
Secret Master

As his words hung in the air, the atmosphere in the room shifted to a serious tone. The topic was very sensitive, and the mere mention of the history of that bloodline was enough to instill fear in everyone present, except for Zhang. 

It was a bloodline that had once conquered Asia during ancient times, killing so many that an entire era was wiped out in history. 

"That's impossible. Zero has been imprisoned by us for decades, and it's been proven that females from that bloodline could not bear a child. We have no records indicating that he had a son with another woman, " One of the members protested. They had in-depth knowledge about this bloodline.

Even though it was a powerful bloodline, only the males had the ability to reproduce, and their chances were almost non-existent. This limitation had gradually weakened the bloodline over time. If not for this constraint, they might have already conquered the whole world.