
Never Accept Regressions from Strangers...

After surviving a system apocalypse and 7 conquests of Earth, Aidan Wallace got himself captured by one of the task forces of Astralis, one of the biggest empires in the universe. Having lost most of the people he loved through the decades of fighting, Aidan was at the end of his rope, Even after surviving, even after Getting a Rare class, Even after being at the highest level on earth he couldn't do anything. But on a whim of fate, he found himself with a strange hermit as his prison cellmate...and he got a proposition he couldn't turn down, to be regressed into his youth and prepare for the end. It couldn't go wrong...Right?

SethRX · 都市
4 Chs


Aidan was sitting on the big office chair while the secretary had a mental breakdown on the floor, he didn't make the best first impression when he turned their old boss to shreds, he let out a heavy sigh while waiting for the woman to compose herself.

"I already told you...I won't eat you alive" Aidan said in a monotone, he had already explained that he only killed Mr. Young because he attacked him, after the 4th time telling her this the woman stood up, a little more composed than before, she fixed her clothes and looked at Aidan " Okay... I'm better now, I'm sorry"

"Don't be, I don't blame you" He said as he gave her a bottle of water from a minibar that was behind the desk, "And don't worry, I won't go out eating and ripping people apart, I may look like a monster sometimes but I aint one" 

"Then if you are going to be the new boss... My name is Clara, I worked for Mr. Young for 5 years so I know a lot about this 'business' " Clara suddenly became professional as she explained her important position in organizing the Bleeding Moon gang, expressing the difficult times ahead thanks to the change in command.

"Oh don't worry about all that stuff, in a couple of days it will be worthless anyway," Aidan said in a carefree tone as he leaned back on the comfortable seat leaving Clara speechless.

"Oh and how would you know that? what do you know about managing a Gang this big? you are only 22 years old!" Clara was taken aback at the young man's behavior, taking over a gang that controlled one-third of the city's underground wasn't child's play.

Aidan couldn't help but smirk at the exasperated woman, he stood up and walked through the passway into the main hall "Be patient Clara, you won't regret it"

Opening the heavy-looking door he took a glance at the main hall of the hideout, not being surprised that most of the thugs that were hanging in there before were now gone leaving less than half the members waiting for orders, the bodies of their former boss had already been cleaned from the stone floor leaving only some traces of blood.

"Alright seems that some of you have the guts to stay here after watching the show from before," He said as he walked towards the bar corner, "Now hear me out, in a couple of days you will experiment with changes, the world order as it is will shatter and your life may be in worse dangers than being a thug in a faction war beneath the city."

Morphing his arms into the metallic claws again he said "This will be normal in comparison to what you are gonna see if you need more proof..." he pointed to one woman who stood in the front row of the crowd "Shoot me" the woman was taken aback but seeing the serious gaze of her new boss she pointed at him, then she took her shot.


The whole crowd went speechless as they saw how Aidan moved his claw to take the bullet and caught it, and then he dropped the bullet onto the floor without any injury. "Trust me and you will be safe when the world goes wild"

"From now on.....Remember that Liam Black is the new boss of the Bleeding Moon gang" he realized he couldn't use his real identity since there was another him in this new timeline, and if he could do something to prevent his other self from living through the same hell he did, he would do it no matter the cost.


Aidan, now Liam Black walked out of the gang hideout alone after he exchanged contact info with Clara, it was already the evening, and he remembered this was around the time he would be out of class so he went straight to campus.

He went to their usual spot just outside the labs and... there they were, sitting on a bench under a tall tree he saw himself sitting on the table talking with a group of 5 people. Looking at them from afar gave him a feeling of nostalgia, of simpler times before he had to fight to stay alive, before the feeling of powerlessness that took root deep inside of him for a long time.

He got a little closer and sat down on a bench nearby but out of their sight, he took another look and saw them for the first time in more than 100 years.

First, there were his friends, Tommy and Jacob. He had known them since high school and they had been close ever since. Tommy was 1.9 meters tall with a bulky complexion and short black hair. He was part of the football team and always had his back. During the first invasion, he had stayed behind to cover their group's escape and was never seen again.

Jacob was the brains of the group. He aced every subject effortlessly. He was also a huge TTRPG nerd. When he got his own class, we didn't see him for 2 days straight as he was theory crafting how to min-max himself. Images of him being experimented on by members of the Astralis Empire and disposed of as a failed test flashed through his mind.

Liam was now in a somber mood. He stole one last glance at the other people in the group - 3 girls who had been his friends since he could remember: Evelyn, Luna, and Mia. He turned his head away before the bad memories started to surface.

As he was lost in thought he heard a loud voice speak to him

"Hey, Bonehead there you are!"