
~Chapter 14~

Cleo's PoV

Theron are the only bloodline that contains pure souls. Thus our bloodline became even more prone to danger. Many wants us, and so some species tried experementing on us in Ancient times. They're the ones who seeks power and people who wants surpass limits. Simply put, they're all greedy.

Our bloodline, then created a pack. Which is Eclipse Pack. Later on, some wolves who can control elements and has an affinity to mana, joined the Eclipse pack. We all secluded ourselves from the society. The sole reason is to protect ourselves.

My ancestors also created an ancient language, which can only be taught within our pack. My mother taught me this language from when I was young, she honed me to be an Alpha someday for the re-establishment of Eclipse pack. We call this ancient language, Sangre.

To open up the letter, I needed the white witch and Helio. Though it appears to be a blank paper, it is sealed by the four elements. Only then I can draw my blood to decrypt what was witten on it.

It took us almost an hour to unseal the letter and another two hours to decrypt what was written on it. There are a lot of things that was written on the letter. But to summarize it, the Eclipse pack had already noticed the appearance of newly created Rogues. They even told us that they've been watching us and it would be best if me and my son go back to the Eclipse pack.

If they have been watching over us, why didn't they rescue us? All those years felt like hell. Why would I trust them, when all they did was watch our sufferings. Even if I'm a Theron, I won't take the risk. I'm not even sure if they could be trusted.

On the letter, there was also a part that some covens became allies and moving suspiciously. The current Guradian of Eclipse Pack, deemed the covens to be connected to the Rogues.

Just reading the contents of the letter, makes it more suspicious. They told me that if I inherit the Alpha title, I would become more powerful. It is true that the Alpha title grants more power. And if I do not want to inherit the title, I should appoint someone within the pack.

"What is the matter child?" Helio asked me.

"Eclipse Pack is asking me whether or not, should I inherit the title " I deadpanned.

"That would be great! I'm sure they wanted you to be their Alpha, since you're a Theron." Elle the White witch exclaimed.

I looked at Elle and said. "Even if they're the pack that my Grandmother left behind. Only Theron knows that inheriting the title would grant you more powers or should I say blessings from the gods. Just like how the Alpha King is blessed by the sun god. On the other hand, appointing someone would mean, I am passing the Grey wolf spirit to them."

Both of them became quite, seemingly thinking on what I've informed them.

"So, what are you planning child of Theron?" Helio asked again.

"I don't know, but can I ask a favor to you...Elders?"

They both nodded at me and assured me that I can ask for any kind of favor I want. I asked them if they can take Kirael to their realm. The heavens of clouds were the realm of the lesser gods. Thankfully, they also agreed. The only thing left is to let Kirael know that he will be take to the other realm. I only hope that I can convinced him.

After transcribing the letter, we've also talked about not letting all the other packs know the whole contents of the letters and that only the Elders and the Alpha king would know the whole content.

Going back to the assembly, we've only announced that some rogues were spotted by the Eclipse Pack and that I will be thinking whether I inherit the title or not.

I feel so exhausted, just by thinking of the what if's. Given the situation that there's only few to trust and the remaining people could turn into enemies.

"What are you doing here all alone?"

I look behind me and saw the Alpha King.

"I'm thinking." I said in a cold tone.

"I heard from Elder Elle that you'll be sending Kirael over there." He said and pointed at the sky above.

"Yeah, its for the best."

"You know that I can protect him." The Alpha King confidently told me.

"I know, but still, it would be best if he doesn't stay here." I heavily sighed.

I stood up from my sit and told him one last thing. "I will resign from my post and I would like to leave the pack Alpha King."

"What?!" He stated menacingly and grabbed my arm before I could leave.

"Just because." I answered him.

He gripped on tightly at my arm, not wanting me to leave.

"I am still your Alpha, so I deserve a proper explanation." The Alpha King retorted.

"I don't think you understand my situation Alpha King." I told him and removed his hand that is gripping on me. "I am leaving because I have a pack to go back to." I trailed of.

After that I left him dazed and alone. Seriously, I don't want to argue. I feel drained from the issue at hand.

I decided to walk home to clear my mind, rather than riding a grab or uber. I texted Julia that I'll be picking up Kirael tomorrow at their house.

Walking for about 30 minutes, my mind feel at ease. I'm now at home, I can finally rest. However, someone uninvited came at my house.

"How come you're here Alpha King?" I asked annoyed.

"We have to talk." He plainly said.

"Hmmm...it can wait tomorrow." I responded, and walk towards the stairs. Unfortunately, he blocked me off.

I turn around and sit on the sofa instead and said. "Alright, please enlighten me Alpha King. I'm all ears."

"You're being sarcastic right now." He pinpoint.

"You're being rude for not letting me have some rest." I riposted. "So, what is it that we have to talk about?" I continued by asking him.

"About us..." The Alpha King mumbled.

I laugh scornfully at what I've heard and said. "Seriously? You know that I respect you Alpha King. But I believe we already drew a line on this matter."

"What do you mean drew the line between us?! No! I didn't do that." He responded defensively.

"Alright, I guess that's it Alpha King. Since I've heard your side. Will you please allow me to rest?" I bowed in respect and headed to the stairs.

But then, The Alpha King yanked my arm, causing me to slip on the stairs. Luckily, he catch me before I could even fall on the floor. Hugging me tightly and inhaling my scent. All I can hear was his heart, beating like crazy and his ragged breathing. Then he slowly pull apart and looked at my face closely. His face steadily move closer to mine, then he lick his lips. But before he could even kiss me, I placed my right palm in front of his face.

"Please get out Alpha King." I warned him.

"I apologize my Queen." He sweetly said and kissed my palm instead.

He quitely walk away and went on his way. I don't understand him at all.


Once morning came, I immediately prepared myself to pick up my son at Julia's house.

"Oh you're here Cleo." Julia said.

"Yeah, is Kirael still asleep?" I timidly asked.

"Ah nope, the Alpha King picked him up." Julia responded hesitantly.

"The Alpha King?" I asked surprise.

"Yes, he told me that you've requested for him to pick up Kirael."

What a blatant lie?! To think that he would pick up Kirael in my stead. I don't care about his intentions or plans. What he should know is that, he's not allowed to touch my son or decide for my son.

"Do you perhaps know where they went?" I smiled at Julia.

"They went to his house." Julia answered and I wave good-bye.

I instantly head out to get my son. Involving my son to the Alpha King would only make matters worst. If Kirael get attached to him, he might not want to go with Elle and Helio and if he stays here with the Alpha King, he'll be in danger.