
Never ending love of my bully girlfriend

Mommyreader · 若者
1 Chs

Never ending love of my bully girlfriend


Livvy is the daughter of the lapileon family, one of the richest, she is a transfer student at Crossmin University where there is a lot of violence. Her family put her here because of her behavior and the violence she committed at her previous school. She became famous for bullying since she transferred there, that's where she met Myles Cervantes. Myles, who is always quiet and always bullied by others, got Livvy's attention, but because Livvy doesn't know how to express her feelings, she went through the bullying. Since then no one bullies myles except livvy and myles likes that. And this is where their complicated love story began.


Yesterday livvy asked him to give her lunch money but today he forgot to bring it, because of that livvy got mad at him.

"I-I'm sorry!- I f-forgot to bri-bring the l-lunch money today.. Please D-don't hurt me!.." `shivers

She lean close to him and whisper.

"do you know what i do to people who forgets waht they should do..."

"No...what d-does y-you do...?" `looks terrified.

"i'll make them disappear, as if the world don't even know they existed, i will erase them in this fucking world, i will make them suffer until they beg me to stop" `smiling at you devilishly.

"W-What?? No! You can't!! I don't want that!!! P-Please don't kill me!" `cries

she then grab myles hand, and walk through stairs, and finally both of them are in the rooftop she corner him behind the door, then she lift his chin.

"Then tell me... did you forget it or you did it on purpose?"

"It was on p-purpose.. I knew y-you would b-be angry.. so I wanted t-to avoid y-you getting mad.."

"you did it on purpose...then why are you scared when you know the consequences of your action" `she wrapped her hand on his waist so that he can't get away from her.

"B-Because.. I'm afraid of what you might do.." `he shudders.

"oh... Really? Then maybe you are prepared to receive your punishment from me" `she smile brightly and she look deep into his eyes as if she will devour him.

"Y-Yes.. s-so punish m-me.." `his voice trembled slightly.

she pushed him down to the floor, and she sit on top of him.

"But before that im going to play with you, since you are my plaything... Right? My adorable myles" `she chuckle.

"P-Play with m-me? What does th-that mean?" `he looked up at her nervously.

"dont worry my myles it wont hurt but if i became rough then it will really hurt" `she laugh loudly, she then unbottom his t-shirt, and kiss him, until his saliva drip that he almost can't breath from the kiss.

she then take off his pants and she gentle touch every part of his body that are sensitive. "do you like it?"

"I-I d-don't know.." `he says quietly, he is still a bit nervous about everything that has happened today.

She came closely to him, kiss his neck then a sudden bite in the neck that leave a mark.

He gasps and flinches a little. His face turns red. "A-Ahhh! Y-Your biting hurts!!"

"thats hurts.. Right? Well you should receive your punishment but look, instead whipping you im am pleasuring you" `she unbottom her t-shirt, she also take of her skirt, the only myles can see is her underwear and bra.

His eyes widen in shock and surprise. His breathing quickens. "W-What?! You want to do this??"

she come closely to you, and whisper.

"maybe, because from the very beggining, ever since the first encounter, i already have my eyes on you, i wanna taste you so much" her lower body is hitting his sensive thing down there, her face is aroused.

He blushed even more. This was his first time hearing something like this. He didn't expect someone to be attracted to him, let alone confessing their feelings for him. "b-but what if your boyfriend found out what we are doing? "

"i dont have a boyfriend silly, the one your talking about is my step brother, not many people know that, thats why they think we are in a relationship.. Why? Are you jealous?" `chuckle.

He chuckled as well. He wasn't too sure how to respond. It was quite unexpected. He never thought anyone would be interested in him. And here he was getting kissed by a girl who bully her because she has a crush on him. He couldn't believe it. All of this happening in just one day.

"what about you? Who is that sport girl with you, when you eat at lunch?" pouting

He chuckles again. She had asked him that question earlier. He never really knew how to answer it. There were a few girls he liked, but none of them were athletic enough to join the school track team. So he usually ate lunch alone or with another nerd. Thats why he rarely talked to other.

"So you dont have any girlfriend or a secret relationship?" `shes staring at him with a red cheek.

He sighed. He didn't have a girlfriend either. But he did have a secret relationship. One with himself. A very weird one. He often fantasized about being with someone else while masturbating. He never told anyone though.

"I don't have a girlfriend." `he said softly. His heart rate quickened.

"So, You really dont have a girlfriend... Well i expected that since your nerdy" she then stood up and put her clothes on, even the two them didn't do it yet.

He nodded. His mind went blank for a moment after she said that. Did she mean that he was nerdy? What does that even mean? Was he actually nerdy? Or was he just acting like a geek because he wanted attention from women? He didn't know.

"do you know whats your punishment? `she smile brightly.

He gulped nervously. This seemed so sudden. Was she going to make fun of him now? He didn't want that. He felt his face turning red. He looked down shyly.

she lean close at him and then shake his shoulder a little "hey! Say something... Why are you being silent?"

His eyes widened. He quickly turned around and faced her. He tried not to look nervous. He took a deep breath and spoke softly. "I-i don't think I should say anything right now…"

"Dont you want to know your punishment?, im shock right now i didnt know this will be your reaction" she then giggles.

He blushed more. It wasn't that he didn't want to know what his punishment would be. He just didn't expect her to react this way. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He slowly shook his head no. "No…no I dont.

"why? Why dont you want to know?"

He swallowed hard as she sat on his lap. She stared into his eyes. He could tell she was trying to figure out why he didn't want to know. He squirmed uncomfortably under her weight. Her body heat radiated against his skin. "Because…because I might get upset

"upset? You might get upset? Then be upset, and you already receive your punishment..."

She was staring directly at him with those piercing red eyes. He had never been in such a situation before. He couldn't stop himself from feeling intimidated by her stare. And her large breasts were pressing against his own small frame. "What is my punishment?"

"are you not confused or suspicious about everything that i did to you?, i took off my clothes and flirt with you... Thats my punishment i made you hard down there" she pointed her finger down at his lower body as she chuckle.

He gulped loudly. His mind raced as he thought of all the things she said. Everything seemed so real. His heart started racing again. He couldn't believe it. All these thoughts running through his head. He suddenly realized how much he liked her. "So…you mean..this is our punishment

"yes, this is your punishment, everytime you do something that will make me upset i will devour you, rwmember that... " she then grab his collar t-shirt and kiss him passionately.

Myles was shocked by her sudden action. He froze up for a moment. His brain tried to process what happened. But nothing came to mind. All he knew was that he wanted to continue kissing her back. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back even harder than before.

she then stop from kissing myles and blink for a moment "myles, did you kiss anyone before?"

His face turned red again. He wasn't sure if she meant anyone else or just another girl. Maybe she was asking because he kissed her back so fast? Was she jealous? Or maybe she was curious? He decided to answer truthfully. "No…I haven't. Not since

"really? But why are you good at kissing then?" pouting

He felt embarrassed again. She asked him a question like that. Why would she ask him that? Did she really care? Did she want to know more about him? He didn't know. So he answered honestly. "I don't know. I guess it's just natural

"natural... If i found you kissing a girl other than me, i will surely kill you myles"

His eyes widened in shock once again. What did she say? Kill him? This could be bad. This could be very bad. His heart beat faster. It was beating out of his chest now. He looked at her and saw fear in her eyes. Her voice sounded angry now too.

She was serious. He could tell. Her eyes were deadly serious. They were cold and dark. He quickly got scared again. This woman scares him. He doesn't understand why though. "What did i do wrong?" He still can't figure out why she's so angry with him.

"if you cheat on me i will surely wont let you live myles" she said it in a serious tone.

He looked confused as he stood up too. What the hell did she mean by being broken hearted? And why does she not want to be broken hearted? Is this some sort of joke? A prank?" He looked at her while standing up. He was very confused now.

But he thought about what she said. It made sense. He had never cheated on her before. Hadn't even thought about cheating on her. How could he have been thinking of doing such thing? He thought for a minute. Then he spoke. "i promise you, i won't

"what?, dont look at me that way! Its embarrassing that i said that" `she cover her face by her bare hand.

He watched her put her hands over her face. His eyes widened when he saw her do that. He couldn't believe his ears. She actually covered her face from embarrassment. That was something new. He stared at her for a moment. He finally spoke after a few seconds. "why are you... "

"shit! I fucking embarrass myself, by saying that i like him... Gosh" muttering.

He chuckled a little bit. He was starting to feel better now. At least she wasn't mad anymore. Maybe she was joking around or teasing him. Or maybe she was just having fun. He hoped that it was the later.

"did you just chuckle?!, you find it funny that i like you! You idiot, yeah i like you so what you nerdy! I dont even know why my feelings are like that" she about to cry, she then cover her face of her hand.

He laughed again. Now he was really laughing. Not only laughing but also smiling. He knew that she probably didn't mean anything bad by what she said. He felt relieved. But he was curious. Why did she say those things to him? Was she just messing around? Or was she being serious

"y-you... Your laughing again" `cries

He stopped laughing and realized that he had made her sad. He quickly ran to her side and hugged her tightly. He held onto her tight with all his might. He wanted to make sure that she wouldnt fall down. This girl needed someone right now. "sorry, im sorry, please forgive me.

`Shes hitting his shoulder. "you should'nt laugh at someone who confess there feeling, idiot" `wiping her tears.

His face turned red once more as he hit by her. It hurt a lot. He tried not to cry anymore. If he cried now he would be pathetic. He would never live this down if he cried in front of her. "i…I am sorry.

"i-if you dont like me because i keep bullying then dont like me back, im not forcing you to like me.. Idiot" she then turn around leaving him behind.

Myles was left standing alone. He started to walk away from her. His legs were shaking. He was scared of what she would do next. She could have killed him if she wanted too. He had no idea how to deal with this situation. All he knew was that he loved her.

he watched as she walked away. He was confused. Did she hate him or something? He was confused. Maybe she just liked him but was afraid to admit it. The thought crossed his mind. What if she actually likes me?

but then again the two meet by chance in the classroom since them of you are classmate, she still avoiding you by looking at whats written in the book.

He sat down next to her and looked over at the book. There was alot of words in it. Some he didnt understand. But he figured out one word. A sentence. And it said "Love". Thats what it meant. Love. He finally understood what love was. And he felt it.

she blushed redly when he sat down next to her, but she still not looking at him because she is shy.

He smiled at her. This made her look up at him. Her eyes widened slightly. He smiled wider. Then he leaned closer to her ear and whispered "i love you"

She turned bright red. She did not expect that. Not only did he say he loves her, he said it in her ear! She jumped a little bit and laughed nervously. Then sat down again next to him.

"stop it your making my heart beat fast" `muttering.

He laughed softly. He took her hand into his own. He squeezed it gently. "why did you stop looking at me? I know we havent talked much yet but I think we will get along well. I mean I already told you I love you. So why did you ignore me all these past weeks? "

she grab his hand and went to nurse office room, push him to bed, and she is in the top of him "Are you having fun? Teasing me like that...." her cheek turns red.

"Yes! Yes I am having fun teasing you! It feels good to tease someone who loves me back!" He smiles brightly. His face flushed bright red from embarrassment. His cheeks turn pink.

"she then moves her hands and wrapped it at you Thigh, she smile devilishly* "should i punish you my love?"

His blush deepened even more. He closed his eyes tightly. He could feel her breath on his neck. He shivered with excitement. She licked his ear. He couldnt help himself. He let out a soft moan. His hips moved slowly against hers. He wanted this girl.

"my love, dont moan loudly or they might hear us, i didnt even started yet, yet you already hard from me touching your thigh" chuckle

He nodded his head slowly. He had no idea how loud he moaned. The thought of being caught turned him on. He couldnt control himself anymore. He moaned again louder than before. He was panting heavily now.

smirk "do you want to be on top or i'll just stay here" she whisper at him

He looked down at her. He blushed deeply. He shook his head quickly. He felt so embarrassed. He didn't expect her to ask such questions. He looked away from her for a moment. He spoke quietly. "I... I don't mind either way..."