
Alive or Dead

The cave collapsed in front of Vain making several pieces of the ceiling fall everywhere!

Pushing back the Camo Crawlers, Vain tried to run to the tunnel that wasn't in the way of the entities, but the collapse made sure to do its' best to stop Vain! Several large rocks kept falling around and on Vain leaving him battered and bloody.

With nothing but pure luck, Vain made it to the tunnel that, unlike the room, wasn't collapsing in the slightest. In the few seconds that it took for Vain to make it to the tunnel, the entire room had collapsed entirely. From the rubble, Vain could even hear a desperate screech that was slowly getting quieter. 

Vain felt like he had broken a bone or two, so as he listened to the rumbling quickly becoming distant, Vain took a break right then and there. 

Having bruises all around his body, Vain checked further up the tunnel in case of nearby entities before wrapping himself up in bandages and taking painkillers to sleep.