
I am OP

I slowly approached the staff, wearing a blank expression and moving as if I was wandering aimlessly. But deep inside, I was slowly closing in on him, like a predator stalking its prey. 

[Suggestion level 31 —> Level 40] [80%]

[Suggestion level 40 —> Level 41] [80.5%]

I decided to stop my attempts at increasing the suggestion level when I observed that each additional point only yielded a meager 0.5% improvement per points. As expected, the system  doubled the price, a development I had foreseen. However, what caught me off guard was the extent to which the system seemed driven to maximize its profits. 

It's like having a landlord who, the moment they catch wind of you getting a raise, decides to hike up your rent faster before you can buy the the  new Iphone 15. The only hiccup in this scenario is that I don't even have a lease contract with my system, so I can't exactly take it to the system supreme court for its unfair overcharging antics!