
Just a Truck?

"AHHHHH! Stop!Stop!Stop! following me !" Min Ji, the pink-haired girl, screamed and bolted away from the group after they were suddenly attacked by a bunch of scarecrows. 

As the girl with the blue hair continued her frantic escape, I followed closely behind her. She had no idea what she was running into. The dim light from her flashlight cast eerie shadows, making the forest appear even more sinister.

Every so often, I sent more scarecrows to encircle her, keeping her disoriented and terrified. Her panic was really exciting to watch as she stumbled through the woods, her breath quickening with fear. The darkness plus the drugs was playing tricks on her mind, and she had no idea who or what was chasing her.

"Please stop !" 

I heard her desperate cries and pleas for mercy, but I was in no mood to grant her any break.