said.

"Oopss, we haven't introduce ourselves. This is my husband and the Gamma of the pack, Carlo Russo. I'm Julia and these are my kids, Dale and Dylan." The all smiled at me.

Julia told me stories about my son. About what Kirael was doing when I was in a coma. She even told me that the Alpha King is the one who get me out of the dungeon. Fulfilling his promise to my son that he would rescue me if my son answered some of his questions.

As we were busy talking, someone slid the door of my room. A man with a shiny black hair entered. Looking at his eyes, I knew that he is the Alpha King. Though he doesn't seem to be, since he's wearing a board shorts and ragged shirt. From what I've heard the Alpha King values his appearance, because he usually deals with the public and wants to earn their respect.

"You're here Sir!" Kirael pulled off from me. "Come here, I'll introduce you to my Mom." Holding the Alpha's hand.

"Hon, I think we should go now." Julia suggested to his husband.

"Okay, kids say bye to Kirael and his Mom"

"Bye!" Waving their hands as they exit the room.

For some unknown reason, I feel uncomfortable. The way he looks at me is so awkward.

"Sir are you alright?" My son asked him.

"Yeah, I was just thinking of work."

He's probably tired, due to lack of sleep and he's given me some of his blood too. According to Doctor Leonor.

"Mom, he's the man that saved us. He's the Alpha King. I told you he's a good guy!" Kirael said, full of energy.

I removed my oxygen mask and thanked the Alpha King. Bowing my head in gratitude of saving us. He awkwardly stood up from his seat, causing the chair to stumble.

"Please don't do that. You're sick and formality is not observe in the hospital." He said while assisting me.

"Is that so?"

"I think we haven't properly introduced ourselves to each other. My name is Cassius Darakin, I am the Alpha of Black Moon Pack and King of wolves."

"My name is Cleo Theron"

"Theron?" The Alpha must be shock hearing that I'm a Theron.

"Its my Mother who is a Theron. My Father is Greyson Barlowe and my brother is Mikira Barlowe. You probably met my brother at the academy." I explained to him. He managed to sit down knowing that it'll be a long story.