
Trouble Always Follows Stupidity

Vain looked at the pulsating fruit that dripped juice that looked just like blood. He didn't even remember what he did to obtain the fruit as it all passed in a flash. "What the F*ck!"

Normally Vain knew he had to calculate how to fight against the enemies he sees, but this was the first time he had simply gone directly at the entity and simply won without any fighting. Vain stood there frozen in place staring at the fruit for a full eight minutes without moving until Abigale forcefully woke him up from his stupor.

"Hey, are you okay? Did one of the plants temporarily paralyze you? Those toxins can't do much so you don't have to worry about this stiffness in about half an hour."

"No no... Abigale, what just happened?"

"What do you mean? You went there and got the fruit. Is there anything else you need to know? Also if you aren't paralyzed by the Weeds, why did you just stand there without moving for the past ten minutes?"