
Chapter 659

When Cedric and his group got back to the hotel, they immediately headed up to the presidential suite where their wives and girlfriends were waiting.

"Katerina, this is so unfair, my brother let you go with them while I had to wait here anxiously for you guys to get back." Nicole cried as she hugged her friend.

"Calm down, Nicole." Katerina groaned. "I stayed in the car. Eric didn't want me getting into trouble or blowing their cover. In all honesty there was a higher chance of someone recognizing him than me." 

"So did you get to talk to him?" Nicole asked as she looked at her brothers and boyfriend with a serious expression.

"No." Miguel said with a sigh as they walked into the room and found their own spots to relax. 

"He didn't show up." Cedric said as he placed the coffee and pastries he had bought on the table. "I have food for you guys." He said with a smile.